Muscle Chart Flashcards
MUSCLE: Masseter JOINT: TMJ ORIGIN: Maxilla and zygomatic arch INSERTION: Angle and ramps of mandible ACTION: Elevates mandible
MUSCLE: Buccinator JOINT: Cheek ORIGIN: Maxilla and mandible INSERTION: Orbicularis Oris ACTION: Compress cheek
MUSCLE: Temporalis JOINT: TMJ ORIGIN: Temporal fossa INSERTION: Coronoid process and ramps of the mandible ACTION: Elevates and retracts mandible
Medial Pterygoid
MUSCLE: Medial Pterygoid JOINT: TMJ ORIGIN: Pterygoid process, palatine bone, and maxilla INSERTION: Ramus and angle of mandible ACTION: Elevates and protracts mandible; moves jaw laterally
Lateral Pterygoid
MUSCLE: Lateral Pterygoid JOINT: TMJ ORIGIN: Greater wing of the sphenoid bone and pterygoid process INSERTION: Mandibular condyle ACTION: Depresses and protracts mandible; moves jaw laterally
Zygomaticus Major
MUSCLE: Zygomaticus Major JOINT: ORIGIN: Zygomatic bone INSERTION: Orbicularis Oris ACTION: Smiling
Orbicularis Oculi
MUSCLE: Orbicularis Oculi JOINT: Eye ORIGIN: Bones of orbit INSERTION: Tissue of eyelid ACTION: Close eye
Orbicularis Oris
MUSCLE: Orbicularis Oris JOINT: Mouth ORIGIN: Fascia surrounding lips INSERTION: Mucosa of lips ACTION: Close lips
Splenius Capitis
MUSCLE: Splenius Capitis JOINT: Neck ORIGIN: Spinous process of C(sub7) and T(sub1)-T(sub3) INSERTION: Superior nuchal line and mastoid process ACTION: Extend and rotate head at neck; Hyperextend neck
Erector Spinae
MUSCLE: Erector Spinae JOINT: Vertebral Column ORIGIN: Ribs, vertebrae, sacrum, and ilium INSERTION: Ribs, vertebrae, skull ACTION: Extension of vertebral column
MUSCLE: Sternocleidomastoid JOINT: Neck ORIGIN: Sternum and Clavicle INSERTION: Mastoid process of the temporal bone and superior nuchal line ACTION: Flexes head bilaterally; rotates head unilaterally
Serratus Anterior
MUSCLE: Serratus Anterior JOINT: Scapula ORIGIN: First 8-9 ribs INSERTION: Vertebral or medial border of the scapula ACTION: Pulls shoulder forward; Abducts and rotates it forward
Pectoralis Minor
MUSCLE: Pectoralis Minor JOINT: Scapula ORIGIN: Ribs 3-5 INSERTION: Coracoid process of the scapula ACTION: Depress shoulder; Draws shoulders forward
MUSCLE: Trapezius JOINT: Scapula ORIGIN: Occipital bone, spines of C7-T12 INSERTION: Clavicle and spine of scapula ACTION: Elevates, adducts, and depresses scapula
Levator Scapulae
MUSCLE: Levator Scapulae JOINT: Scapula ORIGIN: First 3-4 Cervical Vertebrae INSERTION: Superior angle of scapula ACTION: Elevates scapula
Rhomboideus Major
MUSCLE: Rhomboideus Major JOINT: Scapula ORIGIN: Spines of T2-T5 INSERTION: Vertebral or medial border of scapula ACTION: Elevates and adducts scapula
Rhomboideus Minor
MUSCLE: Rhomboideus Minor JOINT: Scapula ORIGIN: Spines of C7 and T1 INSERTION: Vertebral or medial border of scapula ACTION: Elevates and adducts scapula
MUSCLE: Supraspinatus JOINT: Shoulder ORIGIN: Supraspinous fossa of scapula INSERTION: Greater tubercle of humerus ACTION: Abducts arm; slight lateral rotation
MUSCLE: Infraspinatus JOINT: Shoulder ORIGIN: Infraspinous fossa of scapula INSERTION: Greater tubercle of humerus ACTION: Rotates humerus laterally, slight adduction
Teres Major
MUSCLE: Teres Major JOINT: Scapula ORIGIN: Inferior angle of scapula INSERTION: Proximal end of humerus ACTION: Extends, adducts and medially rotates humerus
Teres Minor
MUSCLE: Teres Minor JOINT: Scapula ORIGIN: Axillary border of scapula INSERTION: Proximal end of humerus ACTION: Adducts and laterally rotates humerus
MUSCLE: Coracobrachialis JOINT: Scapula ORIGIN: Coracoid process of scapula INSERTION: Middle medial border of humerus ACTION: Flexes and adducts arm
MUSCLE: Deltoid JOINT: Lateral Shoulder ORIGIN: Clavicle and spine of scapula INSERTION: Deltoid tuberosity of humerus ACTION: Flexes, extends, and abducts arm
Pectoralis Major
MUSCLE: Pectoralis Major JOINT: Shoulder ORIGIN: Clavicle, Sternum, Costal Cartilage, True Ribs INSERTION: Anterior aspect of proximal end of humerus ACTION: Flexes, adducts and medially rotates humerus
Latissimus Dorsi
MUSCLE: Latissimus Dorsi JOINT: Shoulder ORIGIN: Spinous Processes of T6 - L5, Iliac Crest, Last 3 ribs INSERTION: Intertubercular groove of humerus ACTION: Extends, adducts and medially rotates humerus
Triceps Brachii
MUSCLE: Triceps Brachii JOINT: Elbow ORIGIN: Scapula near glenoid fossa and proximal humerus INSERTION: Olecranon process of ulna ACTION: Extends elbow
MUSCLE: Brachialis JOINT: Elbow ORIGIN: Anterior surface of humerus INSERTION: Coronoid process and tuberosity of ulna ACTION: Flexes elbow
Biceps Brachii
MUSCLE: Biceps Brachii JOINT: Elbow ORIGIN: Scapula near glenoid fossa and coracoid process INSERTION: Radial tuberosity ACTION: Flexes elbow; Supinates forearm
MUSCLE: Brachioradialis JOINT: Elbow ORIGIN: Distal end of humerus INSERTION: Styloid process of radius ACTION: Flexes elbow
MUSCLE: Supinator JOINT: Elbow ORIGIN: Lateral epicondyle of humerus INSERTION: Proximal radius ACTION: Supinates Forearm
Pronator Teres
MUSCLE: Pronator Teres JOINT: Elbow ORIGIN: Medial epicondyle of humerus and Coronoid process of ulna INSERTION: Lateral surface of middle of radius ACTION: Pronates forearm
Flexor Group
MUSCLE: Flexor Group JOINT: Wrist ORIGIN: Humerus INSERTION: Metacarpals ACTION: Flexes hand at wrist
Extensor Group
MUSCLE: Extensor Group JOINT: Wrist ORIGIN: Humerus INSERTION: Metacarpals ACTION: Extends hand at wrist
Palmaris Longus
MUSCLE: Palmaris Longus JOINT: Elbow ORIGIN: Medial epicondyle of humerus INSERTION: *Radial tuberosity or *Palmar aponeurosis ACTION: Flexes elbow; flexes wrist
External Intercostals
MUSCLE: External Intercostals JOINT: Ribs ORIGIN: Inferior border of rib above INSERTION: Superior border of rib below ACTION: Elevates ribs
Internal Intercostals
MUSCLE: Internal Intercostals JOINT: Ribs ORIGIN: Superior border of rib below INSERTION: Inferior border of rib above ACTION: Depresses ribs
MUSCLE: Diaphragm JOINT: Ribs ORIGIN: Xiphoid process, Last 6 ribs, Lumbar vertebrae INSERTION: Central tendon ACTION: Increases vertical dimension of the thorax
Rectus Abdominis
MUSCLE: Rectus Abdominis JOINT: Spine ORIGIN: Pubic crest INSERTION: Xiphoid process, cartilage of ribs 5-7 ACTION: Flexes spine; compress abdomen
External Abdominal Oblique
MUSCLE: External Abdominal Oblique JOINT: Spine ORIGIN: Lower 8 ribs INSERTION: Linea Alba and Iliac Crest ACTION: Flexes and rotates spine; compress abdomen
Internal Abdominal Oblique
MUSCLE: Internal Abdominal Oblique JOINT: Spine ORIGIN: Iliac Crest and Lumbodorsal fascia INSERTION: Linea Alba and Lower 4 ribs ACTION: Flexes and rotates spine; compress abdomen
Transverse Abdominis
MUSCLE: Transverse Abdominis JOINT: Abdomen ORIGIN: Last 6 ribs, Iliac Crest, Lumbar fascia INSERTION: Linea Alba and Pubic Crest ACTION: Compress abdomen
Gluteus Maximus
MUSCLE: Gluteus Maximus JOINT: Hip ORIGIN: Iliac Crest, Sacrum, Coccyx INSERTION: Iliotibial tract of fascia later and gluteal tuberosity ACTION: Extends, abducts and rotates femur laterally
Gluteus Medius
MUSCLE: Gluteus Medius JOINT: Hip ORIGIN: Ilium INSERTION: Greater trochanter of femur ACTION: Abducts and rotates femur medially
Gluteus Minimus
MUSCLE: Gluteus Minimus JOINT: Hip ORIGIN: Ilium INSERTION: Greater trochanter of femur ACTION: Abducts and rotates femur medially
Tensor Fascia Latae
MUSCLE: Tensor Fascia Latae JOINT: Hip ORIGIN: Iliac Crest INSERTION: Iliotbial tract of fascia latae ACTION: Flexes and abducts femur
Adductor Longus
MUSCLE: Adductor Longus JOINT: Inner Thigh ORIGIN: Anterior pubic bone INSERTION: Femur ACTION: Flexes and adducts femur
Iliopsoas - Psoas Major
MUSCLE: Iliopsoas - Psoas Major JOINT: Hip ORIGIN: Transverse processes and body of lumbar vartebrae INSERTION: Lesses trochanter of femur ACTION: Flexes hip joint; flexes vertebral column
Iliopsoas - Iliacus
MUSCLE: Iliopsoas - Iliacus JOINT: Hip ORIGIN: Iliac Crest and Iliac fossa INSERTION: Tendon of Psoas Major ACTION: Flexes hip joint
MUSCLE: Pectineus JOINT: Inner thigh ORIGIN: Pubic bone INSERTION: Medial aspect of femur ACTION: Flexes, adducts and rotates thigh medially
Biceps Femoris (Hamstring)
MUSCLE: Biceps Femoris (Hamstring) JOINT: Knee/Hip ORIGIN: Ischial tuberosity & femur INSERTION: Head of fibula and Lateral condyle of tibia ACTION: Flexes knee; extends thigh
Semitendinosus (Hamstring)
MUSCLE: Semitendinosus (Hamstring) JOINT: Knee / Hip ORIGIN: Ischial tuberosity INSERTION: Medial condyle and shaft of tibia ACTION: Flexes knee; extends thigh