MUED 6440 Ch. 8 Flashcards
Statistical technique that, using regression analysis, examines patterns of intercorrelations among variables in order to determine if they fit the researcher’s underlying theory of which variables are causing which other variables
Causal modeling
Arrows in a path analysis diagram; often labeled with the associated path coefficients
Causal paths
The residual term in causal modeling
Disturbance term
The variable being explained by a causal model; that is, having its variance explained by other variables included in the model; also referred to as the dependent variable
Endogenous variable
A variable not being explained by a causal model, whose variance is accounted for by other variables outside the model; also referred to as the independent variable
Exogenous variable
An effect that occurs when a variable affects an endogenous variable through its effect on some other variable
Indirect effect
A variable that affects the relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable
Intervening variable
A variable that is not directly observed but is rather inferred through a mathematical model from other variables that are observed
Latent variable
A method of analyzing correlations among a set of variables in order to examine the pattern of causal relationships; usually depicted with a path diagram including arrows showing the direction of causation among variables
Path analysis
The standardized regression coefficients associated with causal paths in a causal model; also called structural coefficients
Path coefficients
Process that results in the reproduced correlations in a path analysis; the reproduced correlations are equal to the produce of all coefficients in a given path; also called path tracing
Path decomposition
A pictorial representation of a causal model, showing the direction of causation and associated path coefficients
Path diagram
Process that results in the reproduced correlations in a path analysis; the reproduced correlations are equal to the produce of all coefficients in a given path; also called path decomposition
Path tracing
The correlation matrix produced from the factor solution or from the theoretical model in path analysis
Reproduced correlations matrix
Causal effect between two variables that is largely due to a common third variable
Spurious effects
The standardized regression coefficients associated with causal paths in a causal model; also called path coefficients
Structural coefficients
An assumed causal model, when stated as an equation; typically stated in its standardized form
Structural equation
Sophisticated version of path analysis incorporating unobservable, unmeasurable (latent) variables into the path model
Structural equation modeling