Musculoskeletal Flashcards
Rotator Cuff Impingement or tear test
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome test
Phalen Test - wrist to wrist
ACL integrity test
Lachman Test
ACL and PCL ingrity test
Drawer Test
Torn meniscus test
McMurray test
L4-S1 nerve root irritation/lumbar radiculopathy test
Straight leg raise
Contracture of hip test
Thomas Test
- Gradual onset weeks to months
- Morning stiffness can last MANY hours
- Fatigue is very common
- FUSIFORM soft tissue enlargement, RA nodules, synovial thickening (most joints are synovial joints and are susceptible to arthritis)
- Sometimes warm to touch
- MODERATE joint enlargement
- Bouchard nodes-PIP joints
- Swan neck
- Gradual over MANY years subtle
- Morning stiffness alleviated after several minutes
- Fatigue uncommon
- Non-inflammatory, little synovial reaction
- Not usually warm to touch
- MILD joint enlargement
- Heberden nodes- DIP joints
- OVERUSE of the joints
One of two tests that asses for rotator cuff injury
hawkins or neer
musculoskeletal test begins
when patients walks into room
In differentiating OA from RA, a patient with OA typically exhibits all of the following EXCEPT
Fusiform joint swelling
When performing the drawer test, the examiner would place the patient in a supine position and flex the knee 45-90 degree, placing the foot flat on the table and then:
Pulling tibia back and fourth
What is very common in older adults that decreases height
The best way to inspect spine of children/adolescents for lateral curvature is
have them touch their toes
Risk factors for sports-related injuries include:
not warming up for sports
what does barlow-ortolani maneuver assess:
developmental dysplasia of the hip
hip alignment was wrong .. ?
When performing phalen maneuver a tingling sensation from the wrist to the hand occurs. This is indicative of:
carpal tunnel syndrome
An increase in muscle tone is known as:
Gowers Sign
Positive: patient will use their hands to walk up their legs to standing positive
Indicates Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Assessment of MS in adults