Female/Male Genitalia Flashcards
Masses and enlargement in male breast: How do you assess and what could this mean?
Breast tissue in adolescent males- may enlarge (gynecomastia) which may disappear on its own
May be drug related- certain meds, or recreational drugs (spironolactone can cause this)
Uterus & adnexa & ovaries
Palpate the uterus- usually 2 fingers in the vaginal canal and palpate the uterus with the other hand/fingertips
anal wink
checking the anal sphincter tone assessing sacral reflex
Menopause what are normal occurrences and what are abnormal?
Post menopause = > 1 yr without bleeding
RED FLAG: bleeding post-menopause could mean endometrial/uterine cancer
Breast Assessment
- Largest amount of breast tissue is in the upper outer quadrant (9 o’clock to 12 o’clock position) and the tail of spence
> Common site for breast cancers
Need to inspect and palpate (there’s a difference)
INSPECT: A good way to inspect is patient sitting with hands on hips gown at waist
PALPATE: Supine with the arm above head usually under head for support, May put a town or roll under that shoulder.
-Document abnormalities of breast according to clock position
Ovarian Cancer
Asymptomatic at first then presents as abdominal vague symptoms such as fullness and bloating
Or found by enlarged ovary
Cervical Cancer
Asymptomatic usually found on pap smear
Normal findings in male infants/toddlers
How to asses
- Male Assess penis and urethral meatus
- Foreskin if present is fully retractable by age 3-4
Make sure you can palpate both in the scrotal sac-possible undescended testes-refer to pediatric surgeon
-Cremasteric reflex- when the scrotal contents retract in response to cold hands
Normal findings in female infants/toddlers
How to asses
Bacterial vaginosis (BV)
Overgrowth of bacteria naturally found in the vaginal canal
How to diagnose:
- Chief cause Gardnerella vaginalis- FISHY odor
- CLUE cells will be present on a wet mount PH maybe higher than 4.5 (normal pH is 3.8-4.5)
- KOH is added to wet mount and if there is a strong fishy odor most likely BV
may be asymptomatic or may have discharge with a slight odor
Urine or cervical/vaginal swab to diagnose
dysuria, green or yellow vaginal discharge
Gonorrhea nucleic acid amplification (NAAT) is the optimal test, culture, urine
Condyloma Acuminatum
(genital warts)
Molluscum Contagiosum
IN CHILDREN not considered an STI
Caused by infection with a protozoan parasite
Sometimes asymptomatic may have vaginal discharge- white, grey yellow or green, possible dysuria or CMT
Ectopic pregnancy
- any pregnancy outside the uterus
- low back pain, abdominal pain cramping, CMT
- Any rupture is a medical emergency
- they will have + HCG
Any infection and/or STI can lead to PID- infection of uterus and adnexa
- CMT a classic sign along with abdominal pain, fevers etc.
Genital Herpes
Caused by HSV- herpetic lesions- vesicles
– Chiefly caused by HSV-2
- however HSV-1 which is oral to oral contact can cause genital infection
burning in and around thevaginaandvulva, dyspareunia, dysuria thick, whitevaginaldischarge
Torturous thickened spermatic cord- feels like a ”bag of worms”
Do not need treatment unless symptomatic-surgery can cause infertility issues
Testicular Torsion
twisting of the testes twisting the spermatic cord
Sudden onset of sever pain to the affected side. MEDICAL emergency
What should Epididymis feel like?
Inflammation of the epididymis – painful, swollen red scrotum, dysuria. may have fever or urethral discharge
Common causes: STI or UTI- screen and treat with appropriate antibiotics
Epididymis – should be nontender (posterolateral aspect of testes)
Testicular Cancer
What should Testes feel like
Testes should feel smooth and rubbery devoid of masses
Fluid accumulation in scrotum
Fluid will TRANSILLUMINATE! US to confirm
Usually disappears in the first year of life in infants. In adults usually does not require treatment but surgery may be an option