Multiple choice questions and answers Flashcards
Which of the following vowel patterns is most inconsistent in its pronunciation?
ea because this example has more than one pronunication such as ea in dream,(long e) or dread (short e sound)
A 2nd grader is unable to blend phonemes in to a word that is said aloud by the teacher. ex; after hearing /c/ /a/ /t/: the child says: kitten. what does this suggest to the teacher for instruction?
The students needs more instruction in phonemic awareness including formal and explicit reading instruction.
-phonemic blending is a skill a student should possess by age six or 1st grade. The teacher needs to assess the studetn’s phonemic awareness to determine areas of weakness and remediate as needed. even though in 2nd grade this skill is not yet mastered.
IN a multiple choice exercise, a student, who speaks a 2nd lang. at home is asked to identify the word that matches a picture of a throne: a/ thrown, b/ throne c/ throwne
the student chose A but doesn’t understand why it is marked as incorrect. What could this error suggest to the teacher for further instruction:
This student is confusing homophones, and the teacher can provide individualized instruction to help the student differientiate between words that sound the same.
-the teacher should recognize that this student needs additional individualized instruction to clarify these words.
while teaching an art lesson the teacher walks around the room to observe the children’s paintings. Ray holds up his painting and exclaims, “this tree was made by me” next Sam holds up her painting and says “i make it” Nicole eagerly holds her painting and says “ i paint my hands” and dave shows his painting and says “me paint”
based on lang. developmt. and the understanding of syntax which response most closely exhitbits the speech pattern of a 5 year old?
This tree was made by me, a five year old has the ability to combine words into phrases and sentences. Children beging to rehearse lang. long before they ever attend school. however the correct use of syntax and verbal constructions because this phrase will not occur until the child is aobut 4 -5 years.
A 2 year old child points to his favorite book and says: “book”. which of the following responses by a mother represents the best method to help this child develop linguisticially correct speech patterns?
Speaking naturally, “yes this is your favorite book called Goodnight Moon.
-Strategies that help to improve a child’s natural ability to speak liguisitcally correct English include: 1/ recasting-rephrasing what the child as said in a diff. way, 2/ expanding- restating in a liguistically correct form, 3/ labeling- identifying what is said and 4/ echoing- repeating the one or two word sentences the child has said.
these help to imporve lang. patterns and must be a nutrual extension of how parents respond to children.
a 1st grade teacher plans a mid year reading lesson for a class with many ELL from diverse sociocultural backgrounds. which of the following should the teacher consider first before preparing her lesson?
Preparing a portfolio for each child with strategies for individual instructional needs
- b/c in a well balanced reading program the teacher must provide reading materials to meet the reading level of all students in the class. to develop materials that help children become skilled readers the teacher must first develop and prepare individual student portfolios that diagnose and meet the individual needs.
a 4th grade teacher is working with a student who is trying to decode the word UPSETTING. based on the above conversation this student would most clearly benefit from:
explicit instruction and guided practice decoding multisyllabic words.
b/c the student is having trouble reading the whole word not just the beginning and end.
-explicit and systematic instruction is beneficial for children who are having difficulty learning to read b/c it teaches the student a logical and sequential relationship of letters and sounds.
The part of the word SYNCHRONOUS that means time is:
- comes from the word chronos which means :time.the word synchronous is an adj. describing evnets that happen or states that exist at the same time.
During a history lesson, a 4th grade classroom requests that students submit a writing sample abou what it must be like to a be a child of immigrants coming to the united states. one student submits the following writing sample:
When my dad came, he did not speek English b/c he was born in a diffirent country called Guatemala. No one could understand him b/c of his axcent. He was a good elctrichen I think my dad is amazzing.
in analyzing the student’s spelling errors, how should the teacher begin to interpret the students’ spelling developmt, and how might the teacher plan for further spelling instruction?
The teacher should identify the misspelled words in this students writing sample and should add this sample to other samples of this student’s work for further info. about this student’s spelling development the teacher should administer a spelling inventory and analyze the results. this would provide her with more info. on which to base word study lessons for her class.
a 1st grader teacher notices that a student is struggling with reading. he is in the lowest achieving reading group, and although the teacher has tried some strategies to improve his reading he is making minimal progress. what are the next steps the teacher should take in working with this student?
assess his reading and target instruction to meet identified skill needs. in addition, keep anecdotal records of reading behavior and communicate with parents to gain assistance.
-first step is to diagnose and assess reading ability, while maintaining records of their behavior. this will help the teacher id skill needs and develop explicit strategies for intervention.
which of the following sentences is incorrect?
The committee gave awards to my sister and I.
- improper use of a pronoun
- b/c the pronouns I and me are often misused. when the pronoun is the subject of a verb (called subjective or nominative) you should use I. When the pronoun is the object of a preposition as in this case you should use me. to test your answer, simply read the sentence with the prooun object silently. ex: The committee gave awards to I and after reading this to yourself, you should quickly understand that the pronoun me sounds better than I.
Which of the following sentences contains an error in diction?
Talia’s speeches usually have a persuasive affect on her audience.
-error in diction which refers to improper word usage- when to use between or among, allusion or illusion, invoke or evoke etc…
which on of the following paired writing techniques best describes the discovery process in writing an effective essay.
invention and prewriting
-b/c here you are determining which process that a writer uses to gather and discover ideas. this is the first step in the writing process. the older term for the idea discovering process is invention. the term more often used today is prewriting. prewriting is the initial brainstorming step in which a writer gether ideas and examples.
Philip is a 7th grader student taking a 40 minute in class essay exam. if phil has managed his time wisely, with 3 or 4 minutes left he should:
proofread his essay, making only minor changes
-b/c 4 to 5 mins. prewriting
-then phil would have had 30 mins actual writing,
and the last 4 -5 mins proofreading to correct minor errors
arrange the four sentences in the most coherent order: 1-4 #1 The effect of the pill will not change. #2 Otherwise you might take the wrong pill or take a pill at the wrong time. #3 If you are taking several pills, be sure to pay close attention to the change in shape or color. #4 Changing from brand name medicine to a generic, you may find that the pill is a diff shape or diff. color.
answer: = 4, 1, 3, 2
- #1 follows #4 b/c #4 speaks of a change, and #1 begins with comments on somethng that will remain unchanged. #2 which begins wth Otherwise, which follows #3 which begins with If. and the sentence pair #3 and #2 logically follows the pair 4 and 1.
REad the passage below and answer the 2 questions that follow:
1 The fund raising practices of the political parties in this country are clearly out of control. #2 A previously undisclosed transcript has revealed that richard nixion secret white house sluch fund, which was used to silence the watergate burglars, came from illegally donated campaign money. #3 After Nixon resigned his sucessor Gerald Ford pardoned him. #4 Gerald Ford has joined presidents Carter and Bush in urging campaign funding reforms. #5 Recent hearings have shown all too clearly that both parties have been guilty of highly questionable fund raising practices. #6 Unless laws are changed, the shoddy practices of the last 30 years will undoubetedly continue.
Which of the following sentences is hte least relevant to the main idea of this paragraph?
Sentence #3 b/c the paragraph is about campaign financing and the need for reform. all the other references to former presidents are relevant to this issue, but ford’s pardon of nixon is not.
Which one of the following sentences expresses a matter of opinion rather than a fact?
Sentence #1- the assertion that fund raising practices are out of control is the opinion of the author. There is some evidence to support this opinion, but it clearly reflects the author’s point of view and is not based on fact. The other sentences are merely stating facts.
In most dictionaries, the explanation of the meaning of pronunciation symbols is usually found:
at the bottom of each page
- most dictionaries repeat the explanation of the pronunciation symbols at the bottom of every page so the reader can look from the word to the bottom of the page without having to look elsewhere in the book.
Identify the correct type of publication for the bibliographical notation below:
a book
-to answer this question you must be familiar with citation styles as : Modern Lang. Assco., Chicago Manual and American Psychological assoc. using chicago style, as illustrated above, the bibliographical notation refers to a book.
A 7th grader english teacher asks her class to do a report on a current famous actor. The report is due the next day.
#1- tabloid- to get the latest scoop #2- internet search engine- to get background info. and a list of movies #3- encyclopedia- to find info about the actor #4 - screen actors directory- to find the actors agent
which of the following would be most helpful in getting useful info. quickly?
Line 2- the internet would be the most helpful b/c the student could acquire a great deal of info. quickly.
Einstein, Albert, Meaning of Relativity. 5th edition, 1956 Princeton university press, pp. 26-29
The above is probably an example taken from the bibliography of a :
Student’s term paper
read the poem below: then answer the question that follows:
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may:
old time is still a-flying
And this same flower that smiles today
tomorrow will be dying.
The figure used in the third line of the poem is an example of:
- this gives human qualities to an inanimate object. here the flower is given the human ability to smile.
All of the following words or phrases could be used to define the word “persona” except:
-(hero or heroine) is one of hte main characters of a literary work and is usually in conflict with the antagonist (villian).
The point in a plot that is called the climax refers to the:
turning point of the story
-the point in a plot where there is a rising action, and in which a conflict takes a decisive turn is its climax. followed by falling action.
A ballad
is a narrative poem that tells a story and was written to be sung.
-Try to remember the ballads you know and recall the names or techniques associated with them. a ballad is a poem that tells a story and origninally was written to be sung. the lang of a a ballad is simple. it is a folk poem not the product of sophisticated writers.
Once I passed thru a populous city imprinting my brain for future use with its shows, architectures, customs, traditions, yet now of all that city i remember only a woman i casually met there who detained me for love of me. day by day and night by night we were together– all else has long been forgotten by me.
the passage above is an example of:
free verse
- this is an example of free verse
- does not have a regular metrical pattern
- these lines lack regular meter, there are more rhymthic than most prose.
In literary criticism, which of the following best describes an omniscient point of view?
The author’s ability to comment on the thoughts of the characters and the meaning of the action in a story.
- an omniscient point of view: is a way of telling a story that allows the author to enter the minds of his or her characters. it is a vantage point form which the narrator can see, know, and report whatever he or she chooses.
- this can either be in 1st or 3rd person
- the author is free to comment on the inner thoughts of characters while developing external details.
The quiet child is one of our concern today. Our philosophy about children and speaking in the classroom has flip flopped. Today we are interested in what Ruth strickland implies when he refers to the idea of “freeing the child to talk”Which of the follwoing is implied by this passage?
- Teachers in the past have preferred quiet and reticent students
- the final sentence in the passage expresses an interest in and appreciation for talking children, thus implying that the flip flop is a change from the past preference for quiet children.
what is the tone of the passage?
-Authors frequently make use of tone to communicate in writing what is similiar to verbal communication thru facial expressions and voice inflections. it is not what is written rather how it is written that sets the tone. The passage provides information.
Use the passage below from, “ the notorious jumping from of calaveras county, by mark twain, to answer the questin that follows:
“ Maybe you don’t”, Smiley says. “Maybe you understand frogs and maybe you don’t understand ‘em maybe you have had experience, and maybe you aint only a amature, as it were. anyways, i have got my opinion and ill resk forty dollars that he can outjump any frog in calaveras county”
the slang and spelling erros in the preceding passafe indicate which of the following:
- the rustic setting is emphasized
- twain used colloquial lang. to enhance the rustic setting essential to the battle of wits between sharper and bumpkin
From Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by lewis caroll,
The executioners argument was that you couldn’t cut off a head unless there was a body to cut it off from.. The kings argumentwas that anything that had a head could be beheaded and that you werent to talk nonsense. The queens argument was that if something wasnt done about it in less than not time, shed have everybody executed all around.
The discussion above about the cheshire cat shows the authors delight in:
- Lewis caroll was an english mathematician whose delight in logic led him to write humorous poems and novels which carry every point to a logical and very funny extreme. in the passage, the three arguments make a sort of ridiculous sense.