Musculoskeletal Imaging 2 Flashcards
What is the major disease of the immature skeleton?
Osteochondrosis (OC) / Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD)
Describe OC/ OCD?
Results from focal area of dysfunction of endochondral ossification
- Occurs in the epiphyseal cartilage complex and growth plate
- Articular cartilage becomes thickened because it doesn’t mineralise
- On radiograph, appears as a SC bone defect
What animals tend to be affected by OC?
- Humans
- Dogs
- Pigs
- Horses
- Cattle
- Chickens
- Turkeys
What are the clinical signs of OC?
- Lameness
- Pain
- Crepitus
- Swelling
Where does the dog tend to get OC?
On articular surfaces
- Shoulder
- Elbow
- Stifle
- Tarsus
- Vertebral articular facets
Describe OC signalment in the shoulder of a dog…
Sex: M: F is 2.25
Age: 4-8 months
Breed: Large & Giant Breeds
Describe OC clinical signs in the shoulder of a dog…
- Most common form of OC
- Weight bearing lameness in brought on by exercise
- Shortened forelimb stride
- Pain on extension/ flexion of the shoulder
- Bilateral disease ~ 50% of the time
- Bilateral lameness~21% of the time
Describe OC radiographic findings in the shoulder of a dog…
- Lateral view is most helpful
- Defect or flattening of the caudal humeral head
- SC bone sclerosis
- Mineralised flap
- Secondary Osteoarthritis/ DJD
Describe OC signalment in the elbow of a dog…
Sex: M more than F
Breed: Large breeds, commonly retrievers
Describe OC clinical signs in the elbow of a dog…
- Second most common
- Weight bearing lameness is exacerbated by exercise
- Pain on flexion/ extension of elbow
- Often bilateral
Describe OC radiographic findings in the elbow of a dog…
- Cranial- Caudal and Oblique views
- SC defect of medial humeral condyle
- SC sclerosis
- Rarely see joint mouse
- Secondary OA/ DJD of the medial epicondyle
Describe OC signalment in the stifle of a dog…
Sex: M more than F
Age: 5-7 months at onset
Breed: Great Dane, Labs, Newfoundland, German Shepherd
Describe OC clinical signs in the stifle of a dog…
- Least common of OC lesions
- Subtle hind leg lameness exacerbated by exercise
- Stifle joint pain
- Swelling and reduced range of motion
- Often bilateral
Describe OC radiographic findings in the stifle of a dog…
- Best seen on Cranial- Caudal view
- Radiolucent SC bone defect
- SC bone sclerosis
- Secondary DJD
Describe OC signalment in the tarsus of a dog…
Sex: M and F equal
Age: 6-12 months of age at diagnosis
Breed: Rottweilers and Labs in >70% of cases
Describe OC clinical signs in the tarsus of a dog…
- Third most common OC lesion
- Progressive lameness over several months
- Intermittent non-weight- bearing lameness OR… persistent weight bearing lameness exacerbated by exercise
- Joint swelling
- Bilateral 40%
Describe OC radiographic findings in the tarsus of a dog…
- Medial trochlear ridge is most common
- Best seen on DIP or flexed DIP
- Widening of the joint space medially
- Flattening or misshaped medial trochlear ridge
- Swelling
- SC sclerosis
- Secondary DJD
Describe signalment of retained cartilaginous core OC findings of the distal ulnar physis of a dog…
Sex: M and F equal
Age: 6-12 months
Breeds: Giant (St. Bernard, Great Dane, Setters)
Describe clinical features of retained cartilaginous core OC findings of the distal ulnar physis of a dog…
- Often incidental finding
- No clinical lameness
- Can result in asynchronous growth
Describe radiographic findings of retained cartilaginous core OC findings of the distal ulnar physis of a dog…
- Inverted conical shaped radiolucent zone extending from the distal ulnar physis to distal ulnar metaphysis
- Usually bilateral symmetric
Describe OC signalment in Hip Dysplasia of a dog…
Sex: no sex predilection
Breed: All breeds, Giant and Large
Age: 67% by 1 year, 95% by 2 years, 98% by 3 years
Describe OC clinical signs in Hip Dysplasia of a dog…
- Genetic Disease
- Joint loose ligaments due to inappropriate development
- Usually bilateral but can be unilateral
- Abnormal gait
- Pain
- Reluctance to rise, jump etc.
- Muscle atrophy
Describe OC Radiographic Evaluation in Hip Dysplasia of a dog in extended limb view…
- Limbs extended and parallel with patellas superimposed over femurs
- Symmetrical wings of ilia
- Symmetrical sacroiliac joints
- Symmetrical obturator foramen
- Femurs should equally cross the ischiatic tuberosity
- Entire pelvis and both stifles on film
Describe normal radiographic findings for Dogs with Hip Dysplasia…
- Deeply formed cup-shaped acetabulum
- Smooth articular margin
- Greater than 2/3 coverage of femoral head by acetabulum
- Parallel articular margins
- Narrow femoral neck with smooth margins