Muscular system Flashcards
What are the benefits of warm up on the muscular system?
Greater strength of contr\ction due ot improved elastcity of muscle fibres
Faster speed of contraction due to an increased speed of nerve trasnmission to the muscle fibres
Faster speed of contraction and relaxation of teh muscle fibers due to an increase in muscle temp
Increased speed adn strength of contractoion due to improvement in cooridnation between antagonistic muscle pairs because of a reduction in muscle viscosity
Reduced risk of injury due to increased blood and oxygen flow ot muscles
Benefits of warm up on skeletal system
Improved range of mmotionIncreases production of synovial fluid from the articualr caritlage
What happens in a warm up?
Increased tempurature of body and muscles
The body structure and parts move more freeluy
Psychollogically prepared
what happens in a warm up: Increased tempurature of body and muscles
Increased speed of contraction and relaxation of warmed muscles. The ehating effect allows muscles to beocme more extensible. Thsi makes stretching muscles and tendons easier and effective.
What happens in a warm up: Vasodilation
Increased blood flow thorugh active tissues as local vascualr beds dilate, increasing metabolism and muscle tempuratures
What happens in a warm up: : Thwe body strcutrue and parts move more freely
By carryign out functional activities such as sprintign there will be an activatioon of neural pathways, which speeds up reaction time durign a match
What happens to teh skeletal system during exercise
Increased synovial fluid production
Increased range of movement
What happens to teh muscular sytsem durign exercise
Musclae contract
Increased blood flow
What happebns to the skeletal system during exercise: Increased synovial fluid production
This helps to lubricate the joints: Shhort term response to exercise
What happens to teh skeletal system during exercise: Increase rnage of movemnt
Due to inctrease in synovial fluid production, this cna also inctrease teh range of movment
Often after long period of immobility, the joints stiffen up and lose their movement. Hence exerice increases synovial fluid production, lubricating the joints, ioncreasign teh raneg off movemtn, therfore improving techinique
What happens ot the skeletal system as a result of exercise over time
Inctreased bone mass
Stronger ligaments
Improved ability to weight bear
What happens to teh skeletal system as a reult of exerice over time: Increase dbone mass
Your skeletal system reposds to exercise by taking in more calcium. Osteoblasts are cells that carry calcium to bones. Exericses thatv reuqire force through a particualr bone strengthens that bone. Exericise increases the density anmd styrength of oyur bones
Whgat happens ot the skleetal system as result of exercise over time: Improves teh ability to weight bear
Prevents injury, tolerate greater work loads
What ahppens to teh muscular system during exercise: Muscle hypertrophy
More muscle cells increase size and volume therfore creating more force with every movemnt
What happens to teh muscular system during exercise: Increase in mitochondria
When an individual exercises on a regular basis the no of mitochondira will increase to allow metabolism to take place. This allows more oxygen to be transported aroudn the body and there will be a greater energy production.
What happens to the muscular system during exercise: Increased blood flow
Produces more energy
What happens to teh muscular sytsem with exercise obver time
Increased number of blood vessels cappilirisation#
Tendons become stronger
Incraesed myoglobin stores
Increased store of glycogen and fat
What happens to teh muscualr system with exercise eover time: Increased nu,ber of blood vessles cappilariation
Produce mroe energy
more oxygen to tissues and remove waste products more effectively
What happens ot teh muscular system with exercise over time: Tendons become stronger
Increased in density
Createing greater stability and can cope with greater forces
What happens to teh muscualr system with exercise over time: Increased myoglobin stores
Myoglobin is a protein used ot carry oxygen to teh mitochondria. Myoglobin stores increase when you exercise on aregular basis because they get used to teh demand that is put upon them.
What happens to teh muscular sytsem with exercise over time: Increased stores of g;yocgen and fat
An increased storage aof glycogen affects the body due ot increase enrgy that can be createwd so exercise is prolonged
Log term effect of exercise on muscles
Muscle hyperttrophy Tendons become stronger Inctreased blood flow Improved ability to weight bear Increased myoglobin stores Increased stores of glyocgen and fat Increased number of blood vessels cappilirisation