music 100 terms WEEK ONE Flashcards
In terms of human experience, what is time?
The sensation of the past, present, and future.
What makes time seem to have a direction?
When the present seems like a consequent of the past, and when past and present imply a future.
How can music direct time?
By organizing and presenting sounds to influence our perception of time.
What is “Loudness” as an immediately perceptible property of sound?
Loudness is how much the sound dominates our perception.
What is “Timbre” as an immediately perceptible property of sound?
Timbre is what is making the sound and how.
What is “Pitch” as an immediately perceptible property of sound?
Pitch is the quantity of the sounds with the same loudness and timbre differ. (In pitch)
What is a score?
Instruction for producing a sound.
What type of notation is the straight line?
Time proportional and piano roll
What is duration?
The time that passes from an earlier time point to a later one.
What is accent?
The emphasis of the timepoint.
What creates accent?
Abrupt and substantial change.
What is a musical process?
An activity that makes a present experience seem like it is a consequence of past experiences and that enables the listener to anticipate a future.
What is continuity?
Continuity is the sense of connection from an earlier to a later timepoint. It can be sensed during a sound, or in a series (ex. melody) of sounds, possibly including silences.
What is sustaining?
The process that creates an uninterrupted sound.
Sustaining is one way to create continuity.
What makes this series of sounds (as played in lecture) a voice?
Voice is a series of sounds (+ silences) from a single source.
What is rhythm?
Series of consecutive durations.
What is dynamic accent?
The stress that we feel on the onset of a sound that is clearly louder than the preceding sound.
What does “fp” mean?
Forte Piano, Loud onset then sustained softer play.
What is durational accent?
Stress at the onset of a sound that is clearly longer than the preceding sound.
Define “intensification”
The gradual increase in some immediately perceptible property.
Define “Diminishmment”
The gradual decrease in some immediately perceptible property.
Fortississimo - fff - Very very loud Fortissimo - ff - Very loud Forte - f - Loud Mezzo - mf - Somewhat loud Mezzo piano - mp - Somewhat soft Piano - p - piano Pianissimo - pp - very soft Pianississimo - ppp - very very soft
What are the four different types of articulation we discussed?
1) Detached articulation
2) Legato
3) Staccato
4) Tenuto
What is interonset duration?
Time that passes from on onset to the next onset (including rests) etc.