Muscles Of The Vertebral Column Flashcards
Splenius (splenius capitis, splenius cervicis)
Layer: superficial
Group: splenius
O: spinous process qnd ligaments connecting inferior cervical and superior thoracic vertebrae
I: mastoid process, occipital bone of skull, superior cervical vertebrae
A: the two sudes act together to extend neck; either alone rotates and laterally flexes neck to that side
N: cervical spinal neeves
Spinalis cervicis
Layer: superficial
Group: erector spinae, spinalis group
O: inferior portion if ligamentym nuchar and soinius process of C7
I: spinous process of axis
A: extends neck
N: cervical nerves
Spinalis thoracis
Layer: superficial
Group: erector spinae, spinalis group
O: spinous processes of inferior thoracic and superior lumbar vertebrae
I: spinous processes of superior thoracic vertebrae
A: extends vertebral column
N: thoracic and lumbar spinal nerves
Longissimus capitis
Layer: superficial
Group: erector spinae, longissimus group
O: transverse processes of inferior cervical and superior thoracic vertebrae
I: mastoid process of temporal bone
A: the two sides act together to extend neck; either alone rotates and laterally flexes neck to that side
N: cervical and thoracic nerves
Longissimus cervicis
Layer: superficial
Group: erector spinae, longissimus group
O: transverse processes ofnsuperior thoracic vertebrae
I: transverse processes of middle and superior cervical vertebrae
A: the two sides act together to extend neck; either alone rotates and laterally flexes neck to that side
N: cervical and thoracic spinal nerves
Longissimus thoracis
Layer: superficial
Group: erector spinae, longissimus grouo
O: broad aponeurosis and at transverse processes of inferior thoracic and superior lumbar vertebrae; joins iliocostsls
I: transverse processes of superior thoracic and lumbar vertebrae and inferior surfaces of lower 10 ribs
A: extension of vertebral column; alone, each produces lateral flexion to that sude
N: thoracic and lumbar spinal nerves
Semispinalis (capitis, cervicis, and thoracis regions)
Layer: deep to the spine
O: transverse processes of C7-T12
I: occipital bone (capitis) and spinous processes of cervical (cervicis) and thoracic vertebrae T1-T4 (thoracis)
A: (capitis) together, the two sides extend the neck; alone, each side extends and laterally flexes neck and turns head to opposite side; (cervicis and thoracis) extends vertebral column and rotates toward opposite side
Layer: deep to the spine (transversospinalis)
O: sacrum and transverse process of each vertebrae
I: spinous processes of the 3rd or 4th more superior vertebrae
A: extends vertebral column and rotates toward opposite side
Layer: deep to the spine
O: spinous process of each vertebra
I: spinous processes of more superior vertebra
A: extends vertebral column
Layer: deep to the spine
O: transverse processes of each vertebra
I: transverse process of more superior vertebra
A: lateral flexion of vertebral column
Quadratus lumborum
Layer: deep to the spine
O: iliac crest and lumbar fascia
I: transverse processes of upper lumbar vertebrae/ lower margin of 12th rib
A: together, they depress the ribs; flexes vertebral column laterally when acting separately; fixes floating ribs 11-12 during forced exhalation; assists in forced inhalation