Muscles of the cranium, neck, and face Flashcards
This very large muscle, covering the top sides of the skull is composed of two broad bellies, connected by a large aponeurosis, called the Galea Aponeurotica
What is the occipitofrontalis muscle a.k.a. the epicranius muscle
The function of this muscle is that the occipital belly draws the scalp backwards and the frontal belly raises the skin over the nose and eyebrows. With this muscle one can raise one or both eyebrows.
What is the occipitofrontalis a.k.a. epicranius muscle.
The origin of this muscle is the superior line of the occipital bone and the mastoid portion of the temporal bone. Its marking is the transverse frontal sulci.
 What is the origin of the occipitofrontalis muscle aka epicranius muscle?
This is the largest organ of the body, which is only a few millimeters thick and is a barrier which protects the body from water, chemicals, disease, UV light and physical damage.
What is the skin?
This broad radiating muscle is shaped like a fan with the origin being the temporal fossa. It is the strongest of all the chewing muscles; retracts the lower jaw and brings the teeth together.
What’s is the Temporalis muscle?
This is the strongest of all the chewing muscles, retracts the lower jaw, and brings the teeth together
What is the function of the temporal muscle?
This muscle of the neck is consistent of two broad flat, superficial muscles, which arise from the fascia covering large muscles of the collarbone, ribs and shoulder
What is the platysma muscle?
The function of this muscle is to lower the angle of the mouth jaw upon contraction, and it’s marking. Is the platysma sulci more commonly known as a double chin.
What is the platysma muscle?
With this muscle of the neck has two bellies, which are just below the body of the mandible it’s markings are chords of the neck caused by the anterior belly
What is the digasticus muscle?
The muscle in red is called what
What’s is digastricus muscle
This sphincter muscle is known to a circle the mouth. Its origin, begins at the base of the nose, and extends down to the lower jaw and laterally to both cheeks.
What is the orbicularis oris?
The function of this muscle is to open and close the mouth and move the lips press them together and move them forward
What’s is the function of the orbicularis Oris?
The markings of this muscle are the labial sulci (known commonly as lip wrinkles) and philtrum.
What are the orbicularis Oris
This three sided muscle originates on the oblique line of the mandible and inserts at the angle of the mouth. Its marking contributes to the prominence of the angulus Oris eminence.
What is the Depressor Anguli Oris muscle a.k.a. Triangularis for Depressor Anguli Oris.
This quadrilateral muscle arises from the oblique line of the mandible and moves upward to the skin of the lower lip by the location of the labiomental sulcus.
What is the depressors labii inferioris a.k.a. quadratus