Muscles Origins and Insertions and Actions Flashcards
Anterior Tibialis Origin
Lateral condyle and proximal 2/3’s of lateral surface of tibia
Ant. Tib. Insertion
Medial and plantar aspects of the cuneiform and base of the first metatarsal
Main F(x) of Ant Tib
concentrically accelerates dorsiflexion and inversion
Synergistical F(x) of Ant Tib
eccentrically decels plantarflex and eversion, and isometrically stabilizes arch of foot
Posterior Tibabilias Origin
Proximal 2/3s of posterior surface of tibia and fibula
Post. Tib. Main Insertion
navicular tuberosity and medial cuneiform bone
Post tib other insertion
Every tarsal bone (nav, cunei, cuboid) but the talus plus the bases of the second through fourth metatarsals
Main function of Post Tib
Concentrically accelerates plantarflexion and inversion of foot
Syn function of Post tib
Eccenrically decels dorsiflexiom and eversion of the foot, and isometrically stabilizes arch
Soleus Origin
Posterior surface of the fibular head and proximal 1/3 of its shaft and from the post side of tibia
Gastroc and Soleus Insertion
Calcaneus via Achilles Tendon
Achilles must have had a well dvp’d Soleus and Gastroc
Soleus and Gastroc main function
concentrically accels plantarflexion
Gastroc and Soleus syn funct
ecc decels ankle dorsiflex, and isometrically stabilizes foot
Peroneus Longus Origin
Lateral condyle of tibia, head, and proximal 2/3s of the lateral surface of the fibula
Peroneus Longus Insertion
Lateral surface of the medial cuneiform and lateral side of the base of the 1st metatarsal
Main f(c) of Peroneus longus
concentricallu plantarflexes and everts foot
syn f(x) of peroneus longus
decel ankle dorsiflex, isometricallu stabilizes foot and ankle complex
Biceps femoris long head orgin
ischial tuberositu of pelvis, part of the sacrotuberous ligament
Biceps femoris long and short head insertsion
Head of fibula
Biceps femoris long head main f(c)
Concentrically accelerates knee flexion and hip extension, and tibial ext rot
Biceps femoris long head syn function
Eccentrically decels knee extension, hip flexion, and tibial int rot at midstance of gait cycle, and it also isometricallu stabilizes the LPHC and knee
Biceps femoris short head origin
lower 1/3 of post. aspect of the femur
Biceps femoris short head main function
concentrically accelerates knee flexion and tibial ext rot
Biceps femoris short head syn funct
Ecc decels knee extension and tibial internal rot, and isometricallu stabilizes knee
Semimembranosus origin
ischial tuberosity of pelvis
Semimembranosus insertion
Posterior aspect of the medial tibial condyle of the tibia
Semimembranosus and Semitiendinosus main function
Concentrically accelerate knee flexion, hip extension, and tibial int rot
Semimembranosus and semitendinosus syn funct
Ecc decels knee extension, hip flex, and tibial ext rot, and isometrically stabilizes the LPHC and knee
Semitiendinosus origin
ischial tubersoity of pelvis and part of sacrotuberous ligament
Semitiendinosus insertion
PROXIMAL aspect of medial tibial condyle of tibia (pes anserine)
What muscles comprise of hamstring complex?
Biceps Femoris long and short heads, Semimembranosus, and Semitiendinosus
What muscles make up quads?
Vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius, and rectus femoris
Vastus lateralis O
Anterior and inferior border of the greater trochanter, lateral region of the gluteal tuberosity, lateral lip of linea aspera of femur
Vastus lateralis I
base of patella and tibial tuberosity of the tibia
Vastus lateralis, medialis main funct
conc accelerates knee extension
Vastus lateralis, medialis, intermedius syn funct
Ecc decels knee flex, adduction, and internal rot, and isometrically stabilizes knee
Vastus medialis O
lower region of intertrochanteric line, medial lip of linea aspera, proxomal medial supracondylar line of femur
Vastus medialis I
Base of patella, tibial tubersoity of tibia
vastus intermedius O
anterior-lateral regions of the upper 2/3’s of femur
vastus intermedius I
base of patella, tibial tuberosity of tibia
Rectus femoris O
Ant-inf iliac spine of pelvis
Rectus femoris I
Base of patella, tibial tuberosity of the tibia
Rectus femoris main function
conc accels knee extension and hip flexion
Rectus femoris syn function
Ecc decels knee flexion, adduction, and internal rot, decels hip extension, and isometrically stabilizes LPHC and knee
Adductor longus O
Ant surface of the of pubic ramus of pelvis
Adductor longus I
Proximal 1/3 of linea aspera of femur
Adductor longus main f(c)
concentrically accels hip addution, flexion, and int rot
Adductor longus syn funct
ecc decels hip abd, ext, ext rot, and isomet stabilizes LPHC
Add magnus ant fibers O
ischial ramus of pelvis
Add magnus ant fibers I
linea aspera of the femur
Add magnus ant and post fibers main funct
conc accells hip add, flexion and int rot
Add magnus ant fibers syn funct
ecc decels hip abd, extension, and external rot, and dynamically stabilizes the LPHC
Add magnus post fibers O
Ischial tuberosity of pelvis
Add magnus post fibers I
add tubercle on femur
Add magnus post fibers syn funct
ecc decels hip abd, flexion, and internal rot, and isometrically stabilizes LPHC
Add brevis O
Ant surface of the inf pubic ramus of pelvis
Add brevis I
proximal 1/3 of linea aspera of the femur
Add brevis main funct
concentrically accels hip add, flexion, and internal rot
Add brevis syn funct
ecc decels hip abd, ext,, and ext rot, and isometrically stabilizes the LPHC
Gracilis O
Ant aspect of lower body of pubis
Gracilis I
Proximal medial surface of tibia (pes anserine)
Gracilis main function
conc accels hip add, flexion, and internal rot, and assists in tibial int rot
Gracilis syn function
ecc decels hip abd, extension, and ext rot, and isometriclaly stabilizes the LPHC and knee.
Pectineus O
Pectineal line on the superior pubic ramus of pelvis
Pectineus I
Pectineal line on the post surface of the upper femur
Pectineus Main funct
conc accel hip adduction, flexion, and internal rot
Pectineus syn funct
ecc decel hip abd, extension, ext rot, and isometrically stabilizes LPHC
Gluteus medius O
Outer surface of the ilium of pelvis
Gluteus medius I
lateral surface of the greater trochanter on the femur
Ant fibers of Gluteus medius main function
conc accel hip abd and int rot
Post fibers of Gluteus medius main function
conc accel hip abd and ext rot
Post and Ant fibers of Gluteus medius syn function both do what?
ecc decel hip add and isometrically stabilizes the LPHC
Post fibers of Gluteus medius syn function
int rot
Ant fibers of Gluteus medius syn function
ext rot
Gluteus minimus O
Ilium of pelvis btwn ant and inf gluteal line
Gluteus minimus I
greater trochanter of femur
Gluteus minimus main funct
conc accel hip abd and internal rot
Gluteus minimus syn funct
ecc devels hip add and ext rot, and isometricallu stabilizes LPHC
Gluteus maximus O
outer ilium of pelvis, post side of sacrum and coccyx, and part of the sacrotuberous and post sacroiliac ligament
Gluteus maximus I
Gluteal tuberosity of femur and iliotibial tract
Gluteus maximus main funct
conc accels hip extension and ext rot
Gluteus maximus syn funct
ecc decel hip flex and int rot, decels tibial internal rot via IT band, and isometricallu stabilizes LPHC
What 2 muscles comprise of the iliopsoas muscle group?
The two muscles that make up the iliopsoas group are the psoas major and iliacus.
Tensor fascia latae (w/ IT band) O
Outer surface of iliac crest just post to the ant-sup iliac spine of pelvis
Tensor fascia latae (w/ IT band) I
Prox 1/3 of IT band
Tensor fascia latae (w/ IT band) main funct
conc accel hip flex, abd, and int rot
Tensor fascia latae (w/ IT band) syn funct
Ecc decel hip ext, add, ext rot, and isomet stabilizes LPHC
Psoas O
Transverse processes and lateral bodies of the last thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae including intervertebral disks
Psoas and Iliacus I
Lesser trochanter of femur
Psoas main funct
conc accels hip flex and ext rot, extends and rotates lumbar spine
Psoas syn funct
Ecc deces hip internal rot, hip extension, and isometrically stabilizes LPHC
Iliacus O
superior 2/3s of iliac fossa, inner lip of iliac crest
Iliacus main funct
conc accel hip flex and ext rot
Iliacus syn funct
ecc decel hip extension and internal rot, and isomet stabilizes the LPHC
Sartorius O
Ant-sup iliac spine of pelvis
Sartorius I
Proximal medial surface of tibia
Sartorius main funct
conc accels hip flex, ext rot, and abd, knee flexion, and int rot
Sart syn funct
Ecc decels hip extension and internal rot, knee ext, ext rot, and isometrically stabilizes LPHC and knee.
Piriformis O
Anterior side of the sacrum
Piriformis I
Greater trochanter of femur
Piriformis Main f(c)
conc accel hip external rot, abd, and extension
Piriformis syn function
ecc decelerates hip internal rot, add, flexion, and isometrically stabilizes hip and sacroiliac jts