MT A4 IE Flashcards
non mi dire!
don’t tell me! (friend)
non mi direbbe
he wouldn’t tell me
I would have
lo compremo
we will buy it
lo avremmo comprato
we would have bought it
non mi dare!
don’t give me! (friend)
lo farebbe
he would do it
non l’avrei fatto
I wouldn’t have done it
non mi dire ciò che vuoi comprare!
don’t tell me what you want to buy! (friend)
avrei parlato
I would have spoken
non l’avrei fatto
I would have done it
lo comprà
he will buy it
give me! (friend)
sarebbe partito
he would have left
non lo farei adesso
I wouldn’t do it now
non ti avrebbe detto
he wouldn’t have told you (friend)
sarebbe arrivato più presto
he would have arrived earlier
non le avrebbe dito
he wouldn’t have told you
avrei partito
I would have left
lo avrebbe comprato
he would have bought it
non lo fare!
don’t do it! (friend)
non lo farei
I wouldn’t do it
di mi
tell me! (friend)
lo comprerebbe
he would buy it
ha apenna arrivato
he has just arrived
he would leave
non lo farebbero
they wouldn’t do it
lo compremmo
we would buy it
non lo compreremmo perché è troppo caro
we wouldn’t buy it because it is too expensive
mi dica!
tell me!
do it! (friend)
arriverebbe presto
he would arrive soon