MT Flashcards
what percentage of cases of renal failure in the US can be attributed to diabetes?
38 YO female patient presents with a history of photosensitivity, oral ulcers, poly arthritis, anemia, pleuritis, and malar butterfly rash these symptoms are most descriptive of?
hemolytic uremic syndrome is seen primarily in?
causes of acute renal failure include?
- dehydration
- reduced cardiac output
- vascular collapse
which of the following is not a characteristic of Wilm’s tumor?
95% of cases are bilateral
t or f: females are more likely than men to suffer from struvite (MAP) calculi?
t or f : as mentioned in class, some health experts (such as Dr Mercola) feel that it is extremely important and beneficial to monitor patient insulin levels and keep blood insulin levels as low as possible.
acute glomerulonephritis will typically exhibit all of the following:
gross hematuria
t or f: SLE can eventually lead to kidney damage?
the glomerular filtration rate of the kidney is _______
175-180 LITERS/day
t or f: the kidneys typically move 3 cm vertically during deep breathing.
t or f: metabolic oxalate is produced and found in much greater quantities in the human body than oxalate from dietary sources?
fasting blood sugar must be above ____ mg/dl on at leaset two different days to be diagnosed as a diabetic.
a 35 y/o female presents with an abrupt onset of shaking chills, moderate to high fever, tachycardia, constant ache in the loin area, and symptoms of cystitis- frequency, nocturia, urgency, dysuria. her UA indicates leukocytosis. ESR is elevated, heavy pyuria present, bacturiuria, and mild proteinuria. the most likely condition present based on this brief synopsis would be:
which of the following organs are directly involved in the rennin-angiotensin pathway?
insulin that is typically prescribed for diabetic patients in the US is actually derived from
two of the above
t or f: the right kidney, crowded by the liver, is a bit lower than the left kindey.