Muscles 1 Flashcards
Identify the muscle:
depresses ribs and aids in expiration
Internal Intercostals
Identify the muscle:
* pull ribs toward one another to elevate rib cage
* aids in inspiration
External Intercostals
Identify the muscle:
* aids in inspiration
* increase intra-abdominal pressure
Identify the muscle:
pulls scapula forward and downward
Pectoralis Minor
Identify the muscle:
flexes, adducts, and medially rotates the arm
Pectoralis Major
Identify the muscle:
abducts the scapula
Serratus anterior
Identify the muscle:
* extends head
* adducts, elevates, and lowers scapula
Identify the muscle:
raises and adducts scapula
Levator scapulae
Identify the muscle (first of two):
pulls scapula medially and elevates it
Rhomboideous major
Identify the muscle (second of two):
pulls scapula medially and elevates it
Rhomboideous minor
Identify the muscle:
raises eyebrows
(listed as occiptiofrontalis, front belly in your text)
Identify the muscle:
pulls scalp posteriorly
(listed as occipitofrontalis, occipital belly in your text)
Identify the muscle:
closes eye
Orbicularis oculi
Identify the muscle:
closes mouth, protrudes lips
Orbicularis oris
Identify the muscle:
raises corner of mouth
Zygomaticus (major and minor)
Identify the muscle:
* widens nostrils
* narrows internal air passageways
Identify the muscle:
draws angle of mouth laterally in expressions of laughing, horror, or disdain
Identify the muscle:
* elevates and protrudes lip in drinking, pouting
* elevates and wrinkles chin
Identify the muscle:
compresses cheek inward and holds food between teeth when chewing
Identify the muscle:
depresses mandible and pulls lower lip back and down
Identify the muscle (1 of 2):
* closes jaw
* elevates mandible
Identify the muscle (2 of 2):
* closes jaw
* elevates mandible
Identify the muscle:
* flexes neck
* rotates head
Identify the muscle:
flexes and rotates the neck