Muscles - Origin, Insertion, & Action Flashcards
Compresses cheeks
Depressor labii inferioris
Depresses lower lip
Levator labii superioris
Elevates upper lip
Levator anguli oris
Elevates corner of mouth
Elevates and protrudes lower lip
Obicularis oris
Compresses, purses lips
Draws corner of mouth to the side
Depressor anguli oris
Depresses corner of mouth
Zygomaticus major
Retracts and elevates corner of mouth
Zygomaticus minor
Retracts and elevates upper lip
Corrugator supercili
Pulls skin inferiorly and anteriorly; wrinkles brow
Levator palpebrae superloris
Elevates upper eyelid
Obicularis oculi
Closes eyelid
Moves nose, changes position and shape of nostrils
Compresses bridge, depresses tip of nose, elevates corners of nostrils
Tenses scalp, moves auricle of ear
Occipitofrontalis (Frontal Belly)
Raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead
Occipitofrontalis (Occipital Belly)
Tenses and retracts scalp
Tenses skin of neck, depresses mandible, pulls lower lip down
Inferior rectus
Eye looks inferiorly
Medial rectus
Eye looks medially
Superior rectus
Eye looks superiorly
Lateral rectus
Eye looks laterally
Inferior oblique
Eye rolls, looks superiorly and laterally
Superior oblique
Eye rolls, looks inferiorly and laterally
Elevates mandible and closes the jaw
Elevates the mandible
Lateral pterygoid
Opens jaws, protrudes mandible, slides the mandible from side to side (lateral excursion)
Medial pterygoid
Elevates the mandible and closes the jaw, slides the mandible from side to side (lateral excursion)
Splenius capitis and Splenius cervicis
Together, the two sides extend the neck; alone, each rotates and laterally flexes neck to that side
Spinalis cervicis
Extends the neck
Spinalis thoracis
Extends vertebral column
Longissimus capitis and Longissimus cervicis
Together, the two sides extend the head; alone each rotates and laterally flexes neck to that side
Longissimus thoracis
Extends vertebral column; alone, each produces lateral flexion to that side
Iliocostalis cervicis
Extends or laterally flexes neck, elevates ribs
Iliocostalis thoracis
Stabilizes thoracic vertebrae in extension
Iliocostalis lumborum
Extends vertebral column, depresses ribs
Semispinalis capitis
Together, the two sides extend the head; alone, each extends and laterally flexes the neck
Semispinalis cervicis
Extends vertebral column and rotates toward opposite side
Semispinalis thoracis
Extends vertebral column and rotates toward opposite side
Extends vertebral column and rotates toward opposite side
Extends vertebral column and rotates toward opposite side
Extends vertebral column
Laterally flexes the vertebral column
Longus capitis
Together, the two sides flex the neck; alone, each rotates head to that side
Longus colli
Flexes or rotates neck; limits hyperextension
Quadratus lumborum
Together, they depress ribs; alone, each side laterally flexes vertebral column
Scalenes (anterior, middle, and posterior)
Elevate ribs or flex the neck
External intercostals
Elevate ribs
Internal intercostals
Depress ribs
Transversus thoracis
Depress ribs
Serratus posterior superior
Elevates ribs, enlarges thoracic cavity
Serratus posterior inferior
Pulls ribs inferiorly, also pulls outward, opposing diaphragm
External oblique
Compresses abdomen, depresses ribs, flexes or bends spine
Internal oblique
Compresses abdomen, depresses ribs, flexes or bends spine
Transversus abdominis
Compresses abdomen
Contraction expands thoracic cavity and compresses abdominopelvic cavity
Rectus abdominis
Depresses ribs, flexes vertebral column, compresses abdomen
Levator scapulae
Origin - Transverse processes of first four cervical vertebrae
Insertion - Vertebral border of scapula near superior angle
Action - Elevates scapula
Pectoralis major
Origin - Anterior-superior surfaces of ribs 2-4
Insertion - Coracoid process of scapula
Action - Depresses and protracts shoulder; rotates scapula so glenoid cavity moves inferiorly; elevates ribs if scapula is stationary
Rhomboid major
Origin - Spinous processes of superior thoracic vertebrae
Insertion - Vertebral border of scapula from spine to inferior angle
Action - Adducts scapula and performs downward rotation
Rhomboid minor
Origin - Spinous processes of vertebrae C7-T1
Insertion - Vertebral border of scapula near spine
Action - Adducts scapula and performs downward
Serratus anterior
Origin - Anterior and superior margins of ribs 1–9
Insertion - Anterior surface of vertebral border of scapula
Action - Protracts shoulder; rotates scapula so glenoid cavity moves superiorly
Origin - First rib
Insertion - Clavicle (inferior border)
Action - Depresses and protracts shoulder
Origin - Occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae, and spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae
Insertion - Clavicle and scapula (acromion and scapular spine)
Action - Depends on active region and state of other muscles; may (1) elevate, retract, depress, or rotate scapula upward, (2) elevate clavicle, or (3) extend neck
Origin - Clavicle and scapula (acromion and adjacent scapular spine)
Insertion - Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Action -
Whole muscle: Abduction at shoulder
Anterior part: Flexion and medial rotation
Posterior part: Extension and lateral rotation
Origin - Supraspinous fossa of scapula
Insertion - Lesser tubercle of humerus
Action - Abduction at the shoulder
Origin - Subscapular fossa of scapula
Insertion - Lesser tubercle of humerus
Action - Medial rotation at shoulder
Teres major
Origin - Inferior angle of scapula
Insertion - Passes medially to reach the medial lip of intertubercular groove of humerus
Action - Extension, adduction, and medial rotation at shoulder
Origin - infraspinous fossa scapula
Insertion - Greater tubercle of humerus
Action - Lateral rotation at shoulder
Teres minor
Origin - Lateral border of scapula
Insertion - Passes laterally to reach the greater tubercle of humerus
Action - Lateral rotation at shoulder
Origin - Coracoid process
Insertion - Medial margin of shaft of humerus
Action - Adduction and flexion at shoulder
Pectoralis major
Origin - Cartilages of ribs 2–6, body of sternum, and inferior, medial portion of clavicle
Insertion - Crest of greater tubercle and lateral lip of intertubercular groove of humerus
Action - Flexion, adduction, and medial rotation at shoulder
Latissimus dorsi
Origin - Spinous processes of inferior thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae, ribs 8-12, and thoracolumbar fascia
Insertion - Floor of intertubercular groove of the humerus
Action - Extension, adduction, and medial rotation at shoulder
Biceps brachii
Origin - Short head from the coracoid process; long head from the supraglenoid tubercle (both on the scapula)
Insertion - Tuberosity of radius
Action - Flexion at elbow and shoulder; supination
Origin - Anterior, distal surface of humerus
Insertion - Tuberosity of ulna
Action - Flexion at elbow
Origin - Ridge superior to the lateral epicondyle of humerus
Insertion - Lateral aspect of styloid process of radius
Action - Flexion at elbow
Origin - Posterior, inferior surface of lateral epicondyle of humerus
Insertion - Lateral margin of olecranon on ulna
Action - Extension at elbow
Triceps brachii (lateral head)
Origin - Superior, lateral margin of humerus
Insertion - Olecranon of ulna
Action - Extension at elbow
Triceps brachii (long head)
Origin - Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
Insertion - Olecranon of ulna
Action - Extension at elbow, plus extension and adduction at the shoulder
Triceps brachii (medial head)
Origin - Posterior surface of humerus inferior to radial groove
Insertion - Olecranon of ulna
Action - Extension at elbow
Pronator quadratus
Origin - Anterior and medial surfaces of distal portion of ulna
Insertion - Anterolateral surface of distal portion of radius
Action - Pronation
Pronator teres
Origin - Medial epicondyle of humerus and coronoid process of ulna
Insertion - Midlateral surface of radius
Action - Pronation
Origin - Lateral epicondyle of humerus, annular ligament, and ridge near radial notch of ulna
Insertion - Anterolateral surface of radius distal to the radial tuberosity
Action - Supination
Flexor carpi radialis
Origin - Medial epicondyle of humerus
Insertion - Bases of second and third metacarpal bones
Action - Flexion and abduction at wrist
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Origin - Medial epicondyle of humerus; adjacent medial surface of olecranon and anteromedial portion of ulna
Insertion - Pisiform, hamate, and base of fifth metacarpal bone
Action - Flexion and adduction at wrist
Palmaris longus
Origin - Medial epicondyle of humerus
Insertion - Palmar aponeurosis and flexor retinaculum
Action - Flexion at wrist
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Origin - Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
Insertion - Base of second metacarpal bone
Action - Extension and abduction at wrist
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Origin - Lateral epicondyle of humerus
Insertion - Base of third metacarpal bone
Action - Extension and abduction at wrist
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Origin - Lateral epicondyle of humerus; adjacent dorsal surface of ulna
Insertion - Base of fifth metacarpal bone
Action - Extension of adduction at wrist
Abductor pollicis
Abduction at joins of thumb and wrist
Extensor digitorum
Extension at finger joints and wrist
Extensor pollicis brevis
Extension at joints of thumb; abduction at wrist
Extensor pollicis longus
Extension at joints of thumb; abduction at wrist
Extensor indicis
Extension and adduction at joints of index finger
Extensor digit minimi
Extension at joints of little finger
Flexor digitorum superficialis
Flexion at proximal interphalangeal, metacarpophalangeal, and wrist joints
Flexor digitorum profundus
Flexion at distal interphalangeal joints and, to a lesser degree, proximal interphalangeal joints and wrist
Flexor pollicis longus
Flexion at joints of thumb
Gluteus maximus
Origin - Iliac crest, posterior gluteal line, and lateral surface of ilium; sacrum, coccyx, and thoracolumbar fascia
Insertion - Iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity of femur
Action - Extension and lateral rotation at hip
Gluteus medius
Origin - Anterior iliac crest of ilium, lateral surface between posterior and anterior gluteal lines
Insertion - Greater trochanter of femur
Action - Abduction and medial rotation at hip
Gluteus minimus
Origin - Lateral surface of ilium between inferior and anterior gluteal lines
Insertion - Greater trochanter of femur
Action - Abduction and medial rotation at hip
Tensor fasciae latae
Origin - Iliac crest and lateral surface of anterior superior iliac spine
Insertion - Iliotibial tract
Action - Flexion and medial rotation at hip; tenses fasciae latae which laterally supports the knee
Obturators (externus and internus)
Origin - Lateral and medial margins of obturator foramen
Insertion - Trachanteric fossa of femur (externus); medial surface of greater trochanter (internus)
Action - Lateral rotation at hip
Origin - Anterolateral surface of sacrum
Insertion - Greater trochanter of femur
Action - Lateral rotation and abduction at hip
Gemelli (superior and inferior)
Origin - Ischial spine and tuberosity
Insertion - Medial surface of greater trochanter with tendon of obturator internus
Action - Lateral rotation at hip
Quadratus femoris
Origin - Lateral border of ischial tuberosity
Insertion - Intertrochanteric crest of femur
Action - Lateral rotation at hip
Adductor brevis
Origin - Inferior ramus of pubic
Insertion - Linea aspera of femur
Action - Adduction, flexion, and medial rotation at hip
Adductor longus
Origin - Inferior ramus of pubs anterior to adductor brevis
Insertion - Linea aspera of femur
Action - Adduction, flexion, and medial rotation at hip
Adductor magnus
Origin - Inferior ramus of pubis posterior to adductor brevis and ischial tuberosity
Insertion - Linea aspera and adductor tubercle of femur
Action - Adduction at hip; superior part produces flexion and medial rotation; inferior part produces etension and lateral rotation
Origin - Superior ramus of pubis
Insertion - Pectineal line inferior to lesser trochanter of femur
Action - Flexion, medial rotation, and adduction at hip
Origin - Inferior ramus of pubis
Insertion - Medial surface of tibia inferior to medial condyle
Action - Flexion at knee; adduction and medial rotation at hip
Origin - Iliac fossa of ilium
Insertion - Femur distal to leser trochanter; tendon fused with that of psoas major
Action - Flexion at hip
Psoas major
Origin - Anterior surfaces and transverse processes of vertebrae (T12-L5)
Insertion - Lesser trochanter in company with iliacus
Action - Flexion at hip or lumbar intervertebral joints
Biceps femoris
Origin - Ishial tuberosity and linea aspera of femur
Insertion - Head of fibula lateral condyle of tibia
Action - Flexion at knee; extension and lateral rotation at hip
Origin - Ischial tuberosity
Insertion - Posterior surface of medial condyle of tibia
Action - Flexion at knee; extension and medial rotation at hip
Origin - Ischial tuberosity
Insertion - Proximal, medial surface of tibia near insertion of gracilis
Action - Flexion at knee; flexion and lateral rotation at hip
Origin - Anterior superior iliac spine
Insertion - Medial surface of tibia near tibial tuberosity
Action - Flexion at knee; flexion and lateral rotation at hip
Origin - Lateral condyle of femur
Insertion - Posterior surface of proximal tibial shaft
Action - Medial rotation of tibia; flexion at knee
Rectus femoris
Origin - Anterior inferior iliac spine and superior acetabular rim of ilium
Insertion - Tibial tuberosity by patellar ligament
Action - Extension at knee; flexion at hip
Vastus intermedius
Origin - Anterolateral surface of femur and linea aspera
Insertion - Tibial tuberosity by patellar ligament
Action - Extension at knee
Vastus lateralis
Origin - Anterior and inferior to greater trochanter of femur and along linea aspera
Insertion - Tibial tuberosity by patellar ligament
Action - Extension at knee
Vastus medialis
Origin - Entire length of linea aspera of femur
Insertion - Tibial tuberosity by patellar ligament
Action - Extension at knee
Tibialis anterior
Origin - Lateral condyle and proximal shaft of tibia
Insertion - Base of first metatarsal bone and medial cuneiform bone
Action - Flexion (dorsiflexion) at ankle; inversion of foot
Fibularis tertius
Origin - Distal anterior surface of fibula and interosseous membrane
Insertion - Dorsal surface of fifth metatarsal bone
Action - Flexion (dorsiflexion) at ankle; eversion of foot