Board Prep Stack Flashcards
Semispinalis capitis
Adductor Hallucis
Semispinalis cervicis**
Lumbicals Pedis**
Semispinalis Cap: TvP C7 - T6, AP of C4-6 -> occipital btw sup and inferior nuchal line, CONROT, SFLX of head/csp
Interspinales: SP of L5-L2, T12, T2-C3 -> adjacent SP above. EXT trunk neck
Adductor Hallucis: MTP 2-4 base, fib long tendon distal palamr, MTP ligament transverse -> Lateral big toe prox phalanx. ADD MTP
Semispinalis cervicis: TvP Rib 1-5 -> SP of C2-5
Lumb Ped: FDL tendon medial side of toe 2 and adj side 2-5 -> medial side EDL via the DDE, FLX MTP EXT IP
Splenius capitis
Dorsal interossei
Splenius cervicis*
Vastus Medialis
Splenius capitis: C7-T4 SP -> Lat 1/3 sup nuchal line, mastoid process. EXT, IPSROT, SFLX csp
Semimembranosus: Ischial tub - Medial condyle tiba post. EXT hip, FLX knee
Dorsal interossei Adj side 1-5 base MCP, Side away from 3rd finger for dig 2, 3 (both sides), 4
Splenius cervicis SP T3-6- Tvp C1-3 EXT, IPSROT of csp
Vast Med: Medial SUPRACONDYLAR line, INTERTROCHANTERIC line, Medial linea aspera -> tib tuber vis quad ten/patellar lig. EXT knee
Abductor digiti minimi
Fibularis (peroneus) longus
Palmar interossei *
Semispinalis thoracis
Longissimus Cap**
Abductor digiti minimi : psifirom, FCU distal tendon palmar -> Ulnar side prox phalanx 5th digit and DDE. ABD at MTP jts
Fibularis (peroneus) longus: Prox 1/2 of fibula, head of fibula -> 1st MT base, medial cuneiform. DORSFL, EVER
Palmar interossei: base MCP 2, 4, 5 twds midlee finger-> prox phalanx middle-finger side and DDE. ADD
Semispinalis thoracis: TP T6-10 -> C6-T4 SP. CONROT, SFLX trunk
Long Cap (shares same Os w/ cervicis): C5-7 TvP, TP T1-5 -> Mastoid process
Sternothyoid, Buccinator
Opponens Pollicis
Longus Cap*
Medial pterygoid
Occipitofrontalis (occipitalis)
Sternothyoid - Manibrium post, medial clavicle - thyroid lamina
Bucc - Maxilla and Mandible (alveolar) -> Mm of lips
Opponens Pollicis - Trapezium, FLX retinaculum -> base 1st MC. OPP CMC
Long Cap TvP of C3-5->occiput ant to magnum foramen
Medial ptyergoid - Maxilla, hard palate, med surf of lat ptyergoid plate - Angle and ramus of manidible. Dep TMJ
Occipitofrontalis (occipitalis) - Lat 2/3 sup nuch line - galea aponeurotic. Draws skin scap post
Obliquus *capitis superior
Lateral pterygoid
Abductor pollicis longus inserts to
Abductor digti minimi (pedis) Origin
Obt EXT inserts to
Obliquus capitis superior - sim to Semisp Cap and Rec Cap Post Min - TvP C1 - Occiput btw *sup and inf nuch line. *SFLX and Protract AOJ
Lateral pterygoid - Lat ptergoid plate, greater sphenoid wing - TMJ cap and art disc. Dep TMJ
Base of 1st MCP (post lat), ABD/EXT CMC
Abductor digti minimi (pedis) - Calcaneus and plantar fascia
Obliquus capitis superior
Lateral pterygoid
Abductor pollicis longus inserts to
Abductor digti minimi (pedis) Origin
Obt EXT inserts to
Obliquus capitis superior - sim to Semisp Cap and Rec Cap Post Min - TvP C1 - Occiput btw sup and inf nuch line. SFLX and Protract AOJ
Lateral pterygoid - Lat ptergoid plate, greater sphenoid wing - TMJ cap and art disc. Dep TMJ
Base of 1st MCP (post lat), ABD/EXT CMC
Abductor digti minimi (pedis) - Calcaneus and plantar fascia
Trochant fossa femur
Psoas min insert
Depressor labii inferiors origin
EDB insert
Longismus Thoracis insert*
Vast Lat origin, FLX dig Sup origin
Rec Cap post Maj insert
Pec line pubis, oblique line mandible by mental foramen
Middle/distal phalanx 2-4 via DDE lat of EDL tendon
TvP T1-12, lower 9 ribs
Riso - Skin masseter - lat to angle mouth
Vast Lat - Intertrochaterlic line, lat lip linea, glutea tub
FDS - Medial epicondyle ulna via CFT, CPU, prox 1/2 of ant radius
RCPM - Lat 1/2 of inf nuchal line of occiput
Spinalis capitis
EDL origin
Iliocostal cervicis
FDMinim Ped*
Spinalis capitis: Arises w/ semispin cap (C7-T6, C4-6 AP -> occiput
EDL origin: Prox 2/3 of fibula, 1/3 interosseus membrane and Lateral tib condyle (like TA)
Iliocostalis cervicis Angles of R1-6-TP of C4-6 (semispinal cap)
QL - Rib 12 inferior border, TvP L1-4 =>Medial post iliac crest, iliolumbar ligament
FDMP - Fib long tendon distal and plantar base of 5 MT - prox phalax of 5th toe
Flexor *Hallucis Brevis
Longus Colli
Rec Cap Post Min
FHB - Lateral cuneiform, cuboid -> medial/lat side base prox phalanx big toe. FLX at MTP jt
LC - TvP ant bodies C3-T3 -> TvP, ant bodies of C2-6 and ant arch of C1
FPL - Coronoid ulna, Medial epicondyle humerus, DISTAL 1/2 of radius and interoseus membrane -> Base of Distal phalanx of thumb radial
Plant - Lat condyle femur and the Lateral supracondylar ridge -> Post calc
RCPM - SP of C1 -> CT dura mater nad Medial 1/2 of inf nuchal line , PROT
Lumbricals Manus**
Ext Carp Ul
Articular Genus
Iliocostalis thoracis
FDL - Middle 1/3 of tibia -> Distal phalanx of toes 2-5
Lumb- Radial side 2, and 3, adj sides 3-5 FDS tendon -> Radial 2, both sides 3*, and ulnar side of 4 distal ED tendon
ECU - Post middle 1/3 of ulna, lat epicondyle CET-> Base of 5th metacarpal
A Genus - Distal ant femur shaft - knee capsule, pulls capsule prox
Ilicost thorac - Angles Rib 7-12 -> Rib 1-6 angle and TvP of C7
Ilicost Lumbor
Spinalis Cervicis
Lev Anguli Oris
ORb oris
Ilicost Lumbor - Medial/Lat sacrl crest, Medial POst iliac crest -> angle Rib 7-12
Spinalis Cervicis - SP of C7 and inferior nuchal liagment -> SP C2
Lev Anguli Oris - canine fossa of maxilla -> Modiolus, lateral of angle of mouth
Orb oris - Musculature around mouth -> skin AT CORNER OF MOUTH
FHL - Distal 2/3 of fibula and interosseus membrane -> Base of distal phalanx big toe
FCU *origin
EXT intercostal vs. Internal intercost action
EHL origin and EHB insert
Medial border olecranon, Medial epicondyle CFT, Prox 1/3 of ulna
Elev R2-12 Runs from Sup to Inf,
Dep R1-11 runs inf to SUP
Middle 1/3 of ant fibula
Distal phalanx of big toe via DDE