Muscles of the Head Flashcards
what is the function of the frontalis muscle?
raises eyebrows; wrinkles forehead
what is the function of the orbicularis oculi muscle?
closes eye; used for blinking and squinting
what is the function of the levator labii superioris?
opens lips and raises the upper lip
what is the function of the zygomaticus?
raises corner of mouth upward for a smile
what is the function of the mentalis?
protrudes lower lip and wrinkles chin
what is the function of the depressor labii inferioris?
pulls lip inferiorly
what is the function of the depressor anguli oris?
pulls corners of mouth downward; frown
what is the function of the orbicularis oris?
closes and purses lips; used for kissing
what is the function of the buccinator?
compresses cheek to produce suction
what is the function of the masseter?
elevates mandible
what is the origin and insertion of the masseter?
origin: zygomatic arch
insertion: mandible
what is the function of the risorius?
pulls corner of lip laterally
what is the function of the temporalis?
elevates mandible; closes mouth
what is the function of the occipitalis?
pulls scalp posteriorly
what is the function of the mylohyoid?
elevates hyoid bone and raises floor of mouth
what is the origin and insertion of mylohyoid?
origin: mandible
insertion: hyoid bone
what is the function of the digastric?
depresses mandible; opens mouth
what is the function of the sternohyoid?
depresses larynx and hyoid bone when mandible is fixed
what is the function of the omohyoid?
depresses and retracts hyoid bone
what is the origin and insertion of the omohyoid?
origin: superior surface of scapula
insertion: hyoid bone
what is the function of the sternocleidomastoid?
flexes neck; contraction of muscle rotates head to opposite side but allows head to tilt on same side
what is the origin and insertion of the sternocleidomastoid?
origin: manubrium of sternum and clavicle
insertion: temporal bone and occipital bone
what is the function of the trapezius?
rotates, retracts, and raises scapula
what is the function of the splenius capitis?
extends or hyperextends head
rotates and bends head to same side