Introduction To Restorative Art Flashcards
The care of the deceased to re-create natural form and color
What is restorative art?
The purpose of this is to help families cope with that, and create pleasant memories, picture, free of trauma and sickness
What is the purpose and objective of restorative art
The psychological effect on families and friends, professional obligation, and personal satisfaction or three obligations of this
What are the three obligations as incentives of proficiency at restorative art?
The study of the face and features dealing only with the surface, contours structures, superficial appearances, but not function
What is physiognomy?
The lack of symmetry or balance or proportion; when both sides are different. The difference of paired features, or when two sides of a feature of both halves of a face are different…
What is asymmetry?
The most common characteristic of each part of a feature or face
What is the norm?
A restoration requiring minimum time or minimal skill
What is a minor restoration?
A restoration requiring a long time to complete
What is a major restoration
A restoration requiring a longer time to complete as well as a technical skill
What is a major restoration requiring technical skill
The three timetables in which restorative art breaks down into are these three
The timetable that is used to define the sort of art process is 1.before embalming 2. during embalming 3. after embalming.
Posing features before tissue settles (before during or after?)
What is A skill done before embalming?
Corrective alignment of nose and jaw (before during or after?)
What is a skill done before embalming?
Hold muscle, or flaps of skin together with temporary suture (before, during or after?)
What is a skill done before embalming?
Reset, dislocated features or fractures (before during or after embalming?)
What is a skill done before embalming?
Reposition displaced tissue (before during or after embalming?)
What is a skill done before embalming
Minor buck teeth, correction (before during or after embalming?)
Minor bucked teeth Correction is a skill done before embalming
Puncture blisters (before during or after embalming?)
Puncturing blisters is a skill done before embalming?
Suture, cleaning cuts (before during or after embalming?)
Suturing clean cut is a skill done before embalming.
Supporting surface tissue where bone is depressed (before during or after embalming?)
Supporting surface tissues were bone is depressed is a skill done before embalming
Color tissues, restoring, natural color internally (before during or after embalming?)
Color, tissues, and restoring natural color internally is a skill done during embalming
Internal tissue building (from embalming) (before during or after embalming?)
As implied internal tissue building from embalming is a skilled done during embalming.
The maintaining posture and positioning of features, and clearing out discoloration through massage ( before during or after embalming?)
Maintaining posture and positioning of features and clearing out. Discoloration through massage is a skill done during embalming?
Hypodermic tissue injection (before during or after embalming?)
Hypodermic tissue in injection is a skilled done after embalming?
Removing of scabs (before during or after embalming?)
Removing of scabs is a skilled done after embalming?
Excising of mutilated tissue (before during or after embalming?)
Excising of mutilated tissue is a skilled done after embalming
Suturing of incisions (before during or after embalming)
The suturing of incisions is a skill done after embalming?
Reduction of swelling (before during or after embalming?)
Reduction of swelling is a skill done after embalming?
Deep wound preparation and filling after exercising of mutilated tissue) (before, during or after embalming)
Deep wound preparation, and filling after exercising, a mutilated tissue is a skill done after embalming
Wax services 8 to 10 hours post embalming (before during or after embalming?)
As implied waxing services, 8 to 10 hours after embalming is a skill that has to be done after embalming.
Feature modeling (before during or after embalming)
Feature modeling is a skill done after embalming