Musculoskeletal Assessment Flashcards


What is the main function of the 206 bones in the human body?
a) Storage of minerals
b) Support
c) Hematopoiesis
d) Muscles

What covers the ends of bones, is avascular, and aids in movement?
a) Muscles
b) Cartilage
c) Tendons
d) Ligaments

What connects bone to bone?
a) Muscles
b) Tendons
c) Ligaments
d) Cartilage

What connects muscles to bones?
a) Cartilage
b) Tendons
c) Ligaments
d) Smooth muscles

What is the process of blood cell formation in the bone marrow called?
a) Hematopoiesis
b) Muscle contraction
c) Mineralization
d) Synovial joint formation

What is the primary function of synovial joints?
a) Protection
b) Movement
c) Support
d) Mineral storage

Which type of muscle is responsible for voluntary movement?
a) Skeletal
b) Smooth
c) Cardiac
d) None of the above

Which type of joint is not surrounded by a synovial membrane?
a) Synovial joint
b) Non-synovial joint
c) Ligamentous joint
d) Cartilaginous joint


Answer: b) Support

Answer: b) Cartilage

Answer: c) Ligaments

Answer: b) Tendons

Answer: a) Hematopoiesis

Answer: b) Movement

Answer: a) Skeletal

Answer: b) Non-synovial joint

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Which type of joint is characterized by bones that are connected by hyaline cartilage?
a. Synarthroses
b. Amphiarthroses
c. Diathrosis Joints

Which type of joint is immovable?
a. Synarthroses
b. Amphiarthroses
c. Diathrosis Joints

Which type of joint is characterized by bones in very close contact, separated by a thin layer of fibrous connective tissue?
a. Synarthroses
b. Amphiarthroses
c. Diathrosis Joints

Which type of diathrosis joint is characterized by a rounded surface of one bone fitting into a ring of another bone and allows for rotational movement?
a. Pivot
b. Condyloid
c. Saddle
d. Ball & Socket
e. Hinge
f. Gliding

Which type of diathrosis joint is characterized by a convex surface of one bone fitting into a concave surface of another bone and allows for movement in two directions?
a. Pivot
b. Condyloid
c. Saddle
d. Ball & Socket
e. Hinge
f. Gliding

Which type of diathrosis joint is characterized by both bones having a saddle-shaped surface and allows for movement in multiple directions?
a. Pivot
b. Condyloid
c. Saddle
d. Ball & Socket
e. Hinge
f. Gliding

Which type of diathrosis joint is characterized by a ball-shaped surface of one bone fitting into a socket-shaped surface of another bone and allows for movement in multiple directions?
a. Pivot
b. Condyloid
c. Saddle
d. Ball & Socket
e. Hinge
f. Gliding

Which type of diathrosis joint is characterized by a cylindrical projection of one bone fitting into a corresponding concavity of another bone and allows for movement in one direction?
a. Pivot
b. Condyloid
c. Saddle
d. Ball & Socket
e. Hinge
f. Gliding

Which type of diathrosis joint is characterized by bones that slide over each other and allows for limited movement in multiple directions?
a. Pivot
b. Condyloid
c. Saddle
d. Ball & Socket
e. Hinge
f. Gliding


Answer: b. Amphiarthroses

Answer: a. Synarthroses

Answer: a. Synarthroses

Answer: a. Pivot

Answer: b. Condyloid

Answer: c. Saddle

Answer: d. Ball & Socket

Answer: e. Hinge

Answer: f. Gliding

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Question 1: What type of joint occurs between the axis and atlas in the neck?
A) Pivot
B) Condyloid
C) Saddle

Question 2: What type of joint occurs between the metacarpals and phalanges?
A) Pivot
B) Condyloid
C) Saddle

Question 3: What type of joint allows for a wide range of movement due to the complementary shapes of two bones?
A) Pivot
B) Condyloid
C) Saddle

Question 4: Where is the only saddle joint in the body located?
A) Knee
B) Wrist
C) Thumb


Answer: A) Pivot

Answer: B) Condyloid

Answer: C) Saddle

Answer: C) Thumb

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Which type of joint allows the widest range of motion including rotation?
a. Ball-and-Socket
b. Hinge
c. Gliding

What type of joint permits only flexion and extension?
a. Ball-and-Socket
b. Hinge
c. Gliding

Which type of joint allows sliding or twisting without any circular movement?
a. Ball-and-Socket
b. Hinge
c. Gliding


Answer: a. Ball-and-Socket

Answer: b. Hinge

Answer: c. Gliding

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Which of the following is a result of circulating hormones during pregnancy?
a. Decreased mobility in joints
b. Increased mobility in joints
c. No effect on mobility in joints
d. Increased muscle mass

What is lordosis?
a. A condition where there is decreased height due to shortening of the vertebral column
b. A change in maternal posture during pregnancy
c. A genetic disorder that affects skeletal structures
d. An age-related disease that leads to osteoporosis

Which of the following is true regarding osteoporosis in aging adults?
a. It is not a normal part of the aging process
b. There is no decrease in height associated with osteoporosis
c. It is a normal part of the aging process
d. Osteoporosis leads to an increase in muscle mass

What happens to fat and muscle mass in aging adults?
a. Both fat and muscle mass increase
b. Both fat and muscle mass decrease
c. Fat mass decreases and muscle mass increases
d. Fat mass decreases and muscle mass decreases

Which of the following is an example of a cultural consideration that can affect physical development?
a. A genetic predisposition to osteoporosis
b. A cultural tradition of physical activity
c. A cultural preference for a particular body type
d. A genetic disorder that affects skeletal structures


Answer: b. Increased mobility in joints

Answer: b. A change in maternal posture during pregnancy

Answer: c. It is a normal part of the aging process

Answer: d. Fat mass decreases and muscle mass decreases

Answer: c. A cultural preference for a particular body type

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What is a sprain?
A) Pulling or tearing injury to the muscles
B) Pulling or tearing injury to the ligaments
C) A cut or puncture wound
D) None of the above

Which of the following is a common symptom of a sprain?
A) Sudden muscle weakness
B) Joint pain and swelling
C) Skin discoloration
D) All of the above

When does the pain and swelling associated with a sprain typically get worse?
A) Immediately after the injury
B) Within a few minutes of the injury
C) Several hours after the injury
D) The pain and swelling do not get worse

What are some common locations for sprains to occur?
A) Elbow, hip, and neck joints
B) Ankle, knee, finger, wrist, and shoulder joints
C) Knee, wrist, and shoulder joints
D) None of the above

How does an ankle sprain usually occur?
A) By falling forward
B) By falling backward
C) By twisting the ankle inward
D) By twisting the ankle outward

Which part of the ankle is typically affected in an ankle sprain?
A) Medial aspect
B) Lateral aspect
C) Anterior aspect
D) Posterior aspect

What is often heard at the time of an ankle sprain injury?
A) Crackling sound
B) Grinding sound
C) “Snap” or “pop” sound
D) None of the above

Where does the pain and swelling typically occur in an ankle sprain?
A) Medial aspect of the ankle
B) Lateral aspect of the ankle
C) Anterior aspect of the ankle
D) Posterior aspect of the ankle


Answer: B

Answer: B

Answer: C

Answer: B

Answer: C

Answer: B

Answer: C

Answer: B

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What is a strain?
a) A tear in a bone
b) Damage to a muscle or its attached tendons
c) A break in a joint
d) An inflammation of a nerve

What is another name for a muscle strain?
a) Tear
b) Fracture
c) Break
d) Pull

Which of the following is NOT a sign or symptom of a muscle strain?
a) Swelling
b) Redness
c) Numbness
d) Pain at rest

What is one common sign of a muscle strain?
a) Tightness
b) Itching
c) Heat
d) Weakness of the muscle or tendons

What can a person with a muscle strain experience?
a) No pain at all
b) Pain only with movement
c) Pain only at rest
d) Both pain at rest and with movement


Answer: b) Damage to a muscle or its attached tendons

Answer: d) Pull

Answer: c) Numbness

Answer: d) Weakness of the muscle or tendons

Answer: d) Both pain at rest and with movement

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Which of the following tests is used to assess for carpel tunnel syndrome?
a) Bulge sign
b) McMurray’s test
c) Phalen’s test
d) Goniometer

Which of the following tests is used to assess for effusion in the knee joint?
a) Phalen’s test
b) Bulge sign
c) McMurray’s test
d) Goniometer

Which of the following tests is used to assess for a meniscal tear in the knee joint?
a) Goniometer
b) Phalen’s test
c) Bulge sign
d) McMurray’s test

Which of the following tools is used to measure the degree of flexion in a joint?
a) McMurray’s test
b) Phalen’s test
c) Goniometer
d) Bulge sign


Answer: c) Phalen’s test

Answer: b) Bulge sign

Answer: d) McMurray’s test

Answer: c) Goniometer

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What is the medical term for an abnormal curvature of the spine?
A. Scoliosis
B. Kyphosis
C. Lordosis
D. Bowleg

What is the medical term for an excessive outward curvature of the spine?
A. Scoliosis
B. Kyphosis
C. Lordosis
D. Bowleg

What is the medical term for an excessive forward curvature of the upper spine?
A. Scoliosis
B. Kyphosis
C. Lordosis
D. Bowleg

What is the medical term for a deformity in which the legs appear bowed outwards?
A. Scoliosis
B. Kyphosis
C. Lordosis
D. Bowleg

What is the medical term for a deformity in which the knees touch when the legs are straightened?
A. Scoliosis
B. Kyphosis
C. Lordosis
D. Knock knees

What is the medical term for a condition in which the hip joint is dislocated at birth?
A. Congenital dislocated hip
B. Scoliosis
C. Kyphosis
D. Lordosis

What is the medical term for a condition in which muscles waste away?
A. Atrophy
B. Contractures
C. Gout
D. Arthritis

What is the medical term for a condition in which there is permanent shortening of muscles or tendons?
A. Atrophy
B. Contractures
C. Gout
D. Arthritis

What is the medical term for a type of arthritis that causes sudden attacks of joint pain and swelling?
A. Atrophy
B. Contractures
C. Gout
D. Arthritis

What is the medical term for a condition in which there is inflammation of the joints, causing pain and stiffness?
A. Atrophy
B. Contractures
C. Gout
D. Arthritis

What is the medical term for a condition that causes widespread pain and tenderness in the muscles and soft tissues?
A. Fibromyalgia
B. Lupus (SLE)
C. Club foot
D. Hammer toes

What is the medical term for a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect various parts of the body, including the skin, joints, and organs?
A. Fibromyalgia
B. Lupus (SLE)
C. Club foot
D. Hammer toes

What is the medical term for a deformity in which the foot is twisted out of shape or position?
A. Fibromyalgia
B. Lupus (SLE)
C. Club foot
D. Hammer toes

What is the medical term for a condition in which one or more toes are bent into a claw-like position?
A. Fibromyalgia
B. Lupus (SLE)
C. Club foot
D. Hammer toes

Answer: D. Hammer toes
What is the medical term for inflammation of a bursa, a small fluid-filled sac that cushions and lubricates a joint?
A. Bursitis
B. Synovitis
C. Ankylosis

What is the medical term for inflammation of the synovial membrane, which lines the joints?
A. Bursitis
B. Synovitis
C. Ankylosis

What is the medical term for a stiffening or fusion of a joint due to bone growth?
A. Bursitis
B. Synovitis
C. Ankylosis


Answer: A. Scoliosis

Answer: C. Lordosis

Answer: B. Kyphosis

Answer: D. Bowleg

Answer: D. Knock knees

Answer: A. Congenital dislocated hip

Answer: A. Atrophy

Answer: B. Contractures

Answer: C. Gout

Answer: D. Arthritis

Answer: A. Fibromyalgia

Answer: B. Lupus (SLE)

Answer: C. Club foot

Answer: D. Hammer toes

Answer: A. Bursitis

Answer: B. Synovitis

Answer: C. Ankylosis

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What is Spina bifida?
a) A type of bone cancer
b) A birth defect that affects the spine and spinal cord
c) A type of autoimmune disorder
d) An inherited disorder that affects the kidneys

What is a Bunion?
a) A type of bone fracture
b) An inflammation of the joints caused by infection
c) A painful bump on the side of the foot
d) A type of skin cancer

What is Carpal tunnel?
a) A painful condition of the hand and fingers caused by compression of a nerve in the wrist
b) A type of bone cancer that affects the wrist
c) An inflammation of the cartilage in the wrist
d) A type of bacterial infection that affects the hand and fingers

What is Marfan’s disease?
a) An inherited disorder that affects the connective tissue
b) A type of autoimmune disorder
c) A type of skin cancer
d) An inflammation of the joints caused by infection

What is Osteoporosis?
a) A type of bone cancer
b) A condition that causes bones to become weak and brittle
c) An inflammation of the joints caused by infection
d) A type of autoimmune disorder

What is a Herniated disk?
a) A type of bone fracture
b) An inflammation of the cartilage in the back
c) A condition in which a spinal disc ruptures and the gel-like substance inside leaks out
d) A type of bacterial infection that affects the spine

What is a Meniscal tear?
a) A type of bone cancer that affects the knee
b) An inflammation of the cartilage in the knee
c) A condition in which the meniscus, a piece of cartilage in the knee, tears
d) A type of bacterial infection that affects the knee


Answer: b

Answer: c

Answer: a

Answer: a

Answer: b

Answer: c

Answer: c

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