MUSIC - The Gregorian Chant: Sacred Music of the Medieval Era Flashcards
It is also known as the Middle Ages or the Dark Ages.
Medieval Period
When did the Medieval Period have approximately start and end?
400 A.D. - 1400 A.D.
This was an era of war, famine, and chaos, and people were searching for security and protection.
Medieval Period
It was the form of government established during the Middle Ages.
Feudal System
What are the five classes divided by the Feudal System?
The king, the bishop, the baron, the lord, and the peasant
Who issued the Edict of Milan to end the persecution of Christians?
Roman Emperor Constantine (313 A.D.)
Because the persecution of Christians had come to an end, Islam flourished across Europe.
FALSE; Christianity
This spread across Europe and cost many lives.
Black Death or the Bubonic Plaque
This mostly featured cathedrals, monasteries, and other religious structures.
Medieval Art and Architecture
It was predominantly Gothic in style, but there were also structures built in the Romanesque style.
Medieval Architecture
Inside the cathedral, these were some of the highlights of the Gothic church structure.
Stained glass windows
These became a famous art form during this time.
Illuminated Manuscripts or Elaborated Writings
During the medieval period, vocal music dominated the music scene.
There are records of instrumental music.
FALSE; There are no records because music, as played by instruments, was highly improvised at this time.
This was not notated during this period.
The use of ______ and _______ was very evident in medieval music.
(1) Small melodic intervals (2) Range
These pertain to the style and expression.
Melisma and Legato
These pertain to the pitches, which are sort of a building block of the music.
Church modes
The application of melisma, legato, and church mode were the usual characteristics of rhythm.
FALSE; Characteristics of Melody
It is a group of notes that are sung on a syllable of a particular word or text.
It is a smooth, even manner of musical performance.
It is one of the eight scales in the Gregorian Chant.
Church Mode
What is the other term for church mode?
Gregorian Mode
The concepts of harmony and tonality were different in the Middle Ages than those in modern Western music.
It was mainly used during the early part of the Middle Ages, that refers to only one musical line.
Monophonic texture
It was developed by combining several musical lines such as organum and motets.
Polyphonic texture
It was mainly sacred vocal music such as plainchant, conductus, masses, and motets, instrumental estampie, and secular vocal songs.
Musical genre
It is one of the distinctive music forms that marked the period.
Plainchant or Plainsong
It is a form of prayer song that is purely vocal, monophonic, and intended for church use only.
It is said that he initiated the compilation of a plainsong called the Gregorian chant to establish the unity of the church.
Pope Gregory the Great
These were notated in neumes.
Gregorian chants
It is the early form of musical notation used to transcribe the Gregorian chant.
How many lines of staff and square does the neume have to indicate the pitch, interval, and melodic motion?
It is a Gregorian chant written in neumatic notation.
Gaudeamus Omnes
It is the predecessor of the present musical notation.