Muscles involved in opening and closing of mouth Flashcards
Shark opening muscles
levator hyomandibulae, epaxial, coracomandibularis, rectus cervicis, hypaxial
Levator hyomandibulae
moves hyomandibula dorsally
moves cranium caudally
moves meckel’s cartilage caudally
Rectus cervicis
moves hyoid arch cardally
stabilizes coracoid or pectoral girdle
Palatoquadrate movement during opening
moves ventrally because it’s not fused to the skull and the hyomandibular is pulled dorsally
Shark closing muscles
levator palatoquadrati, preorbitalis, interhyoideus, intermandibularis, adductor mandibulae
Levator palatoquadrati
moves palatoquadrate towards chondrocranium
moves meckel’s cartilage towards orbits of chondrocranium
Adductor mandibulae
moves meckel’s cartilage towards base of chondrocranium
Interhyoideus and intermandibularis
moves hyoid towards meckel’s cartilage
Salamander opening muscles
depressor mandibulae, geniohyoideus, epaxial, sternohyoideus (rectus cervicis), hypaxial
Depressor mandibulae
unique to amphibians and opening can occur without the need of the depressor, moves the back of lower jaw towards skull
Sternohyoideus within salamander
moves the hyoid caudally