MSK Upper Flashcards
Pectoralis major
no nerve
Adducts humerus (accessory muscle of breathing)
O: Clavicle and ribs 1-6
I: Upper humerus
Pectoralis minor
no nerve
Protracts scapula (accessory muscle of breathing)
O: Ribs 3-5
I: Scapula
Serratus anterior
no nerve
Protracts scapula (accessory muscle of breathing)
O: Ribs 1-8
I: Scapula
Accessory nerve - 11th CN
Upper: elevates scapula, Middle: retracts, Lower: depresses. Rotates the scapula
O: Skull, cervical and thoracic vertebrae
I: Clavicle and scapula
Latissumus dorsi
Thoracodorsal nerve
Extends scapula, adducts and medially rotates humerus
O: Lower thoracic vertebrae
I: Humerus - upper anterior
Levatator scapulae
Brachial Plexus
Elevates scapula
O: Upper cervical vertebrae
I: Scapula - medial border
Rhomboid major
Brachial Plexus
Retracts scapula
O: C7 and T1
I: Scapula - medial border
Rhomboid minor
Brachial Plexus
Retracts scapula
O: Thoracic vertebrae
I: Scapula - medial border
Axillary nerve
Abduction beyond 20°
O: Clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula
I: Deltoid tuberosity
Teres major
no nerve
Medial rotation and adduction of shoulder
O: Posterior surface and inferior lateral border of scapula
I: Anterior humerus
no nerve
First 20° of abduction
O: Supraspinous fossa
I: Greater tubercle - superior
no nerve
Lateral rotation
O: Infraspinous fossa
I: Greater tubercle - middle
Teres minor
Axillary nerve
Lateral rotation
O: Lateral border of scapula
I: Greater tubercle - inferior
no nerve
Medial rotation
O: Subscapular fossa
I: Lesser tubercle
Triceps brachii
Radial nerve
Extends elbow
O: Long head - infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula, Medial head - posterior humerus (distal to radial groove), Lateral head - posterior humerus (proximal to radial groove)
I: Olecranon of ulna
Biceps brachii
Musculocutaneous nerve
Flexion and supination of the elbow, weak flexor shoulder joint
O: Short head - coracoid process, Long head - supraglenoid tubercle
I: Radial tuberosity
Musculocutaneous nerve
Flexes elbow
O: Distal anterior humerus
I: Ulna tuberosity
Musculocutaneous nerve
Weak flexer of shoulder
O: Coracoid process
I: Medial aspect of middle humerus
Pronator teres
Median nerve
Pronation of wrist
O: Medial epicondyle
I: Lateral surface of radius
Flexor carpi radialis
Median nerve
Flexes and abducts the wrist
O: Medial epicondyle
I: 2nd metacarpal