Muscles Flashcards
forehead, elevates eyebrows and wrinkles forehead
orbicularis oculi
round muscle around the eye, opens and closes the eye
over temples, elevates the mandible
muscle on the back of skull, covers the occipital bone. Helps with lengthening neck
zygomatic major
from zygomatic bone down into the cheek
“smiling muscle” pulls your cheeks back. at corner of lip
orbicularis oris
purse the lips, round muscle around mouth
presses cheeks against the molars, squeeze teeth. underneath risorious
elevates mandible, helps with chewing. from jaw up under the temporal bone
long muscle, behind the ear. Helps with turning/tilting your head
levator scapulae
elevates the scapula, tilts toward the glenoid cavity.
moves scap up, down, in, out. btwn neck and shoulders
stretches face/neck skin. from jaw down to clavicle
raises mandible/hyoid for speaking and swallowing, under the chin
depresses hyoid after swallowing, inside neck along the esophagus
3 parts: ANT medially rotates the arm; MIDDLE abducts arm POST extends/laterally rotates the arm (outside of the shoulder)
pectoralis major
flexes, adducts, medially rotates arm (big chest muscle)
pectoralis minor
depresses and stabilizes scapula (from shoulder to 3rd rib, under pec maj.)
serratus anterior
rotates scap up, pulls it anterior (lower than pec maj. mixed in with obliques)
biceps brachii
supinates flexed forearm (anterior side of humerous)
external intercostals
elevates ribs (more lateral than medial/ inside of ribs)
internal intercostals
elevates ribs (more medial than lateral/ inside of ribs)
latissimus dorsi
extends, adducts, and rotates humerus. (big back muscle under trap/ from armpit to hip)
helps deltoid abduct arm, helps cuff rotate arm (top of rotator cuff/ located between acromion and clavicle)
laterally rotates arm at shoulder (middle of rotator cuff/ located on scapula)