multivariate Flashcards
-Facets: effective at comparing categories within a single measure for multiple
‒ Area charts: powerful for adding detail to other visualizations (not effective on their
own – only supplemental)
‒ Bullet graphs: show where your data is clustered
‒ Gantt charts: presents a continuous evolution of your data points
‒ Heat maps (density maps): use to show a trend for visual clusters of data
‒ Line chart (if measured over time)
area chart
- The area chart is a combination between a line graph and a stacked bar chart
It shows relative proportions of totals or percentage relationships
‒ By stacking the volume beneath the line, the chart shows a total of the fields as well
as their relative size to each other
A bullet graph is a variation of a bar graph to compare one value, represented
by a horizontal bar, to another value, represented by a vertical line
‒ It is similar to a standard bar graph except that there is a distribution showing
progress towards a goal behind the bar
‒ It can be used to compare data (one measure) against historical performance or pre-
assigned thresholds (another measure)
‒ The graph can be presented either horizontally or vertically
Right-click on the y-axis, and select Swap Reference Line Fields
‒ The roles of profit and sales are no switched (not really useful here undo(!)
basically compare x to y
Heat map: a graphical representation of data in two dimension that uses a
system of color-coding to represent different values
A treemap is a visualization that can display a large amount of hierarchical data
using nested rectangles of varying size and color
need TIMEA line chart connects individual
numeric data points
‒ Visualize a sequence of values
A line chart showcases trends in your
data over a period of time
PIE CHARTS< WEdes should be liited to 6