Muscle Quiz 2 Flashcards
MQ2- What muscle(s) have an origin on/near the Ischial Tuberosity?
Biceps Femoris, Semimembranosus, and Semitendinosus - The Hamstring Group
MQ2- What is the longest muscle in the body?
The Sartorius muscle
MQ2- What is the deepest thigh muscle?
MQ2- What is the primary action of the Quadriceps group?
Extension of the leg at the knee joint
MQ2- What is the insertion site of the Quadriceps group?
Tibial Tuberosity (via Patella Tendon)
MQ2- What muscle(s) insert on the Proximal Medial Tibia (via Pes Anserinus)?
Sartorius, Gracilis, and Semitendinosus
MQ2- What are the most superficial muscles of the thigh?
Rectus Femoris and Sartorius
MQ2- What is the special function of the Popliteus muscle?
Lateral (External) rotation of the leg to unlock the knee prior to knee flexion
MQ2- Which of the hamstrings is the most medial?
MQ2- What is the function of the Gracilis muscle?
Adduction of the thigh at the hip
MQ2- What muscle(s) share the action of knee flexion and medial (internal) rotation?
Sartorius, Gracilis, Semitendinosus, and Semimembranosus
MQ2- In dealing with knee injuries, what muscle is likely to be the culprit?
Vastus Medialis
MQ2- What are the muscles of the Quadriceps group?
Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Medialis, and Vastus Intermedius
MQ2- T/F: The Popliteus muscle originates on the Linea Aspera of the Femur?
F; Lateral Condyle of the Femur
MQ2- T/F: The actions of Vastus Intermedius are knee extension and moving the knee laterally
F; Vastus Lateralis
MQ2- T/F: The origin of the Rectus Femoris is AIIS and Above the Acetabulum
MQ2- What muscles share a similar origin of the Linea Aspera?
Vastus Medialis, Vastus Lateralis, and Bicep Femoris
MQ2- What muscle(s) are biarticular?
Rectus Femoris (Q), Biceps Femoris (H), Semimembranosus (H), and Semitendinosus (H)
MQ2- T/F: The insertion site for the Semimembranosus m. is the Proximal Medial Tibia via Pes Anserinus
F; Medial Condyle of the Tibia
MQ2- Which of the hamstring muscles have a slightly different function? What?
Biceps Femoris - Lateral (External) Rotation of the leg at the knee joint
MQ2- Of the Quadriceps group, which quad is the deepest?
Vastus Intermedius
MQ2- T/F: The Vastus Lateralis is the only Quadricep muscle to cross 2 joints.
F; Rectus Femoris
MQ2- What makes the insertion of Sartorius, Gracilis, and Semitendinosus different than that of Popliteus?
Gracilis, Sartorius, and Semitendinosus attach to the Proximal Medial Tibia by way of a tendon (Pes Anserinus). Popliteus attaches directly.
MQ2- What muscle has lateral rotation of the thigh at the hip joint as it’s function?