muscle contraction Flashcards
motor unit
motor neuron + it’s muscle fibers
large fibers - large movement
small - fine movement (eye)
presyn = axon terminal
postsyn = muscle endplate
steps at the NMJ
- Ap conducted into pre-syn terminal
- depolarize pre-syn terminal
- Opening of VG-Ca2+ channels and entry
- fusion of vesicles w membrane - Ach into cleft
- Ach binds receptor on post-syn membrane
- opening of channels on post-syn membrane - Na and K travel down gradient
- generation of EPP
- Ach broken down into coline and acetate - choline back to pre-syn
EEP characteristics
latency - delay from AP –> muscle
graded - size dep on how many vesicles of Ach released
quantal - goes up step by step (each vesicle) - adds up to full potential
decremental conduction - gets smaller further away from end plate
high safety factory (skel muscle) - as long as EPP what it’s supposed to be you will get AP!
decremental conduction
if EEP but NOT AP
at nmj you can still see the EEP but it goes away (still see same strong AP far away)
muscle structure
muscle - fascile - muscle cell (fiber) - myofibrils (in muscle cell covered by SR) - myofibrils - sarcomere (with actin and myosin)
T tubules
formed from invaginations of plasma membrane
sarcoplasmic reticulum cisterna on either side of transverse tubule
skeletal muscle excitation
- AP into T tubules
- VG L-type Ca channel conformational change
- Ca release channel open (mechanically cated, Ca gated)
- mytoplasmic [Ca] increases
Ca DOES NOT MOVE through L-type channels in the T tubules
how do skeletal and cardiac muscle excitation differ
- Ca enters through L type channels
- no mechanical link between L type and SR ca release (80% from SR, 20% from membrane)
- can be modulated
binds to actin and troponin
troponin T
binds to tropomyosin
binds to Calcium
how does troponin work
increased Ca –> binds to TnC –> actomyosin complex formed –> tension increases
E-C coupling in skeletal muscle
muscle action potential
increase in Ca - myoplasm
increase muscle tension
decrease muscle tension
Ca-ATPase - pumps Ca back into SR
primary active transport