Music For A While - Purcell Flashcards
A minor
Ternary (ABA)
List the 2 instruments used that make up the continuo
Harpsichord , bass viol
What is a ground bass?
Continuous bass line that repeats throughout a piece of music
Give three characteristics of the ground bass
3 bars long , repeated quavers, slow tempo
Describe the word-setting
melismatic and syllabic
Define word painting
Depicting a word in the music to reflect its meaning
What is a lament?
a song with sad feelings
List 3 characteristics of a lament
minor key, slow tempo, falling phrases
Give an example of when the melody is conjunct
Give an example of when the melody is disjunct
“Shall all, shall” or “drop, drop”
Name 3 features that give the piece a tranquil mood
Legato, Ground Bass(repetition), Soft instruments
Why are some words repeated?
For emphasis
What voice would traditionally sing this piece?
The words ‘drop’ are repeated in a succession of three notes that each start a note lower than before. What is the name for this melodic device?
How is section A1 different from A?
What play is this piece written for?
What voice type sings the piece we study?
What is the general shape of the melody of the ground bass?
Give 2 example of word painting and describe them
‘eas’d’ - discord that resolves
‘drop’ - short, descending