Muscles Quiz Flashcards
Levator scapulae movements, innervation
- elevation of pectoral girdle
- medial rotation of scapula in adduction
- dorsal scapular
- C(4), 5
Function and innervation of trapezius
- upper fibers: elevation of pectoral girdle, lateral rotation of scapula in abduction
- middle fibers: scapular retraction
- lower fibers: depression of scapula, lateral rotation of scapula in abduction
- Accessory CN XI (C1-C5)
Function and innervation of rhomboid major
- scapular retraction
- medial rotation of scapula
- elevation of scapula
- Dorsal scapular C5
Function and innervation of rhomboid minor
- scapular retraction
- medial rotation of scapula
- elevation of scapula
- Dorsal scapular C5
Function and innervation of pectoralis minor
- scapular depression
- protraction of scapula
- medial rotation of scapula in adduction
- medial pectoral C7,8
Function and innervation of latissimus dorsi
- extension
- adduction
- medial rotation
- scapular depression
- Thoracodorsal C6,7,8
Function and innervation of pectoralis major
- flexion of arm
- adduction of arm
- medial rotation of arm
- depression of scapula/pectoral girdle
- medial and lateral pectoral nerve C5-T1
Function and innervation of serratus anterior
- scapular protraction
- lateral rotation of scapula is abduction
- Long thoracic C5,6,7
Muscles involved in elevation of shoulder/PG
- levator scapulae
- trapezius (upper)
- rhomboid major
- rhomboid minor
Muscles involved in depression of shoulder/PG
- Pectoralis minor
- Trapezius (lower)
- Latissimus dorsi
- Pectoralis major (sternocostal part)
Muscles involved in protraction of shoulder
- serratus anterior
- pectoralis minor
Muscles involved in retraction of shoulder
- rhomboid major
- rhomboid minor
- trapezius (middle)
Muscles involved in lateral rotation of scapula in abduction
- serratus anterior
- trapezius (upper and lower)
Muscles involved in medial rotation of scapula in adduction
- rhomboid major
- rhomboid minor
- levator scapulae
- pectoralis minor
Deltoid function and innervation
- abductor
- extension of arm
- lateral rotation
- medial rotation
- flexion of arm
- Axillary nerve C5,6
Biceps brachii function and innervation
- flexion of arm at shoulder
- flexion of arm at elbow
- supination at radio-ulnar joint
- musculocutaneous nerve C5,6
Coracobrachialis function and innervation
- flexion of arm
- musculocutaneous nerve C 5,6
Teres major function and innervation
- extension of arm
- adduction of arm
- medial rotation
- lower subscapular nerve C5,6
Supraspinatus function and innervation
- abduction
- suprascapular nerve C5,6
Infraspinatus function and innervation
- lateral rotation
- suprascapular nerve C5,6
Teres minor function and innervation
- lateral rotation
- axillary nerve C5,6*
Subscapularis function and innervation
- medial rotation
- upper and lower subscapular nerve C5,6
Muscles involved with flexion of the arm at shoulder
- pectoralis major
- deltoid
- biceps
- coracobrachialis
Muscles involved with extension of the arm at shoulder
- deltoid
- latissimus dorsi
- teres major
Muscles involved with abduction of the arm at shoulder
- deltoid
- supraspinatous
Muscles involved with adduction of the arm at shoulder
- pectoralis major
- latissimus dorsi
- teres major
Muscles involved with lateral rotation of arm at shoulder
- deltoid
- infraspinatus
- teres minor
Muscules involved with medial rotation of arm at shoulder
- pectoralis major
- latissimus dorsi
- deltoid
- teres major
- subscapularis
Which muscles flex the thumb. Be sure to list which joints they flex at and their innervations.
- all joints (CM, MP, esp. IP): flexor pollicis longus; anterior interosseous n (median n branch)
- Flexor pollicis brevis: CM and MP: recurrent branch of median n
- Opponens pollicis: CM only; recurrent branch of median nerve
- all 8,1 segments
Which muscles extend the thumb. List the joints they act at, their innervations, and segments.
- extensor pollicis longus: CM, MP, IP; posterior interosseous n; 7,8
- extensor pollicis brevis: CM and MP; posterior interosseous n (7,8)
- Abductor pollicis longus: CM only, posterior interosseous n (7,8)
- Abductor pollicis brevis: IP only; recurrent branch of median n (6-1)
Which muscles abduct the thumb? Which joints do they act at and what are their innervations?
- abductor pollicis longus: CM only; posterior interosseous n; 7,8
- abductor pollicis brevis: CM and MP; recurrent branch of median n; 6-1
Which muscles adduct the thumb? Which joints do they act at and what is the innervation?
-adductor pollicis: CM and MP; ulnar n (deep branch); 8,1
Which muscles are responsible for opposition and medial rotation of the thumb? Give the innervation and segments.
-opponens pollicis; recurrent branch of median n; 6-1
Function and innervation of flexor pollicis longus
- flexes at all joints: wrist, CM, MP, IP**
- anterior interosseous n branch of median nerve
Function and innervation of flexor pollicis brevis
- flex thumb at MP and CM
- median recurrent branch
function and innervation of opponens pollicis
- flex at CM
- oppose and medially rotate thumb
- recurrent branch of median nerve
Function and innervation of extensor pollicis longus and brevis
- longus: extend wrist, CM, MP, and IP; posterior interosseous nerve
- brevis: extend CM and MP; posterior interosseous nerve
Function and innervation of abductor pollicis longus
- extends and abducts at CM joint only
- abducts wrist
- posterior interosseous nerve
Function and innervation of abductor pollicis brevis
- extends IP joint
- abducts at CM and MP joints
- recurrent branch of median nerve
Function and innervation of adductor pollicis
- adducts thumb at CM and MP joints
- deep branch of ulnar nerve
Flexor carpi ulnaris function and innervation
- flex wrist, adduct (ulnar deviation) of wrist
- ulnar n
Flexor carpi radialis function and innervation
-flex wrist, abduct wrist (radial deviation)
Flexor digitorum profundas function and innervation
- flex wrist, and all joints of fingers including DIP of all fingers, not thumb
- lateral half: anterior interosseous n
- medial half: ulnar nerve
Flexor digitorum superficialis function and innervation
- flex wrist, MP and PIP of all fingers
- median nerve
Function and innervation of palmaris longus
- flex wrist
- median nerve
Function and innervation of extensor carpi ulnaris
- extend wrist, adduct wrist
- posterior interosseous nerve
Function and innervation of extensor carpi radialis longus
- extend wrist, abduction of wrist
- posterior interosseous n
Function and innervation of extensor carpi radialis brevis
- extend wrist, abduct wrist
- posterior interosseous nerve
Function and innervation of extensor digitorum
- extend wrist, extend MP joint of fingers 2-4
- posterior interosseous nerve
Function and innervation of extensor digiti minimu
- extend wrist, extend little finger at MP joint
- posterior interosseous nerve
Function and innervation of extensor pollicis longus
- extend wrist
- extend thumb at CM, MP, and IP joints
- posterior interosseous nerve
Function and innervation of extensor indicis
- extend wrist
- extend index finger at MP joint
Function and innervation of abductor pollicis longus
- abduct wrist
- abduct thumb at CM
- posterior interosseous nerve
Function and innervation of flexor carpi ulnaris
- flex wrist
- adduction of wrist
- ulnar nerve
List the muscles that act to flex the wrist.
- flexor carpi ulnar
- flexor carpi radialis
- flexor digitorum profundas
- flexor digitorum superficialis
- flexor pollicis longus
- palmaris longus
List the muscles that act the extend the wrist
- extensor carpi ulnar
- extensor carpi radialis longus
- extensor carpi radialis brevis
- extensor digitorum
- extensor digiti minimi
- extensor pollicis longus
- extensor indicis
List the muscles that act to abduct the wrist
- extensor carpi radialis longus
- extensor carpis radialis brevis
- flexor carpi radialis
- abductor pollicis longus
List the muscles that act to adduct the wrist
- flexor carpi ulnaris
- extensor carpi ulnaris
Function and innervation of lumbricals
- flex MP
- extend IP joints of all fingers
- lateral 2: median nerve
- medial 2: ulnar nerve
Function and innervation of flexor digiti minimi brevis
- flex CM and MP of little finger
- ulnar n
Function and innervation of opponens digiti minimi
- flex CM of little finger
- opposition at CM of little finger
- ulnar nerve
List the muscles that extend the FINGERS at MP joints
- extensor digitorum (2-4)
- extensor indicis (2)
- extensor digiti minimi (5)
What muscles extend the IP joints of fingers?
- lumbricals
- the extensor digitorum is not strong enough
What muscles are responsible for abduction of fingers at MP joints?
- dorsal interossei
- abductor digiti minimi
What muscles are responsible for adduction of fingers at MP joints?
- palmar interossei for 2,4,5
- dorsal interossei for middle finger
Muscles involved with flexion at elbow joint
- brachialis
- biceps brachii
- brachioradialis
- flexor carpi radialis
- pronator teres
Muscles involved with extension at elbow joint
- triceps
- anconeous
Muscles involved with pronation of forearm
- pronator teres
- pronator quadratus
Muscles involved with supination of forearm
- supinator
- biceps brachii
- brachioradialis
Muscles involved with flexion of knee
- semimembranosus
- semitendinosus
- biceps femoris long and short head
- gracilis
- sartorius
- popliteus
- gastrocnemius
Muscles involved with extension of knee
-quadriceps femoris
Muscles involved with lateral rotation of leg
- gluteus maximus
- biceps femoris
Muscles involved with medial rotation of leg
- popliteus
- semimembranosus
- semitendinosus
- gracilis
- sartorius
muscles involved with flexion of hip joint
- iliacus and psoas major
- rectus femoris
- sartorius
- pectineus
- adductor longus and brevis
Muscles involved with extension of hip joint
- gluteus maximus
- semimembranosus
- semitendinosus
- biceps femoruis long head
- adductor magnus
Muscles involved with adduction of hip joint
- adductors longus, brevis, magnus
- gracilis
- pectineus
Muscles involved with abduction of hip joint
- gluteus medium and minimus
Muscles involved with medial rotation of hip joint
- gluteus minimus
- gluteus medius
Muscles involved with lateral rotation of hip joint
- gluteus maximus
- sartorius
- deep lateral rotators of gluteal region
- obturator externus
Innervation and function of semimembranosus
- flexion of knee
- medial rotation of leg
- extension of hip/thigh
- tibial nerve
Innervation and function of semitendinosus
- flexion of knee
- medial rotation of leg
- extension of thigh
- tibial nerve
Biceps femoris head functions and innervation
- shorthead: flexion of knee, lateral rotation of leg, common fibular nerve
- long head: extend thigh, flex knee, lateral rotation of leg; tibial nerve
Gracilis function and innervation
- flex knee
- medially rotate leg
- adduction of thigh
- obturator nerve
Sartorius function and innervation
- flex knee
- medial rotation of leg
- flexion of thigh
- lateral rotation of thigh at hip
- abduction of thigh
- femoral nerve
Popliteus function and innervation
- “unlocks extended knee” by medially rotating leg (tibia) or laterally rotating femur
- flex at knee
- tibial nerve
Gastrocnemius function and innervation
- flex knee
- plantar flexion
- tibial nerve
Quadriceps femoris function and innervation
- they ALL extend the knee
- only the rectus femoris also flexes the thigh
- femoral nerve
Gluteus maximus function and innervation
- lateral rotation of leg and knee
- extend thigh at hip
- inferior gluteal nerve
Tensor fasciae latae function and innervation
- flex hip
- abduct thigh
- medially rotate thigh
- laterally rotate leg
- superior gluteal nerve
Adductor magnus function and innervation
- adduct thigh
- extend thigh
- obturator nerve
Adductor longus function and innervation
- flexion of thigh
- adduct thigh
- obturator nerve
Adductor brevis function and innervation
- flexion of thigh
- adduction of thigh
- obturator nerve
Pectineus function and innervation
- flexion of thigh
- adduction of thigh
Gluteus medius functoin and innervation
- abduction of thigh
- medial rotation of thigh
- superior gluteal nerve
Gluteus minimus function and innervation
- abduction of thigh
- medial rotation of thigh
- superior gluteal nerve