Multimedia Flashcards
Which color model is used by commercial printers to create color separations?
Combining selections from different images is called
What is the direction in which an image appears on the page?
Which Creative Commons license lets your work be distributed, modified, or enhanced, with credit to you, for noncommercial purposes only?
Non-commercial / NC
By default, transparent areas of an image have what as display on the layers panel?
Checkerboard Display
Hidden in with the Patch tool and the Healing Brush tool can select what tool and drag it over and red eye in an image and the ye will automatically be corrected?
Red eye tool
Where can you find the tools you need to add color to a photo?
Which slider should you use to change the brightness of a picture?
Which mode displays up to 256 shades of gray?
Bitmap mode
Which tool would be the best choice for making a selection in a photo that is very crisp and clear?
Polygonal lasso tool
What can smart guides help you to do?
Resize, rotate, and apply effects without affecting the original image.
What are the steps to flip a selection horizontally?
Select the layer, press CTRL+T, then right click and choose flip horizontal.
What does the healing brush allow you to do?
Fix imperfections and make them disappear into the surrounding image.
Which color mode is used in the commercial four-color printing process?
The strength or purity of a color is called?
What tool should you use to drag the selection to the image of the penguin?
Quick selection tool
Which tool can be used to take a sample of an existing color?
Eye drop tool
Which ruler of measurement makes it easiest to make small adjustments?
The Layers panel includes what kind of layers?
Background, image, type, adjustment, shapes, etc…
The purity of a particular color is called?
You have been experimenting a lot with applying more than one filter at a time, but you aren’t worried about keeping track of what you have or haven’t tried because you know you can always check what panel?
History panel