Musculoskeletal Points Flashcards
Location: in the center of the middle third of the Antitragus.
Function: For temporal or Migraine HA, can be used like Tai Yang point
Temple ( temporal Parietal Skull, Tai Yang)
Location: In the center of the anterior third of the Antitragus,
closest to the Intertragic notch.
Function: For frontal headaches, sinusitis, dizziness
Forehead ( Frontal Skull)
Location: In the center of the upper half of the sixth section of the lobe
below LM 13.
Function: Relieves pain at the top of the head. May be used like GV 20
Vertex ( Chinese Top of Head)- Even someone who is too much in the
Location : In the eighth section of the lobe, where the Scaphoid Fossa
and Lobe meet, at the end of the cartilage.
Function: Relieves jaw pain and tension. TMJ syndrome, grinding of
TMJ (Temporomandibular)
Location: Below LM 9 ( Intertragic Notch) In the center of the section
two of the lobe.
Function: Pain relief during dental procedures, gum disease, tooth
Dental Analgesia 1 ( Tooth Extraction Anesthesia 1, Upper Teeth)
Location: on the Helix Tail LM 4 (Inferior Darwin’s Tubercle) to LM 6
( Lobular-Helix Notch)
Function: Relieves dermatitis, urticaria, hives, psoriasis, poison oak/ ivy
and skin eruption.
Skin Disorder F1
Location: Same point as Master Sensorial. Located in the
center of the Lobe, usually, but not always in
section 4.
Function: Poor eyesight, blurred vision, eye irritation, any eye
problem which includes how the person sees
themselves in the world or how they believe they
are seen by others. How the person senses things
around them in their life. Do they use good sense
or bad sense.
Eye (Master Sensorial) Retina
Location: in the center of the posterior third of the Antitragus, near
Antitragal-Antihelix groove.
Function: For occipital or tension headaches, onset of Wind
( if HA- could be a spider vein)
Occiput (Occital Skull, Back of Heat, Atlas)
Location: on the concha side of Antihelix tail, between the
Base of the Antihelix at LM 14 and LM 15, the
Antihelix curve. ( Divide into 7 sections)
Function: Relieves neck pain, strain, torticollis, headaches, TMJ
Cervical Spine ( cervical vertebrae, posterior neck muscles)
Location: on the concha side of the Antihelix body between
(LM 15 Antihelix Curve and LM 16 at the Antihelix
Notch). Divide into 12 sections.
Function: Relieves upper back pain, low back pain, shoulder
pain, arthritis.
Thoracic Spine ( upper back, dorsal spine, thoracic vertebrae)
Location: On the Spine of the Antihelix inferior Crus, between
LM 16 ( Antihelix Notch) and LM 17 Midpt of the
Inferior Crus and Nogier’s sciatica point). Divide
Into 5 sections
Function: Relieves low back pain, sciatica pain, peripheral
Neuralgia. Relieves back strain and disc degeneration
Lumbar Spine ( lower back, lumbar vertebrae, sacroiliac)
Location: on the Spine of the Antihelix inferior Crus, between
LM 17 and LM 1 ( Helix insertion). Divide into 5
Function: Relieves low back pain, sciatica pain
Sacral Spine (coccyx)
Location: on the Scaphoid Fossa side, in the center of the
2nd section.
Function: for the premenstrual breast tenderness , fibrocystic
breasts, cancer, to expedite healing after surgery
( augmentation, reduction, lumpectomy). Chest pain
Intercostal pain, angina, chest heaviness, feeling of
someone sitting or putting pressure on chest.
Breast/ Chest
Location: at the tip of the triangular fossa.
Function: For groin pain, low back pain, hernias, digestive
disorders, induction of labor.
Pelvic Girdle ( Pelvis, Pelvic Cavity, Cavum Pelvis)
Location: on the Antihelix superior crus in the first quarter,
on the Triangular. Fossa side of the Superior Crus
of the Antihelix, level with Darwin’s tubercle.
Function: For hip and low back pain.
Hip c-