Muscles Flashcards
1) Masseter - elevate mandible
2) Temporalis - elevate and retract mandible
3) Medial pterygoid - elevate and sideways mandible
4) Lateral pterygoid - protrude and sideways mandible
INERVATION: Mandibular branch of Trigeminal (CN V3)
1) Superior rectus - depress, adduct, lateral rotation
2) Inferior rectus - adduct
3) Medial rectus - abduct
4) Lateral rectus - depress, abduct, medial rotation
5) Superior oblique - elevate, abduct, lateral rotation
6) Inferior oblique - elevate, adduct, medial rotation (+ elevate upper eyelid)
7) Levator palpebrae superioris - elevate, adduct, medial rotation (+ elevate upper eyelid)
*Trochlea - fibrocartilaginous pulley holding superior oblique
Facial Expression: Orbital
1) Orbicularis oculi - close eyelid
2) Corrugator supercilii - eyebrow medially and down
Facial Nerve CN VII
Facial Expression: Nasal
1) Nasalis - (Transverse) Compress nasal aperture; (Alar) Draw cartilage down and laterally open nostril
2) Procerus - Medial eyebrow down, wrinkling over nose bridge
3) Depressor septi - Nose inferiorly
Facial Nerve CN VII
Facial Expression: Oral
1) Depressor anguli oris - Corner of mouth down and lateral
2) Depressor labii inferioris - lower lip down and lateral
3) Mentalis - Lower lip rise and protrude
4) Risorius - Corner of mouth retract
5) Zygomaticus major - Corner of mouth up and lateral
6) Zygomaticus minor - Upper lip up
7) Levator labii superioris - Upper lip rise; nasolabial furrow formation
8) Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi - Upper lip rise; nostril open
9) Levator anguli oris - Corner of mouth rise; nasolabial furrow formation
10) Orbicularis oris - Lips close and protrude
11) Buccinator - Cheek press against teeth
Facial Nerve CN VII
Facial Expression: Other
1) Anterior auricular - Ear up and forward
2) Superior auricular - Ear elevate
3) Posterior auricular - Ear up and back
4) Occipitofrontalis - (Frontal) Wrinkle forehead and raise eyebrows; (Occipital) Scalp back
Extrinsic Lingual
1) Genioglossus - Tongue protrude and depress center
2) Hyoglossus - Tongue depress
3) Styloglossus - Tongue elevate and retract
Hypoglossal Nerve CN XII
4) Palatoglossus - Palate depress; tongue elevate back
* Actually a soft palate muscle, not tongue
Vagus Nerve CN X
Anterior Triangle of Neck: Suprahyoid
1) Stylohyoid - Hyoid up and posterosuperiorly
Facial [VII]
2) Digastric - (Anterior) Lower mandible and raise hyoid; (Posterior) Hyoid up and back
Mandibular [V3] - Anterior
Facial [VII] - Posterior
3) Mylohyoid - Support and elevate floor of mouth; elevate hyoid
Mandibular [V3]
4) Geniohyoid - With fixed mandible, elevate and forward hyoid; With fixed hyoid, pull mandible down and in
C1 (carried by hypoglossal [VII])
Anterior Triangle of Neck: Infrahyoid
1) Sternohyoid - Depress hyoid after swallowing
2) Omohyoid - Depress and fix hyoid
3) Thyrohyoid - Depress hyoid or raise larynx (if hyoid fixed)
C1 (carried by hypoglossal [VII])
4) Sternothyroid - Larynx (thyroid cartilage) down
Posterior Triangle of Neck
1) Sternocleidomastoid - Acting individually: tilts head towards shoulder and turns face away; Acting together: draws head forward
Accessory [XI] and C2-C3
2) Trapezius - Rotates scapula when humerus above horizontal
Motor: Accessory [XI]
Sensory: C3-C4
Constrictors of the Pharynx
Superior, middle and inferior
All constrict pharynx
Vagus [X]
Longitudinal of the Pharynx
1) Stylopharyngeus
Glossopharyngeal [IX]
2) Salpingopharyngeus
Vagus [X]
3) Palatopharyngeus
Vagus [X]
All elevate pharynx, + 3 closes oropharyngeal isthmus
1) Cricothyroid 2-3) Posterior and Lateral Cricoarytenoids 4-5) Transverse and Oblique Arytenoids 6) Thyroarytenoid 7) Vocalis
Innervation: Recurrent laryngeal branch of vagus [X]
EXCEPT 1 - Superior laryngeal nerve of vagus [X]