Muscles Flashcards
Ability of a muscle to shorten with force
Capacity of muscles to respond to a stimulus
Muscles can be stretched to its normal resting length and beyond to limit degree
Ability of muscles to recoil to its original resting length after being stretched
What are the 3 main types of muscle ?
Skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle
What is the function of a tendon ?
Connects bone to muscle
Helps prevent muscle injury by absorbing some of the impact
What is the function of the fascia ?
Provides support for the surrounding tissue and helps reduce friction
What is the function of a muscle ?
Responsible for movement - contraction and relaxation
What is the function of the myotendinous junction
The interface between muscle and tendon where the force is transmitted between two tissue
What is the function of the osteotendinous junction ?
Site of connection between the bone and is also the tendon insertion site
-> provides gradual transition from tendiunous to bone
What is the function of the tendon sheath ?
Protects tendons and allow target to move smoothly and freely
Also helps anchor the tendon to the muscle
What are the 4 ways muscle contraction can be stopped - explain in a sentence?
Energy systems fatigue
- no more ATP left in muscle cells so it can’t keep contracting
Nervous system fatigue
- nervous system is unable to create impulses sufficiently enough to maintain the stimulus and cause calcium to be released
Voluntary system control
- the nerve that tells the muscle to contract stops sending the signal because the Brain tells it to, no more calcium ions can enter = contraction stops
Involuntary nervous system
Involuntary nervous system control
sensory neurone (nerves that detect stimuli such as pain) provides feedback to the brain indicating that the muscle is injured while you are trying to lift a heavy weight = the impulse telling the muscle to contact is stopped
What are muscle spindles and their role?
act as stretch receptors controlling the length of the muscle
They sense how far and how fast the muscle is being stretched
Contraction = reflex hammer
What are Golgi tendons organs and their role ?
- Nerve fibres that weave between the collagen fibres of the tendon (proprioreceptors)
- Sensitive to change in muscle tension
- Muscle contracts the nerve, fibres are compressed triggering a stimulus
- Monitors extent of a muscle contraction and force exerted
- Inhibition of muscle
Muscle tone
Constant tension by the muscles for long periods of time / acting against gravity
Isotonic contraction
Change in length but tension is constant (dynamic)
Concentric contraction
The muscle shortens
The internal force generated is greater than the external force applied
Eccentric contraction
The muscle lengthens, whilst maintaining tension
External force applied is greater than the internal force generated