Music Cultures Oceania Flashcards
The Three Parts of Oceania
Melanesia Micronesia Polynesia
Dark Islands
Small Islands
Many Islands
Square Mileage of Oceania
Roughly 3 million sq. miles
Ritual Spiritual activities include…
Calling on animals and natural elements for guidance, protection, and subsistence.
Important instruments of Hawaii
Ukelele Steel Guitar DrumsVoiceHula
Steel guitar
Using a roughly 3-inch steel bar to slide over the strings of a guitar. Modern steel guitars don’t use regular guitars for the sliding effect, but now placed on the players lap or on legs.
Big drum using sharkskin heads. Used in many ritual contexts such as births and memorial services, but today is used to preserve Hawaiian ethnic identity.
Small drum made out of coconuts
Characteristics of Hawaiian vocals
VibratoOne pitch per syllable Portamento (sliding) Open vowel soundsUse of Falsetto Oral Tradition Practices Chants, called mele
A poetic form of song that tells a story
Outback or Bush
Interior of Australia that mainly consists of vast plains and large desert regions
Australia’s well know indigenous population who live in the interior of Australia
Belief systems in which natural phenomena as well as both animate and inanimate objects are considered to possess a spirit
Ancestor Spirits took human or other forms, and gave shape to land, plants, animals, etc. Once they formed these parts of the Earth, they changed shaped into land, animals, etc.
Musical Characteristic of Australia
Vocal exclamations: Storyteller shouting words Didjeridu: Long tree branch. Player uses circular breathing, growling, humming, to change the sound Clapsticks: Wood sticks that usually accompany the Didjeridu
Kundu (Papa New Guinea)
Hourglass shaped drum
Susap (Papa New Guinea)
“twangy” timbre, almost as if the singer is singing through a voice modulator