MTS Blue Flashcards
State: The steps in the questioning technique
- Ask
- Pause
- Pick
- Listen
- Emphasize
State: The 10 different instructional methods
- Lesson
- Lecture
- Demonstration
- Role playing
- Case study
- Facilitation
- Blended learning
- Distance learning
- Team dimensional training
- Gaming and simulation
State: The minimum sections of a lesson plan
- Front matter
- Lesson topics
State: The primary materials used in presenting instruction
- Lesson plan
- Instruction sheets
- Instructional media material (IMM)
State: The instructor code of ethics
- If the answer is unknown, admit it
- Keep remarks professional (profanity)
- Maintain rapport with the students
- Treat students with respect
State and Define: The 3 qualities of an efficient and effective instructor
- Knowledge: Be a SME for the instruction or topic being taught.
- Ability: Professional ability to lead, plan, organize, and optimize resources. Must also apply principles, methods, and techniques of instruction.
- Personality: Gain the respect of the students by displaying professionalism, showing sincere interest in the students, and adhere to the instructor code of ethics.
Define: Law of Effect
Define: Law of Primacy
- Law of effect: Involves the emotional reaction of the learner. Learning is more effective when a feeling of satisfaction, pleasantness, or reward as a result of the learning process.
- Law of primacy: The first instructional event will create a long-lasting impression on the learner.
State: The 6 laws of learning
- Law of Readiness
- Law of Exercise
- Law of Effect
- Law of Primacy
- Law of Intensity
- Law of Recency
Define: Instructional Media Material (IMM)
Specially prepared transparency, illustration video tape/DVD, computer based, flash animation, mpeg movie, or slide presentation.
Define: The single most important link in the training chain. Why?
The Instructor
Simplifies learning for the students with varying backgrounds, experiences, and learning styles. Must be able to convey the knowledge in a way each student can understand.
State and Define: The 4 basic learning styles
- Concrete: Experience based approach to learning
- Active: Learn by becoming actively involved with the subject
- Reflective: Observe and reflect. Compare and contrast
- Abstract: Theory based, analytical approach to learning
State and Define: The key principles of applying motivational theory
- Needs and drives: A link of something desirable that creates a desire for satisfaction
- Interests: A person’s view of something being worthwhile
- Attitudes: Feelings for, or against, people or objects
- Values: Student’s attitude and experiences affect the amount they learn. Each person has their own values
- Incentives: Rewards that stimulate student’s motivation.
- Achievements: A strong desire, aim, goal, or objective
State and Define: The 4 responsibilities of an instructor
- Students: Help the students resolve conflicts that may arise from outside influences.
- Security: Be aware of all requirements for the teaching and storage of classified materials.
- (Training) Safety: Safety is paramount at all times. demonstrate proper safety procedures, in addition to teaching the students.
- Curriculum: Know the differences between changes and revisions and how they affect the course of instruction. Know what the surveillance process is.
Define: The ultimate goal of instruction
- Cause students to remain motivated beyond the instructor’s influence.
- Apply what students learned on the job
State: The 7 types of oral questions
- Multiple answer
- Yes/No
- Canvassing
- Leading
- Interest arousing
- Factual
- Thought provoking