Muscular system Flashcards
What do muscles do?
- Enable us to move our body parts
- Give us individual shape
- Protect and keep in place our abdominal organs
- Enables us to maintain good posture
- Help in the circulation of our blood
- Generates body heat when they contract (Shivering)
How many skeletal muscles are in the body? How many are in the head and the neck?
There are over 600 skeletal muscles in the body. 150 are in the head and the neck.
What are the 3 types of muscles based on how they work?
- Skeletal
- Smooth
- Cardiac
What are involuntary muscles? What muscles do they include?
- Work automatically
- Not under our conscious control
- Ex, muscles of the digestive system, cardiac muscle.
Cardiac muscles
Smooth muscles
What are voluntary muscles? What muscles does that include?
- Under our conscious control
- We instruct them to perform everyday actions
- Ex, walking, running, jumping
Skeletal muscles
What shape are cardiac muscles and where are they found?
Striped (Aka, strated)
Only found in the heart
What shape are smooth muscles and where are they found?
- Organs
- Blood vessels
- Hair follicles
What shape are skeletal muscles and where are they found?
Striped (Aka, strated)
Attached to bones
How many nuclei are in each muscle cell? (Cardiac, smooth, skeletal)
Cardiac - One
Smooth - One
Skeletal - Many
What are the three muscle fiber types?
- Slow - Type 1
- Fast - Type IIA
- Very fast - Type IIB
What are the contraction speeds of all the fiber types?
Type 1 - Slow
Type IIA - Medium
Type IIB - Fast
What are the muscle fiber types resistance to fatigues?
Type 1 - High (Can last a long time)
Type IIA - Medium
Type IIB - Low (Gets tired quickly)
What activities do type 1 fiber types do?
- Triathlon
- Biking
- Swimming
- Hiking
- Long-distance running
What activities do type IIA fiber types do?
3 minute efforts
- 400m/800m runs
- Hockey shift
- Soccer shift
What activities do type IIB fiber types do?
Less than 10 seconds
One max effort
- Jump
- Pole vault
- Throwing
- 40 yard dash
- Power lift
Where are the muscle fiber types?
Type 1 - Neck, Legs
Type IIA - Animals
Type IIB - Arms
What do the average person, an elite marathon runner, and an elite sprinter have in terms of fast versus slow twitch?
Average person - 50/50
Marathon runner - 20/80
Sprinter - 80/20
How can you train muscles fibers to be faster?
- Strengthen them (Lift weights)
- Endurance/Stamination
- Interval training - Work on speed/power
What is an antagonist?
Muscle that goes against the muscle that starts the action
What is an agonist?
The muscle that starts the action
What is another word for a prime mover?
How do synergist muscles work? What muscles do these include?
Muscles that work together
- Abs
- Quads
What is DOMS
D - Delayed
O - Onset
M - Muscle
S - Soreness
- Occurs after a hard workout or new activity.
- 24-48 hours past when it peaks.
Recovering - Little bit of activity, cold shower, rolling
What causes DOMS?
Caused by small tears of the muscle fiber
Microfibrial tears of the muscle
What is muscle fatigue?
- A muscle is so tired that it either can’t contract or stays contracted
- Won’t fire
- Rest + Recover
What is oxygen debt?
- Body competes for O2
- Skeletal muscles will lost the competition
- Organs + Muscles need it
- Muscles build up with lactic acid
- Feel sluggish, heavy legs, tired, etc,
How do we name muscles?
- Direction of fibers (Transverse Atlas)
- # of divisions (Biceps, tricepts, quads)
- SHAPE (Deltoid, trapezius)
- Location (Tbialis, anterior)
- Action (Flexor, extensor)
- Origin + insertion (Starting point + Ending point)
(Know 3)
Give an example of a first class lever.
Give an example of a second-class lever.
Give an example of a third-class lever.
Lifting an object
How much force do type IIA fiber types have?
Medium force
How much force do type 1 fiber types have?
Low force
How much force do type IIB fiber types have?
High force