Music Of Central And South America Flashcards
Name some instruments that early calypso songs could have been accompanied by
A banjo, guitar, maracas or a mouth organ
Characteristic rhythmic features of calypso include…
Regular 4.4 metre
Syncopation (off beat rhythms that give the music its lively often humorous character)
What rhythmic features sometimes occur in calypso?
Polyrhythms and cross rhythms
Other calypso music features include:
Major key Melody and accompaniment texture Repeated melodic ideas Ornamentation Ostinato
What part of steel bands play the melody?
Tenor or ping pong bands
What part of steel bands play the middle range notes?
Guitar or cello pans
What parts of the steel bands play the lowest notes?
Bass pans
How are the notes of steel bands played?
With rubber tipped wooden beaters and are often struck several times to create a roll or tremolo effect
What does the leader of a samba band play?
The repinique drums
Why does the leader of samba band give signals?
To set tempo, indicate when players should join in or drop out, and indicate changes like new rhythm and new section of music
How are changes In the music of a samba band indicated?
Hand signals or use of the whistle
Give another name for the samba band
Bateria which means percussion ensemble
What was the bateria developed from?
Brazilian carnivals of the early 20th century
Give some instruments frequently used in the bateria
Repinique, surdo, snare drums, shakers, agogo bells, tamborimes and claves
What is the repinique?
A Tom Tom drum, producing a high, strong and penetrating sound making a suitable lead
What are surdos?
Large deep resonating drums used for rhythmic pulse
What are tamborims?
Small drums played with wood or nylon beaters
What are claves?
A wooden resonating instrument quite high in pitch, sound similar to rain drops
Give five characteristic rhythmic features of samba
Syncopation, regular 2.4 or 3.4 metres, cross, rhythms, sudden stops and call and response
As a rhythmic feature of samba, state the meaning of batacuda
A style of samba that’s fast and repetitive
As a rhythmic feature of samba, state the meaning of polyrhythms
Where each instrument has a different rhythmic idea
As a rhythmic feature of samba, state the meaning of cross rhythms
An effect created when different rhythm patterns are played at the same time