Muscles Of The Gluteal Region And Thigh And Neurovascular Supply Of The Thigh Flashcards
2 groups of muscles in gluteal region
Superficial gluteal muscles
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus
Tensor fascia latae
Number of superficial gluteal muscles
Proximal Attachments of gluteus maximus
Most posterior parts of the posterior surface of the ilium
Sacrotuberous ligament
Distal attachments of the gluteus maximus
Iliotibial band
Gluteal tuberosity
Function of gluteal maximus
Extensor of the hip
- Important for standing from a sitting position
External rotator of the hip
Stabilises knee joint- as inserts into Iliotibial tract
Attachments of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus
Posterior ilium
Greater trochanter
Function of gluteus medius and gluteus minimus
Abduction of hip
Internal rotation of hip
Important role in normal gait- contraction and hold the pelvis level when walking
Attachments of the tensor fascia latae
Iliotibial band
Function of tensor fascia latae
Tenses the fascia lata and Iliotibial band- stabilising the knee when extended
Weak hip flexor
Fascia lata
A thick fascia that envelopes the muscles of the thigh from the iliac crest proximally to the tibia distally
Which nerves innervate the superficial gluteal muscles
Gluteal nerves which leave the sacral plexus via the greater sciatic foramen
Which nerve innervates the gluteus maximus
Inferior gluteal nerve
Which nerve innervates the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus and tensor fascia latae
Superior gluteal nerve
Function of deep gluteal muscles
Stabilise and laterally rotate the hip
Number of deep gluteal muscles
Deep gluteal muscles
Superior and inferior gemelli
Obturator internus
Quadratus femoris
What do all deep gluteal muscles insert into or close to
Greater trochanetr
Path of piriformis muscle
Attaches to anterior surface of sacrum
Passes through greater sciatic foramen
Inserts on greater trochanter
Over which muscle do the nerves of the sacral plexus pass
Where does the sciatic nerve emerge
Below inferior border of Piriformis in gluteal region
What do the superior and inferior gemelli and quadratus femoris arise from
What does the obturator internus arise from
Obturator membrane
What does the tendon of the obturator internus pass through
Lesser sciatic foramen
Number of muscles in anterior thigh
What are the muscles of the anterior thigh innervated by
Femoral nerve
Which spinal nerves are the femoral nerve derived from
Muscles of the anterior thigh
Quadriceps femoris- 4 muscles
Function of quadriceps femoris
Primary Extensor of the knee
Muscles of quadriceps femoris
Rectus femoris
Vastus lateralis
Vastus medialis
Vastus intermedius
Quadriceps tendon
Convergence of all 4 quadriceps femoris muscles
Runs over patella to insert into the tibial tube rosary via the patellar ligament
Rectus femoris
Lies in midline of anterior thigh
Attaches to AIIS
Function of rectus femoris
Flexion of hip
Extension of knee
Vastus lateralis
Lies lateral to rectus femoris
Attaches to linea aspera on posterior aspect of femoral shaft
Vastus medialis
Lies medial to rectus femoris
Attaches to linea aspera
Vastus intermedius
Lies deep to rectus femoris
Attaches to anterior aspect of femoral shaft
Sartorius location
Superficially in anterior thigh
Attaches to ASID and twists across thigh to insert on medial aspect of proximal tibia
Function of sartorius muscle
Flexion and external rotation of hip joint
Flexion of knee
Iliopsoas location
Proximal in anterior thigh
Psoas major and iliacus converge via a common tendon onto the lesser trochanter of the femur
Which 2 muscles form the ilipsoas
Psoas major
Function of ilipsoas
Primary Flexor of hip joint
What innervated the psoas major
Branched of L1-L3 spinal nerves
What innervates the iliacus muscle
Femoral nerve
What is the primary flexor of the hip joint
Pectineus location
In proximal anterior thigh medial to ilipsoas
Attaches proximally to superior pubic ramus and distally in femur (just inferior to lesser trochanter)
Function of pectineus
Flexes and adducts the hip joint
Number of muscles in the medial thigh
Which nerve innervates the muscles of the medial thigh
Obturator nerve
Which spinal nerves form the obturator nerve
Primary action of the medial thigh muscles
Adductors of the hip
Muscles of the medial thigh
Adductor brevis
Adductor longus
Adductor Magnus
Obturator externus
Which 2 muscles does the Obturator nerve lie between
Adductor brevis and adductor longus
Attachments of the adductor brevis and adductor longus
Pubic bone
Linea aspera
2 parts of adductor Magnus
Adductor part
Hamstring part
Adductor part of adductor Magnus
Attaches to inferior pubic ramus and linea aspera
Acts as an adductor
Innervated by Obturator nerve
Hamstring part of adductor Magnus
Attaches to ischia’s tuberosity and adductor tubercle
Acts as an extensor of the hip
Hamstring part of adductor Magnus function
Extensor of hip
Hamstring part of adductor Magnus innervation
Tibial part of sciatic nerve
Adductor hiatus
Gap formed between the distal attachments of the 2 parts of the adductor magnus
What travels through the adductor hiatus
Femoral artery and vein to enter posterior thigh
Gracilis location
Most medial muscle
Attaches to pubic bone and medial aspect of tibia
Gracilis function
Weak adductor and flexor of hip
Weak flexor of knee
Obturator externus location
Attached to external surface of Obturator membrane and inserts in femur near greater trochanter
Function of Obturator externus
Stabilises and laterally rotates the hip
Number of muscles in posterior thigh
Muscles in posterior thigh
Biceps femoris
Hamstring part of adductor magnus
Which muscles form the hamstrings
Long head of biceps femoris
What do the hamstrings attach to
Ischial tuberosity proximally
Function of the hamstrings muscles
Extend the hip
Flex the knee
What innervates the hamstrings muscles
Tibial part of the sciatic nerve
What does the Semimembranosus and Semitendinosus insert into
Medial aspect of proximal tibia
What does the long head of the biceps femoris insert into
Forms a common tendon with the short head and inserts onto head of the fibula
What does short head of the biceps femoris arise from
Linea aspera
What innervates the short head of biceps femoris
Common fibular part of sciatic nerve
Function of short head of biceps femoris
Flexes the knee
What does the hamstring part of adductor magnus arise from
Ischial tuberosity
What does the hamstring part of the adductor magnus insert onto
Adductor tubercle of the femur
Function of the hamstring part of the adductor magnus
Extends the hip
Biceps femoris
Short head and long head
Femoral triangle
Region of the proximal anterior thigh
Lateral border of the femoral triangle
Medial border of the sartorius
Medial border of the femoral triangle border of the femoral triangle
Lateral border of adductor longus
Superior border of the femoral triangle
Inguinal ligament
Apex of the femoral triangle
Where sartorius and adductor longus meet
Floor of the femoral triangle
Ilipsoas laterally
Pectineus medially
Contents of the femoral triangle
Femoral artery
Femoral vein
Femoral nerve
Tributary into the femoral vein
Superficial vein- great saphenous vein
Location of femoral nerve
Travels deep to the inguinal ligament to enter the anterior thigh
Order of contents of femoral triangle from lateral to medial
What are the superior and inferior gluteal arteries branches of
Internal iliac artery
What is the femoral artery a branch of
External iliac artery
What is the Obturator artery a branch of
Internal iliac artery
Branches of the femoral artery
Profunda femoris
Popliteal artery
What does the femoral artery become
Popliteal artery
Path of femoral artery
It travels deep to the inguinal ligament to enter the proximal anterior thigh. It is located relatively superficially here and can be palpated. It gives off a large branch called the profunda femoris (deep artery of the thigh) which travels deep into the thigh and supplies it. The femoral artery continues distally, traverses the adductor hiatus, and enters the distal part of the posterior thigh where it becomes the popliteal artery.
Path of Obturator artery
It travels through the obturator canal into the medial compartment of the thigh. It anastomoses with branches from the femoral artery.
Which 2 arteries of the thigh anastomose
Femoral and obturator
Which arteries supply the hamstring muscles
3/4 perforating arteries that arise from the profunda femoris
Path of perforating arteries
travel through small apertures in the adductor magnus to reach the posterior compartment.
Veins of the thigh
Superior and inferior gluteal veins
Popliteal vein—> femoral vein
Great saphenous vein
Obturator vein
Which veins drain into the internal iliac vein
Superior and inferior gluteal
Path of femoral vein
Medial to femoral artery in proximal thigh
How does the popliteal vein enter the anterior thigh
Via the adductor hiatus
What does the femoral vein receive blood from in the femoral triangle
Great saphenous vein
Which vein becomes the external iliac vein
Femoral vein after travelling under the inguinal ligament
Which nerve innervates the skin over the leg
Saphenous nerve
What is the saphenous nerve a branch of
Femoral nerve
Obturator nerve
travels along the lateral wall of the pelvis and exits through the obturator canal. It emerges onto the superficial surface of adductor brevis and gives rise to branches that innervate the medial compartment muscles and skin over the medial thigh.
Sciatic nerve
leaves the pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen and enters the gluteal region inferior to the lower border of piriformis. The nerve is really composed of two separate nerves bound together – the tibial nerve and the common fibular nerve.
Which nerves form the sciatic nerve
Tibial nerve
Common fibular nerve
Tibial nerve innervates
Muscles of posterior thigh and posterior leg
Common fibular nerve innervates
Muscles of anterior and lateral leg
Which spinal nerves form the sciatic nerve
Neurovascular access
The femoral artery can be accessed in the femoral triangle. This is very commonly undertaken for angiography. The femoral vein is medial to the femoral artery. Using knowledge of anatomy and surface landmarks, in emergency situations, it can be easily accessed for blood samples if they cannot be obtained from peripheral veins.
Fascia iliaca compartment block
This is a commonly performed procedure in the emergency department where a relatively large volume (around 30-40ml) of local anaesthetic is injected, usually under ultrasound guidance, just underneath the fascia of the iliacus muscle near the femoral triangle. In this ‘compartment’, there are several nerves that carry pain sensation from the around the neck of the femur, including the femoral and obturator nerves, so it is performed to provide analgesia (pain relief) to patients that have sustained a neck of femur fracture. Care must be taken not to accidentally inject the anaesthetic into an artery or vein.
Femoral hernia
Similar to an inguinal hernia, this is an abnormal protrusion of intestine into the upper anterior thigh. It is more common in females. The intestine passes deep to the inguinal ligament and causes a lump to appear just distal to the inguinal region. Strangulation of the herniated intestine leads to ischaemia and infarction of the tissue.
Obturator nerve irritation
Along its course on the lateral wall of the pelvis, the obturator nerve runs close to the ovary. Ovarian pathology, such as a cyst, may irritate the nerve. This typically results in sensory abnormalities (tingling, itching or pain) in the medial thigh.
Gluteal IM injection
Gluteus maximus is a common site for intramuscular injection, but the sciatic nerve must be avoided. Given the position of the nerve deep to the gluteal muscles, the only safe place to give an injection is into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock to safely avoid the sciatic nerve.
This term is in common use and describes pain that is felt in the posterior thigh and leg due to compression of nerve roots that contribute to the sciatic nerve (L4 - S3). Most commonly it is the result of a prolapsed (‘slipped’) intervertebral disc between L5 and S1.
- Which muscles are the primary abductors of the hip joint? Explain why abduction is important for normal gait.
Gluteus medius and gluteus minimus
Abductors contract to hold pelvis level and prevent tilt
- Which muscles attach to the ischial tuberosity?
Long head of biceps femoris
Hamstring part of adductor magnus
- Which arteries supply the gluteal region? What larger vessel do they arise from?
Superior and inferior gluteal arteries
- internal iliac
- Which vessel supplies the posterior compartment of the thigh?
Perforating arteries that arise from the profunda femoris
- What is the surface marking of the femoral artery?
Just below the inguinal ligament at the point halfway between the pubic tubercle and ASIS
- How do the femoral artery, vein and nerve lie relative to each other in the femoral triangle?
NAV lateral to medial
- Which compartment and muscles are supplied by the femoral nerve? What is the general action of this muscle group?
Anterior - quadriceps femoris, sartorius, iliopsoas and pectineus
-primary flexors of hip and extensors of knee
- Which regions of skin in the lower limb are innervated by the femoral nerve?
Anterior thigh and anteromedial leg (via saphenous nerve)
- What forms the adductor hiatus and what passes through it?
Aperture formed between the attachments of the 2 parts of the adductor magnus to femur
-femoral artery and vein
- Describe the course of the obturator nerve.
o The nerve is composed of fibres from the L2-L4 spinal nerves.
o It descends into the pelvis and courses along the lateral wall of the pelvis with the obturator artery and vein.
o It travels through the obturator foramen.
o It travels between adductor brevis and longus. It gives rise to branches that innervate the medial thigh muscles and the skin of the medial thigh.
What artery supplies the posterior thigh compartment
Profunda femoris (branch of femoral)
What artery supplies the medial thigh compartment
What artery supplies the anterior thigh compartment
What artery supplies the gluteal compartment
Superior and inferior gluteal (branch of internal iliac)
Primary hip flexors
Psoas major
Which muscles insert into lesser trochanter of femur
Psoas major