Muscle Innervation and Blood Supply- Back and Lower Extremity Flashcards
Erector Spinae
innervation- dorsal rami of spinal nerves; blood supply- dorsal branches of intercostal, subcostal, lumbar and lateral sacral arteries
innervation- dorsal rami of spinal nerves; blood supply- dorsal branches of intercostal, subcostal, lumbar and lateral sacral arteries
Multifidus and Rotatores
innervation- dorsal rami of spinal nerves; blood supply- dorsal branches of intercostal, subcostal, lumbar and lateral sacral arteries
innervation- femoral nerve & lumbar plexus branches; blood supply- iliolumbar, deep circumflex iliac, femoral & obturator a.
innervation- ventral rami L1-3; blood supply- lumbar, iliolumbar, obturator, external iliac, femoral a.
Rectus Femoris
innervation- femoral nerve; blood supply- femoral, lateral circumflex femoral
innervation- femoral nerve; femoral, lateral circumflex femoral & descending genicular
Tensor Fasciae Latae
innervation- superior gluteal nerve; blood supply- lateral circumflex femoral (ascending), superior gluteal & superficial circumflex iliac a.
Vastus intermedius
innervation- femoral nerve; blood supply- femoral & profunda femoral a.
Vastus lateralis
innervation- femoral nerve; blood supply- lateral circumflex femoral (descending), femoral, & 1st perforating
Vastus medialis
innervation- femoral nerve; blood supply- femoral, profunda femoral & descending genicular a.
Adductor brevis
innervation- obturator nerve; blood supply- profunda femoral, medial circumflex femoral & obturator a.
Adductor longus
innervation- obturator nerve; blood supply- profunda femoral, medial circumflex femoral, femoral & descending genicular a.
Adductor magnus
innervation- obturator nerve; blood supply- femoral, profunda femoral, obturator & descending genicular a.
innervation- obturator nerve; blood supply- profunda femoral & femoral a.
innervation- obturator nerve; blood supply- medial circumflex femoral, femoral & obturator a.
Obturator Externus
innervation- obturator nerve; blood supply- obturator & medial circumflex femoral a.
Gemellus Inferior
innervation- sacral plexus (nerve to the quadratus femoris); blood supply- medial circumflex femoral a.
Gemellus superior
innervation- sacral plexus (nerve to the obturator internus); blood supply- inferior gluteal, internal pudendal
Gluteus maximus
innervation- inferior gluteal nerve; inferior gluteal, superior gluteal, 1st perforating, medial circumflex femoral,
Gluteus medius
innervation- superior gluteal nerve; blood supply- superior gluteal & lateral circumflex femoral (ascending) a.
Gluteus minimis
innervation- superior gluteal nerve; blood supply- superior gluteal & lateral circumflex femoral (ascending) a.
Obturator Internus
innervation- sacral plexus (nerve to the obturator internus); blood supply- obturator & internal pudendal a.
innervation- branches of the lumbosacral plexus; blood supply- lateral sacral, superior gluteal & internal pudendal a.
Quadratus Femoris
innervation- sacral plexus (nerve to the quadratus femoris); blood supply- medial circumflex femoral & inferior gluteal a.
Biceps femoris
innervation- tibial (long head) & peroneal (short head) divisions of the sciatic nerve; blood supply- perforating branches of profunda femoral a., & lateral superior genicular a.
innervation- tibial division of the sciatic nerve; blood supply- perforating branches of profunda femoral a
innervation- tibial division of the sciatic nerve; blood supply- perforating branches of profunda femoral, medial circumflex femoral
Extensor Digitorum Longus
innervation- deep peroneal nerve; blood supply- anterior tibial & perforating branch of the peroneal a.
Extensor Hallucis Longus
innervation- deep peroneal nerve; blood supply- anterior tibial & perforating branch of peroneal a.
Peroneus Tertius
innervation- deep peroneal nerve; blood supply- anterior tibial, perforating branch of peroneal & arcuate a.
Tibialis anterior
innervation- deep peroneal nerve; blood supply- anterior tibial
Perioneus longus
innervation- superficial peroneal nerve; blood supply- anterior tibial, peroneal
Peroneus brevis
innervation- superficial peroneal nerve; blood supply- anterior tibial, peroneal
Flexor digitorum longus
innervation- tibial nerve; blood supply- posterior tibial a.
Flexor hallucis longus
innervation- tibial nerve; blood supply- posterior tibial & peroneal a.
innervation- tibial nerve; blood supply- medial & lateral sural a.
innervation- tibial nerve; blood supply- lateral sural, popliteal & lateral superior genicular a.
innervation- tibial nerve; blood supply- medial & lateral inferior genicular a.
innervation- tibial nerve; blood supply- popliteal, posterior tibial & peroneal a.
Tibialis Posterior
innervation- tibial nerve; blood supply- posterior tibial & peroneal a.
Abductor Digiti Minimi
innervation- lateral plantar nerve; blood supply- lateral plantar
Abductor Hallucis
innervation- medial plantar nerve; blood supply- medial plantar, medial maleollar & 1st plantar metatarsal a.
Adductor Hallucis
innervation- lateral plantar nerve; blood supply- medial plantar, lateral plantar, plantar arch & 4th metatarsal a.
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
innervation- deep peroneal nerve; blood supply- dorsalis pedis & arcuate a.
Extensor Hallucis Brevis
innervation- deep peroneal nerve; blood supply- dorsalis pedis & arcuate a.
Flexor digitorum accessorius
innervation- lateral plantar nerve; blood supply- medial & lateral plantar a. & plantar arch
Flexor digitorum brevis
innervation- medial plantar nerve; blood supply- medial & lateral plantar, & plantar metatarsal a.
Flexor digiti minimi
innervation- lateral plantar nerve; blood supply- lateral plantar
Flexor Hallucis brevis
innervation- medial plantar nerve; blood supply- medial plantar, 1st plantar metatarsal, lateral plantar & plantar arch
innervation- lateral plantar nerve; blood supply- arcuate, lateral & medial tarsal, dorsal metatarsal & dorsal digital a.
innervation- lateral plantar nerve; blood supply- lateral plantar, plantar arch & plantar metatarsal a.
innervation- 1st- medial plantar nerve & 2-4- lateral plantar nerve; blood supply- lateral plantar, plantar arch & plantar metatarsal a.