Muscles crossing the Shoulder Joint Flashcards
Pectoralis major (PM)
O: clavicle, sternum, ribs 1-6, and external oblique
I: humerus
PM for shoulder adduction
flexion -> clavicular part, extension -> sternal part
Deltoid (PM)
O: clavicle and scapula
I: humerus
PM for arm abduction; also flexion and extension
flexion, medial rotation -> anterior fibers
extension, lateral rotation -> posterior fibers
Latissimus dorsi (PM)
O: iliac crest, lumbar & thoracic vertebrae, lower 3-4 ribs, and scapula
I: humerus
PM for arm extension and adduction
Subscapularis (PM)
O: scapula
I: humerus
PM for medial rotation
O: scapula
I: humerus
Infraspinatus (PM)
O: scapula
I: humerus
PM for lateral rotation
Teres minor (PM)
O: scapula
I: humerus
also PM for lateral rotation
Teres major
O: scapula
I: humerus
extension, medial rotation, and adduction
synergist of latissimus dorsi
O: scapula
I: humerus
flexion and adduction
synergist of pectoralis major