Musculoskeletal (3%) Flashcards
Describe the process of osteogenesis/ bone remodeling
Describe the proper emergent treatment for a dog or cat with an open fracture.
List the Salter-Harris fracture classifications scheme.
What is hypertrophic osteopathy?
Where and how do you occlude blood vessels to achieve emergency hemostasis in splenic bleeds? Hepatic bleeds?
During CPR to increase blood flow to the brain?
Outline the four categories of necrotizing soft tissue infections (NSTI) and note which of the four is most commonly seen
in veterinary cases. What is the most common cause of NSTI in small animals?
Review the following common bandaging techniques and their indications:
Robert Jones
Briefly describe the technique to reduce and stabilize luxations of:
Review the clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment of immune-mediated polyarthritis (IMPA). What
is the prognosis?
Review the pathophysiology and common bacterial causes of septic arthritis. How is it diagnosed and treated?
Open fracture classification
Stages of wound healing
Inflammatory stage of wound healing
Debridement phase of wound healing
Repair/proliferation phase of wound healing