MT open qs 1 Flashcards
Dilation of lymph vessels in dog is termed?
Lymphangiectasis Intestinalis
Consequences of lymphangiectasis intestinalis
- Leakage of lymphatic content
- Hypoalbuminemia
- Oedema
Lesions of coronavirus in cattle?
Villous atrophy, crypt hyperplasia and necrosis of L. Propria
Clinical sign of coronavirus. In cattle?
Watery yellow diarrhoea
Virus which targets cattle at mainly 4-6 days?
Characteristic clinical sign of Transmissible Gastroenteritis?
Profuse, foul smelling diarrhoea
TGE - Transmissible gastroenteritis in swine is caused by?
Bacterial infection causing proliferative enteritis in characterised by?
Thickening of mm and stationary wrinkles
Mycobacterium bovis in Eq causes?
Proliferative tuberculosis of intestines
Type of tuberculosis that always occurs in Eq and dog?
Bacteria causing necrotic inflammation occurs in which disease?
Swine dysentery
Example of diphteric enteritis
Salmonellosis in pig
Possible causes of thrombosis in Ru (intestinal)
Liver fluke – V portae
Cause of thrombosis in neonates
Inflammation and infection of umbilical vein
Example of causative agent of croupous enteritis?
Herpes virus of duck – duck plague
Definition of croupous enteritis?
Superficial fibrin, mainly small intestine
Clinical sign of acute cat enteritis?
Diarrhoea of undigested food 3 days
What type of inflammation is acute catarrhal enteritis?
Exudative and desquamative
Local ischaemia as a consequence of intestinal thrombosis further causes what?
Hypoxia, local anaerobic glycolysis, inc. acid production, local tissue necrosis.
Cause of thrombosis in EQ?
Strongylus vulgaris in anterior mesenteric artery
ETEC affects swine of which age?
Weaned pigs btw 4-12 weeks (following change in diet)
How does the ETEEC cause oedema?
Toxin production – circulation – fibrinoid necrosis of vessels – inc. vessel permeability
Clinical signs of oedema disease?
Sc oedema, progressive ataxia, recumbency, sudden death
Macroscopic lesions of Oedema disease?
Oedema of eyelids, forehead, belly, elbow and hock joints, throat and ears
Which strains of E coli cause coli septicaemia?
Which species is most susceptible?
- Enteropathogenic and invasive
- Calves (lambs, foals) + Poultry under 4 weeks
Clinical signs of acute coli septicaemia?
Prolonged infection can cause?
Septic shock, depression, no suckling, loose mucoid faeces, death 100%.
Prolonged infection can cause polyarthritis and meningitis.
Typical coli septicaemia lesion in calves?
Fibrinous polyarthritis in hock joint
Which sp. Is affected by coli granulomatosis?
Clostridium perfringins A affects Sus at what age?
5-7 days or 5-8 weeks
Sus infected with Cl perfringens A suffer from what disease?
Superficial necrotising enterocolitis
Birds infected with Cl perfringens A suffer from?
Necrotic, Ulcerative enteritis