MTC Exam III part II Flashcards
histone tails
-19-39 aa N terminal tails extending from globular core
H2A and H2B also have flexible C-terminal tails
H1 phosphorylation: goal, enzyme, residues, etc.
goal: destabilization of a compacted chromatin region (activating)
H1 phosphorylation of Ser and Thr by H1 kinase enzyme. phosphorylate H1s bind HMG proteins instead. now, nucleosome is more accessible
core histone phosphorylation: where, enzymes, goals, etc.
Ser residues. neutralizes histones and promotes interactions with acetyl and methyl transferases
enzymes: MSK1, MSK2, RSK2 (map kinase cascade), IKK2
What enzyme catalyzes the dephosphorylation of a histone?
H1 phosphatase
Histone aceylation. residue? enzyme?
major covalent modification to change histone charge
acelation at the lys residues of histone tails
catalyzed by histone acetyl transferace (HAT)
acetyl group from acetyl CoA
de-acetylation of histones. enzyme(s)? regulation?
HDACs (histone deacetylation enzymes). HDACs regulated by phosphorylation by calmodulin-dependent protein kinases
Sir-2-like HDACs and sirtuins: deacetylation through and NAD-dependent process.
histone methylation: residues? enzymes? methyl donor?
histone tails, esp. H3 and H4, methylated at Lys or Arg.
catalyzed by histone methyltransferases with SAM as the donor.
methylation can occur mutliple times on the same residue: 3X with the lysine residue
General trends in histone methylation and activation vs. inactivation of transcription. how is activation/inactivation mediated?
Arg in H3 is activating
some lyseins on H3 are also activating. In these cases, methylation tends to reduce HDAC access.
But, methylation of H3 Lys 9 and 27 tends to be inactivating (mediated by HP1, which you know removes phosphatases and therefore downregulates transcription)
demethylating enzymes. what do they form?
E-N-methyl lysine demethylase: makes formaldehyde
peptidyl arginine demethylase: mutates arginines to citrullines
Poly(ADP-ribosylation) of histones
where? enzyme? effect?
ADP ribosyl transfered from NAD to a carboxyl group of glutamate or aspartate
catalyzed by poly ADPribosyl polymerase (PARP-1)
coactivator- poly-ADP ribosyl has a negative charge
What enzyme removes poly ADP ribosyl groups from histones?
poly (ADP ribose) glycohydrolase
ubiquitylation of histones: effect, reverse enzyme
mono ubiquitinyation leads to inactivation and silencing
reverse enzyme: E3 ubiqutin ligases
ATP-dependent nucleosome remodeling
what proteins? how do they work?
mechanical work of chromatin remodeling done by ATP-dependent motor proteins like SWI/SNF complex
this has tow actions:
sliding (moving nucleosome along DNA and structural alteration (partial or complete disruption of nucleosome)
CpG island
areas of CpG repeats in DNA of about 1kb in length. oftencoincide with promoter regions of housekeeping genes. In housekeeping genes, they are usually unmethylated; in other genes, they are usually methylated, esp. in L1 and Alu seq.
Rett Syndrome
defect of histone deacetylation
MeCP2 gene mutation (methyl CpG binding protien)
high transcriptional noise
abnormal neuro development
seen exclusively in girls: X-linked, and embryonic lethal in boys
maintenance DNA methytransferases
proteins that are critical for the stable transmission of epigenetic modification pattern from one cell generation to the next
immunodeficiency-centromeric instability facial syndrome (KF)
minor facial deformities, growth retardation, immunodeficiency, and weird chromosomal rearrangements
problem with maintenance DNA methyltransferases.
steps of heterochromatinization (4)
- Repressive factors gather at a silencer and cause deacetylation and/or methylation of H3K9
- HP1 recognizes and binds to nucleosomes methylated at H2K9
- HP1 recruits more methyltransferases, leading to spreading
- we have a condensed heterochromatin!
Prader-Willi: symptoms, inheritance, etc.
symptoms: neonatal hyptonia, hyperphagia (excessive hunger), obesity, hypogonadism, developmental disability
15q11.2 deletion
deletion is of paternal origin (P for paternal and prader willi)
Angelman: symptoms, inheritance, gene
unprovoked laughter, no speech, jerky hand movements, ataxic gait, seizures, hypopigmentation
15q11.2 deletion of the UBE3A gene
maternal origin
uniparental isodisomy vs. uniparental heterodisomy
isodisomy: 2 UPD alleles of same grandparental origin: duplication and transmission of a single chromosome
heterodisomy: 2 UDP alleles have different grandparental origin: both copies of the homologous chromosome of a single parent are transmitted
2 mechanisms for uniparental disomy
- fetrilization of a nullisomatic gamate by a disomatic gamate: requires 2 meiotic non-disjunction
- fetrilization of a disomatic gamate by a normal sperm, followed by trisomy rescue
deformation. examples
caused by mechanical pressure on a developing fetus (breech babies, twins, tumors, abnormal uterus). ex. jouint contractions, hip dislocation, some facial asymmetry
3 types of breech babies
frank: legs up toward head; butt out first
complete: legs near cervix
footling: foot out first