MT F7 EI Flashcards
there are many people here
c’è molta gente qui
I have to go now
devo uscire adesso
I am writing
to write
he used to sell it
lo vendeva
there is a message for you
c’è un messaggio per Lei
how long does it take? how much time that it take?
quanto tempo ci vuole?
I sell
how does one say?
come si dice?
it is being sold
si vende?
I am in a hurry I have hurry
ho fretta
to send
I have to go now I have to go away now
devo andarene
how does one say it (lit. it says itself)
come si dice in italiano
why don’t you sell it?
perché non lo vende?
it takes…
ci vuole…
I am leaving I am departing
we have finished studying Italian today
abbiamo finiti di studiare italiano oggi
la gente (singular)
he was selling it
lo vendeva
I have to go myself away
devo andarmene
how do you spell it? how does it write itself?
come si scrive?
will you tell him to send it to me today because I need it
vuole dirgli di mandarmelo oggi perché ne ho bezonio
I am leaving I am going
how do you say it in Italian (lit. how does one say it)
come si dice in italiano
I’m sorry but I cannot wait because it is taking too long and I am in a hurry
mi dispiace ma non posso aspettare perché ci vuole troppo tempo e ho fretta
why don’t you write to me?
perché non mi scrive?
at what time are you going out?
a che ora esce?
many people
molta gente
why don’t you call me?
perché non mi chiama?
I want to know how long it takes because I am in a hurry
voglio sapere quanto tempo ci vuole perché ho fretta
you are selling
I am leaving I am going out
he is selling it
lo vende
it takes a lot of time
ci vuole molto tempo
I am going myself away from it
me ne vado