Multi-Store Memory Flashcards
Who developed the multi-store model of memory?
Atkinson and Shiffren
What are the three memory stores in the model?
sensory register—>short term memory—>long term memory
Describe the sensory register store of the multi store model of memory.
It takes information in from the environment via the 5 senses.
How is information encoded in the sensory register store?
Encoding is modality specific- it stores the information in the store that it enters in.
What is the duration of the information stored in the sensory register store?
0.5 seconds
What is the capacity of the sensory register store?
3-5 items
Describe the short term memory store of the multi-store model of memory.
Information that is given attention to in the sensory register moves to the short term memory.
How is information encoded in the short term memory?
Encoding is acoustic
What is the duration of information stored in the short term memory?
18-30 seconds
What is the capacity of the short term memory?
(7+/-2) 5-9 items
Describe the long term memory store of the multi store model of memory.
Information that is rehearsed moves into the long term memory.
How is information encoded in the long term memory?
Encoding is semantic- through meaning.
What is the duration of information stored in the long term memory?
Limitless (must be retrieved or else it will decay and be forgotten)
What is the capacity of the long term memory store?
Limitless (must be retrieved or else it will decay and be forgotten)
Give 2 weaknesses of the multi-store model of memory.
1-Evidence from case studies= HM could learn new skills like the mirror drawing activity, but couldn’t remember learning this. This suggests the LTM is not one single store, but a more complex store with more than one type of LTM
2-Reductionism= Zeignarik(1927) asked pps to complete simple tasks and puzzles and they were better at recalling these tasks if they had not finished completing them rather than if they hadn’t finished. The LTM is more complex.
3-STM and LTM interaction= Evidence that the STM uses information from the LTM. DeGroot(1966) says chess players remember positions of chess pieces as long as they are organised according to the rules of chess- the LTM helps the STM.
4-Low Ecological Validity= Relies on lab experiments with low ecological validity- may not reflect how memory works in the real world. Most of the experiments use the recall of lists of words which is not something we do in everyday life.
Give 2 strengths of the multi-store model of memory.
1-Evidence from case studies= HM could use his STM in various psychological tests, but could not transfer this to his LTM. CW could do tasks using his STM but he could not remember doing any of these things- no LTM.
2-Brain Scanning Techniques= PET and fMRI scans have provided support for the existence of 2 separate memory stores. Squire et al(1993) found that the hippocampus is more active in LTM tasks, whereas the prefrontal cortex is more active during the STM tasks.
3-Serial Position Effect= Glanzer and Cunitz(1966) found that when given a list of words to remember, participants were more likely to remember the words at the start and end of the list- primacy and decency effect.
4-Laboratory Experiment= High degree of scientific credibility as they are highly controlled and replicable. Eg Baddeley(1966b), Sperling, Miller, Bahrick et al, Brady et al and Petersons. They all show that STM and LTM are different in terms of encoding, capacity, duration and supports MSMM view that these 3 memory stores are seperate and independent.
Who is HM and what happened to him?
What were the effects on his STM and LTM?
He had severe epilepsy after a bike accident as a child- a doctor decided to remove his hippocampus to see if it would cure his epilepsy but it removed his LTM.
Intelligence was unimpaired and personality unchanged.
STM was working the same as the control groups- duration 20 seconds.
His LTM was severely affected- he could not make any new memories of events or people following the surgery. He also couldn’t remember any facts or information about the world around him.
How does HM’s case both support and challenge the multi-store model of memory?
It supports the STM and LTM as they must both be different stores.
But, part of his LTM still worked (procedural memory)- he could still learn new motor skills such as drawing a picture from a reflection in a mirror, even though he had no memory of learning the new skill.
So- MSM also challenged as not complete as its not a complete explanation of memory.
What is the evidence for the sensory register from Sperlings 1960 study?
-Showed pps a visual array for 0.5 seconds.
-Pps asked to recall the letters.
-When asked to recall specific row, pps recalled 75percent of letters in cued row compared to 33percent when recalling them all.
-Concluded the improved memory was due to the fewer digits they needed to recall.
-This shows limited capacity and duration of sensory register.
What is the evidence for the short term memory store from Millers 1957 study?
-Noticed we remember things in groups 7.
-Pps we’re given an immediately recall digit span test and on average they could recall between 5 and 9 digits.
-Supports MSM claim that the STM has a capacity of 7+/-2.
What is evidence for the short term memory store from Peterson and Petersons 1959 study?
-Showed pps trigrams and asked them to recall them, but they blocked rehearsal by getting pps to do an interference task like counting backwards in 3s (54,51,48).
-When asked to recall trigrams, they found correct recall of trigrams dropped between 15-18 seconds.
-Supports that without rehearsal, decay occurs in STM within 30 seconds.
What is evidence for the short term memory store from Baddeleys 1966 study?
-Found it is more difficult to recall similar sounding words and letters (mad,cad, mat,cap) compared to letters that are different to each other (pen,sup,cow, day).
-However, effect doesn’t occur for memory of words that are semantically similar.
-Supports idea that STM uses acoustic encoding for storage.
What is the evidence for the long term memory store from Bahrick Et Als 1975 study?
-Found that identification of names from a high school year book remained accurate for up to 48 years
-Supports LTM can store information indefinitely.
What is the evidence for the long term memory store from Brady Et Als 2008 study?
—Showed pps 2500 objects over 5.5 hours.
-Then shown the he original object paired with a very different type of object they had not seen.
-Pps we’re able to correctly identify which object they had seen in 92percent of cases.
-Shows LTM can successfully hold thousands of images.