Block III week 1 Flashcards
progenitor cells vs. stem cells
cells that retain the ability to give rise to terminally differentiated cells; stem cells can also regenerate themselves
lateral inhibition
cells compete by sending out inhibitory signals to neighboring cells and alterning their developmental direction
what defines the AP axis?
sperm entry site and site of extrusion of the second polar body. polarity is determined by a region of extra-embryonic tissue called the visceral endoderm, which is at the cranial end
defining the ventral dorsal axis
embryonic face of the ICM in contact with the trophoblastl
definition of the Left/right axis
lefty1 and nodal expression on the left side imparts leftness. important in the formation of the heart tube
situs solitus: where is the heart and how does the small bowel loop?
normal configuration: heart on left, small bowel loops counterclockwise
situs ambiguus symptoms
problems with congenital heart disease, asplenia or polysplenia
homeotic mutants
when one body part develops as if it were a different body part
spacial and temporal colinearity wrt homeobox genes
basically this meanst that homeobox genes are expressed in order both spacially and temporally: 3’ end of the homeobox cluster is expressed FIRST and CRANIALLY; downstream genes are expressed LATER and CAUDALLY
Symptoms and biochemical (not genetic) causes of Angelmans
symptoms: developmental disorders and intellectual disability, lack of speech, laughter, gait disturbance, seizures, hypopigmentation.
missing UBE3A, which codes for E3 that attaches ubiquitin to proteins for degradation. too much developmental noise
Coloboma-renal syndrome
Pax2 mutation. they have off center irises
no iris
associated with cataracts and foveal hypoplasia
Pax6 mutation
ubiquitin pathway
ubiquitin is attached to E1 in an ATP dependent manner. E1 associates with E2 and E3 complex. ubiquitin transferred to the E2/E3 complex. target protein containing a degradation signal is bound to the E2/E3 compled and ubiquitin is added to the target. E1/ubiquitin can then add to this chain. protein is moved to the proteosome.
neurofibromatosis type I (NF1). symptoms
cafe au lait spots, freckingl, neurofibromas, iris nodules and optic gliomas, dysplastic bones
neurofibromatosis type I biochemistry
gene codes for neurofibromin. This is a GTPase activating protein (GAP). GAP inactivates ras-GTP. overly active Ras-GTP leads to a decrease in cell growth control and tumors
diastrophic dysplasia
problem with a sulfate transporter that leads to severe skeletal dysplasia
Noonan syndrome
turner-like phenotype with pulmonic stenosis and developmental delay. caused by a mutation in PTPN11. t his also helps play a role in Ras signaling. it is an example of a kinase/phosphorylase mutation
defective enzyme in SLOS
7 dehydrocholesterol reductase
genetic heterogeneity. an example
multiple genetic causes for the same syndrombe because pathways are interconnected. example is Waardenburg
4 types of waardenburg
Pax 1 and 3 mutations
or MITF, a downstream target of PAX3 important for melanocyte development and neural crest function and chochlear issues.
END3 or ENDRB: survival facotrs for migrating neural crest cells. has neurological consequences
FGF receptor structure
ligand binding domain and 3 immunoglobulin like domains that form loop structures held together by intrachain disulfide bonds between cys residues.
role of heparin sulfate in FGF and FGFR binding
FGFs near the surface bind to heparain S domain.
S domain then binds the lys rich region of the second immunoglobulin like domain on FGFRs. this helps bring FGFs and FGFRs close together
Wha would happen if you lost cys residues in the FGFR?
you wouldn’t see as many intrachain disulfide bonds, so my might see more interchain bonds and a greater affinity for dimerization among FGFRs
What do FGFs do at cranial sutures?
increase osteoblast activity