Multi-Store Model Flashcards
Who founded the Multi-Store Model?
Atkinson & Shiffrin (1968)
What did Atkinson & Shiffrin suggest about the MSM?
There’s 3 unitary stores with their own capacity and duration
What is the order of processing according to the MSM?
- Info detected by sense organs and enter SR
- If attention, info in SR goes to Short Term Memory
- Information moves from Short Term Memory to LTM with rehearsal
- Info must be transferred back to Short Term Memory first for retrieval
What is maintenance rehearsal?
Mentally repeating material - moves info from Short Term Memory to Long Term Memory
What is elaborate rehearsal?
Give material some kind of meaning
What is the coding for the sensory register?
Modality specific
Gustatory - tasting
Echoic - hearing
Olfactory - smelling
Haptic - touching
Iconic - seeing
What is the duration for the sensory register?
1/4 second
What is the capacity for the sensory register?
Unlimited / very large
Who tested for the Sensory Register?
Sperling (1960)
What did Sperling (1960) do and find?
Gave participants 3 rows of 4 letters for 0.05s
Participants had to immediately recall whole grid of randomly chosen row by tone
Participants didn’t know which would be picked
Participants recalled 3/4 letters per row
Suggests the whole grid was held in SR
Capacity is large but duration is short
What is the evaluation of Sperling’s study (1960)?
Good control of variables - lab study
Lacks ecological validity
What are the strengths of the Multi-Store Model?
Can explain primacy and recency - Murdoch (1962)
Case studies support that Long Term Memory & Short Term Memory are separate stores
Brain-scanning techniques shows Long Term Memory & Short Term Memory to be separate
What case study supports the Multi-Store Model?
Scoville & Milner (1957) on HM
Removed HM hippocampus to reduce epilepsy
His Short Term Memory was still intact but his Long Term Memory was not
Who performed brain scans to prove the Multi-Store Model?
Beardsley (1977)
Squire et al (1992)
What did Beardsley (1977) find?
Prefrontal cortex active during Short Term Memory but not Long Term Memory tasks