MUED 6440 Ch. 2 Flashcards
A statistical technique that is used to determine the existence of relationships between two different variables (i.e., X and Y). It shows how much X will change when there is a change in Y
Bivariate correlation
Analysis of two variables to establish the strength of the relationship between them; the two variables are frequently denoted as X and Y, with one being an independent variable (or explanatory variable), while the other is a dependent variable (or outcome variable)
Bivariate regression
A discrete variable with only two possible values
Dichotomous variable
A technique used to analyze data when the DV is categorical and the IV is interval
Discriminant analysis
A mathematical model that is created, resulting in the estimation of factors; contrast with principal components analysis
Factor analysis
A test between two or more categorical IVs as it analyzes variation between and within each group while controlling for a covariate
Factorial analysis of covariance (factorial ANCOVA)
A test between two or more categorical IVs as it analyzes variation between and within each group
Factorial analysis of variance (factorial ANOVA)
A test between two or more categorical IVs as it analyzes variation between and within each group and two or more DVs while controlling for a covariate
Factorial multivariate analysis of covariance (factorial MANCOVA)
A test between two or more categorical IVs as it analyzes variation between and within each group and two or more DVs
Factorial multivariate analysis of variance (factorial MANOVA)
A technique used to analyze data when the DV is dichotomous and the IV is interval
Logistic regression
A test that identifies the best combination of predictors (IVs) of the dependent variable
Multiple regression
A test between two or more means as it analyzes variation between and within each group while controlling for a covariate
One-way analysis of covariance (one-way ANCOVA)
A test between two or more means as it analyzes variation between and within each group
One-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA)
A test between two or more means as it analyzes variation between and within each group and two or more DVs while controlling for a covariate
One-way multivariate analysis of covariance (one-way MANCOVA)
A test between two or more means as it analyzes variation between and within each group and two or more DVs
One-way multivariate analysis of variance (one-way MANOVA)
A method of analyzing correlations among a set of variables in order to examine the pattern of causal relationships; usually depicted with a path diagram including arrows showing the direction of causation among variables
Path analysis
Most common for extracting factors in factor analysis; original variables are transformed into a new set of linear combinations by extracting the maximum variance from the data set with each component; results in components; contrast with factor analysis
Principal components analysis
The most basic statistical test that measures group differences
t test