MT F5 IE Flashcards
sono andato
I went (lit. I am gone)
non volevo dirle
I didn’t want to tell you
dezidero mangiare
I do want to eat
it wouldn’t be
vorrei vederlo
I would like to see it
non avevo (il) tempo di farlo
I didn’t have the time to do it
potrei farlo adesso
I could do it now
vorrei vederlo
I would like to see it
ma non potevo farlo ieri
but I couldn’t do it yesterday
non potevo trovarlo ieri
I couldn’t find it yesterday
siamo arrivate
we arrived (group containing only females)
mi piacerebbe stare qui
it would please me to stay here
volevo farlo
I wanted to do it
a che ora dovrà partire?
at what time will you have to leave?
potrebbe aspettarmi?
could you wait for me?
non potrei vederla stasera
I couldn’t see you tonight
posso farlo
I can do it
to amuse oneself to have fun
a che ora dovrà partire?
at what time will you have to leave?
we are
non pensiamo
we don’t think
deve dirmi
you have to tell me
non la vedo
I don’t see you
la macchina
the car
it will be
voglio dezidero
I want
voglio vederlo
I want to see it
potrei partire
I would be able to leave
ma non era pronto
but it was not ready
the opportunity the occasion
non lo vediamo
we don’t see it
lo vediamo
we see it
specialmente per Lei
specially for you
vorrebbe vederlo?
would you like to see it?
quanto devo?
how much do I owe?
mi divertirei
I would have fun
non potrei farlo così
I couldn’t do it that way
secondo me
according to me as far as I am concerned
sono stato
I stayed (lit.I am stayed)
ero qui ieri sera
I was here yesterday evening
dovrò farlo
I will have to do it
non possiamo vederlo
we cannot see it
ci vediamo
we see ourselves
mi piacerebbe vederlo
I would like to see it
la specialità de la casa
the specialty of the house
doveva farlo
he had to do it
ci divertiremo
we will have a lot of fun
dovremmo partire
we would have to leave
dovremmo farlo
we would have to do it
dovrò comprarlo
I will have to buy it
ci vediamo
we see ourselves
è partita
she left
lo farebbe
he would do it
ho bisogno
I need (lit. I have need)
dovrebbe partire
he would have to leave
lo ho fatto
I did it
lo fa
you are doing it he is doing it
I must
a che ora ci vediamo domani?
at what time shall we meet tomorrow?
la vedo
I see you
dovevo farlo ieri
I had to do it yesterday
spero di partire subito
I expect to leave soon
ho comprato qualcosa per Lei
I bought something for you
penso di partire
I plan on leaving I plan to leave
ci vediamo così
we see ourselves like that
lo faccio
I am doing it
we see
mi piace vederlo
I like to see it
lo farà
he will do it
cosa pensa?
what do you think?
la ho aspettato
I waited for you
ci vediamo
we see each other we meet
potrò partire
I will be able to leave
vorrei avere l’occasione di vederlo la prossima volta
I would like to have the opportunity to see it the next time
devo partire subito
I have to leave soon
tutto era pronto per Lei stasera
everything was ready for you this morning
potrei farlo per Lei domani
I could do it for you tomorrow
non volevo comprarlo
I didn’t want to buy it
to amuse
non ha bisogno di dirmi adesso perché non voglio saperlo
you don’t have to tell me now because I don’t want to know it
una volta
mi diverto
I am having fun I amuse myself
la prossima volta
the next time
deve farlo
you have to do it
to me
to amuse myself
si divertirebbe
you would have fun you would amuse yourself
sarebbe molto interesante e secondo me mi divertirei
it would be very interesting and according to me I would have fun
non ho capito
I didn’t understand
I think
dovrebbe dirmi
you should tell me
lo vediamo
we see it
mi piacerebbe
it would please me
a che ora spera di arrivare?
at what time do you expect to arrive?
you would like
dovrò partire domani
I will have to leave tomorrow
non è possibile farlo adesso
it is not possible to do it now
yourself himself herself itself
ci vedremo
we will meet we will see each other
due volte
twice two times
a che ora ci vedremo domani?
at what time will we meet tomorrow?
non penso
I don’t think
I would like
I could (past)
non posso vederla
I cannot see you
ho bisogno di farlo
I need to do it
dezidero stare qui voglio stare qui
I want to stay here
mi piace vederlo
I like to see it
time (sequence of occasions)
I had
mi divertirò
I will have fun
dovrò partire domani
I will have to leave tomorrow
dovremo partire
we will have to leave
vuole dirmi
would you tell me
ho parlato con Lei
I spoke with him
ho la voglia…
I feel like… (lit. I have the wish)
I had to
secondo Lei
according to you
dezidero vederlo
I do want to see it
quanto tempo pensa di stare?
how long do you plan on staying?
il bisogno
the need
perché non mi ha detto?
why didn’t you tell me?
non lo fa
he is not doing it
mi ha detto
he told me
mi piacerebbe vederlo
I would like to see it
mi piacerebbe molto vederlo
I would very much like to see it
non possiamo vederlo
we cannot see it
potrebbe farlo?
could you do it?
mi dispiace ma non potevo farlo ieri perché ero molto occupato tutta la giornata
I am sorry but I couldn’t do it yesterday because I was very busy all day
la voglia
the desire
potrei farlo
I would be able to do it
non potevo farlo ieri
I couldn’t do it yesterday
non possiamo vederci qui
we cannot see ourselves here
non sarebbe possibile per me stasera
it wouldn’t be possible for me tonight
voglio mangiare
I want to eat
dovrò partire
I will have to leave
devo partire oggi ma non posso
I am supposed to leave today but I cannot
non lo ho fatto
I didn’t do it
dovrei partire domani
I would have to leave tomorrow
us ourselves
ho occupato la casa
I have occupied the house
mi piacerebbe vederlo
it would please me to see it
non ho (il) tempo di farlo adesso
I don’t have the time to do it now
può aspettarmi?
can you wait for me?
siamo arrivati
we arrived (lit. we are arrived)
secondo me ci divertiremmo
according to me we would have a lot of fun
non ha bisogno di farlo
you don’t have to do it
to think
non ho comprato la macchina per Lei
I didn’t buy the car for you
ci divertiremmo
we would enjoy ourselves
dovrei partire
I would have to leave
non possiamo vederci qui
we cannot see ourselves here
può dirmi?
can you tell me?
non ho la voglia di stare qui
I don’t feel like staying here
vorrei stare qui
I would like to stay here
I was
vuole dirmi
will you tell me
you must
I was supposed to
perché non mi ha aspettato
why didn’t you wait for me?
the opportunity
potrei farlo
I could do it
dovrebbe farlo
you would have to do it
voglio divertirmi
I want to have fun
sono partito
I left (lit. I am departed)
mi piacerebbe vederlo
it would please me to see it
potrò farlo la prossima volta
I will be able to do it next time
non volevo dirgli
I didn’t want to tell him
doveva aspettare
he had to wait he was supposed to wait
a che ora ci vediamo domani?
at what time we meet tomorrow? (present tense verb)
to hope
mi piace
I like
la vediamo
we see you
the university
era molto occupata
she was busy
I hope
mi dispiace ma non posso aspettarla adesso perché partirò subito
I am sorry but I cannot wait for you now because I am going to leave soon
sono partita
I left (female)
mi piace vederlo
I like to see it
devo farlo
I have to do it
potrebbe dirmi?
could you tell me?
we see
dovrei comprarlo
I should buy it
time (passing of time)
dovremo farlo
we will have to do it
dovrei comprarlo
I would have to buy it
mi diverto
I am having fun
dovevo farlo
I had to do it
volevo andarci con Lei ieri ma non potevo farlo perché ero molto occupato
I wanted to go there with you yesterday but I couldn’t do it because I was very busy
dovrei farlo
I would have to do it
I will have to
potrei partire domani
I could leave tomorrow