Muscles of Leg and Feet Flashcards
O: Tibia - Post Mid 1/3
I: Toes 2-5 Plantar surface, Distal Phalanges
A: FLEX of toes 2-5 at MTP and IP; Plantarflexion, Inversion
N: Tibial n
S: Post Tibial artery
O: Fibula - Post Distal 2/3 + Interosseous membrane Distal 2/3
I: Big toe Plantar surface, Distal Phalanx
A: FLEX of toe 1 at MTP and IP; Plantarflexion, Inversion
N: Tibial n
S: Post Tibial artery
O: Distal Femur Post-Lat Condyle
I: Tibia – Superior portion posteromedial.
A: Unlocks the knee-FLX, Medial rotation of tibia
N: Tibial n
S: Post Tibial artery
O: Fibula - Prox 2/3 + Interosseous membrane Prox 1/3 + Tibia - Lat condyle
I: Toes 2-5 dorsal surface, Mid and distal Phalanges
A: EXT of toes 2-5 at MTP and IP; Dorsiflexion
N: Deep Fibular n
S: Ant Tibial artery
O: Fibula - Ant middle 1/3 + Interosseous membrane Middle 1/3
I: Big toe dorsal surface, Distal Phalanx
A: EXT of toe at MTP and IP; Dorsiflexion
N: Deep Fibular n
S: Ant. Tib.
O: Calcaneus - Dorsal surface
I: Toes 2-4: Lat side of EDL distal tendons
A: EXT of toes 2-4 at MTP and PIP, DIP
N: Deep Fibular n
S: Dorsalis Pedis artery
O: Calcaneus - Dorsal surface
I: Big toe - dorsal surface, base of prox phalanx
A: EXT of Big toe at MTP
• N: Deep Fibular n.
S: Dorsalis Pedis A.
Layers of Plantar Intrinsic Foot Muscles and Muscles per Layer
1st: AH, ADMP, FDB
2nd: QP, Lumbricals (Pedis)
3rd: FHB, FDMP, AddH
4th: Plantar!Int (3 unipen), DI Pedis! (Bipennate 4)
O: Calcaneus - tub + Plantar Fascia + Flex retinaculum
I: Big toe - Prox Phalanx - med plantar side
A : ABD of Big toe; FLEX at MTP
N: Medial Plantar
S: Medial plantar A.
O: Calcaneus - tub + Plantar Fascia
I: Toe 5 - Lat plantar base of Prox phalanx
• A: ABD of Toe 5
N: Lat Plant
S: Lat Plant A.
O: Calcaneus - tub + Plantar Fascia
I: Mid Phalanges - med + lat aspects
A: flexion of toes 2-5 at MTP and PIP
N: Med Plant
S: Med + Lat Plant A.
O: Calcaneus - med and Lat sides
I: FDL - Distal tendon
A: flexion of Toes 2-5 at MTP, PIP, DIP
N: Lat Plantar N
S: Med + Lat Plant A.
Lumbricals Pedis
O: Flex Dig Longus - Distal tendon
- Med border of Toe 2!!
- Adj sides of toe 2-3
- Adj side of toe 3-4
- Adj sides of toe 4-5
I: Ext Dig Longus - med side + dorsal dig expansion of toes 2-5
A: flexion of toes 2-5 at MTP + Ext of toes 2-5 at PIP, DIP
N: Medial and Lat plantar nerves
S: Medial and Lateral plantar A.
O: Cuboid + 3rd Cuneiform
I: Big toe - Prox phalanx: plantar surface, medial and Lat sides
A: FLX of Big toe @ MTP
N: Med. Plant
S: Med. Plant A.
O: 5th metatarsal: plantar surface, base + Fibularis Longus: distal tendon
I: 5th toe: plantar surface, prox phalanx
A: Flexion of the 5th toe at MTP
N: Lat. Plant
S: Lat Plant A.
O: Oblique head - Base of metatarsals 2-4 + Fib Longus (distal tendon)
Transverse head - Plantar MTP ligaments
- I: Big toe - Prox phalanx: Lat base
- A: ADD of the big toe at MTP
N: Lat Plant N.
S: Branch of Plantar Arch
Unipennate, 3
O: Metatarsals 3-5: Med sides (2nd Toe side) 1. Metatarsal 3 2. Metatarsal 4 3. Metatarsal 5 • I: Prox phalanges of Toes 3-5, Med side (2nd toe side) + Dorsal Dig Exp 1. Toe 3 2. Toe 4 3. Toe 5
• A: ADD of Toes 3-5 at MTP; Flexion at MTP; Ext at PIP and DIP
N: Lat Plantar
S: Branch of Plantar A.
O: Adj sides of 2 Metatarsals
- Metatarsals 1 and 2
- Metatarsals 2 and 3
- Metatarsals 3 and 4
- Metatarsals 4 and 5
• I: Base of the Prox phalanges of Toes 2-4 (sides away from the center 2nd toe) + Dorsal Dig Exp 1. Medial side of Toe 2 2. Lateral side of Toe 2 3. Lateral side of Toe 3 4. Lateral side of Toe 4
- A: ABD of Toes 2-4 at MTP; Flexion at MTP 2-4; Ext at PIP and DIP 2-4
- N: Lateral plantar
S: Branch of Plantar A.