Musculoskeletal Pathologies Flashcards
Adhesive Capsulitis Etiology
onset related to direct injury of shoulder/begin insidiously. Most prevalent in females 40 to 60 yrs, pts w/ diabetes. Self-limiting, resolves in 1 to 2 years, some pts have residual loss of motion
ACL Sprain Etiology
Noncontact twisting injury W/hyperextension, varus/valgus stress to knee. Usually includes injury to other knee structures, medial capsule, MCL, menisci
Congenital Torticollis Etiology
unilateral contracture of sternocleidomastoid, seen 0-2 mos old
etiology unknown, associated w/ malpositioning in utero, birth trauma
Glenohumeral instability Etiology
Combination of forces stress anterior capsule, glenohumeral ligament, rotator cuff = humerus moves interiorly out of glenoid fossa. Anterior dislocation most common, associated with shoulder ABD & lat rotation
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Etiology
unknown, theorized that external source = virus/ infection/ trauma triggering autoimmune response in child w/ genetic predisposition
Impingement Syndrome Etiology
humeral head & associated rotator cuff attachments migrate approximately, become impinged on undersurface of acromion & coracoacromial ligament
Lateral epicondylitis Etiology
Microtrauma to EXT carpi radialis brevis from eccentric loading. Most common 30 to 50 years old
MCL sprain Etiology
contact/noncontact, fixed-foot, external tibial rotation injury w/ valgus force
Associated w/ football, skiing, soccer
Meniscus tear Etiology
fixed foot rotation + weight bearing on the flexed knee produces compression & rotation force on meniscus
Osgood-Schlatter disease Etiology
repetitive tension to patellar tendon over tibial tuberosity in young athletes = small avulsion of tuberosity & swelling
Osteoarthritis Etiology
unknown. Appears in middle age, affects nearly all individuals by 70 yrs. More common in men than women up to 55, more common in women 55+ yrs. Risk factors = overweight, fractures/other joint injuries, occupational/athletic overuse
Osteogenesis imperfecta Etiology
connective tissue disorder that affects formation of collagen during bone development: 4 classes
genetic inheritance- types I and IV = autosomal dominant , types II and III = autosomal recessive
Patellofemoral syndrome Etiology
pain/discomfort in anterior knee a.k.a. chondromalacia patella
increased force @patellofemoral joint = repetitive over use disorder.
Factors = decreased quad strength, decreased LE flexibility, patellar instability, increased tibial torsion/femoral anteversion.
Increased risk = females, growth spurts, runners w/recently increased mileage, overweight
Plantar fasciitis Etiology
acute injury from excessive loading of foot/chronic irritation from excessive pronation. Most common 40-60 yrs
PCL sprain Etiology
most common = landing on tibia W/flexed knee/hitting dashboard in MVA w/ flexed knee. Usually involve other knee structures like ACL, MCL, LCL, menisci
Achilles Tendonitis Etiology
repetitive overload of Achilles tendon caused by changes in training intensity/faulty technique.
Activities associated = running, basketball, gymnastics, dancing
Rheumatoid arthritis Etiology
unknown. 1 to 2% of American population affected. Women affected 3X more than men, most common age onset = 40 to 60 years
Rotator cuff tear Etiology
intrinsic factors = impaired blood supply to tendon resulting in degeneration. Extrinsic factors = trauma, repetitive microtrauma, postural abnormalities
Scoliosis Etiology
idiopathic, usually diagnosed between 10-13 yrs- girls have greater risk of acquiring curve > 30 degrees
Total hip arthropasty Etiology
elective surgery to treat osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteomyelitis, a vascular necrosis
Total Knee Arthroplasty Etiology
elective surgery to treat osteoarthritis, osteomyelitis
Adhesive Capsulitis Signs/Symptoms
localized pain extending down arm, reported stiffness, night pain, restricted ROM in capsular pattern
Adhesive Capsulitis Treatment
increase ROM w/ Glenohumeral mobilizations, ROM exercises, palliative modalities. Avoid overstretching, elevating pain = further loss of motion.
Surgical options = subscapular nerve block, closed manipulation
ACL Sprain Signs/Symptoms
reported loud pop/feeling of knee “giving way,” “buckling,” dizziness, sweating, swelling. Use anterior drawer test, Lachman test, lateral pivot shift test to diagnose
ACL Sprain Treatment
RICE, NSAIDs, analgesics.
Conservative: LE strengthening W/emphasis on quads and hamstrings.
Surgery for complete ACL tear= intra-articular reconstruction using patellar tendon/ IT band/ hamstrings tendon.
Derotation brace for patient with ACL deficient knee, limited benefit for patient post surgery